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Butch the Dogue de Bordeaux
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2 October 2008 - 9:55 pm
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Butch buddy how are you doing

Your bud


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22 August 2008
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3 October 2008 - 1:31 pm
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I am also curious to see how you are doing!  Did you have your next chemo yet?  Tazzie was tired for the first week and is now acting fine but her platelet count and white count both dropped pretty low.  I think I will wait a few extra days until I give her the next dose.  The onclogist said that as long as her values return to acceptable levels that she can have the full dose of carboplatin again.

I hope that you are feelin great!

Pam and Tazzie

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27 July 2008
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3 October 2008 - 8:08 pm
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I, too, have been wondering about Butch!  Annie, I hope you will let us know soon how your pup is doing. 

17 October 2008 - 7:59 am
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I've been overseas since Oct 2nd and not near a computer until today Oct 17.  Butch had his 3rd chemo on Sept 30 and this time we asked for carafate as suggested by Pam and Tazzie.  Can't thank you enough he had no side effects whatsoever this time.  The vets added 1 x 10mg of Metomide 3 times daily, combined with the carafate we had our Butch back he didn't go down like the usual sack of potatoes.  His Neutrophils 6.08, platelets 249, one more chemo to go.  Much to my embarrassment our wonderful dogsitter got him to eat raw food, apparently he loves chicken necks!  I've tried to get him to eat them but maybe I tried too hard?  the dogsitter is very no nonsense, none of this kissing and cuddling stuff.  Eat or don't eat doesn't matter, apparently it works. I gave him raw meat tonight and some chicken necks and he ate them, makes me look like a goose after cooking for him for 3 1/2 years. I've re-named my dogsitter Rita the dog whisperer.

Annie and Butch the raw meat eater..

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18 October 2008 - 12:32 am
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Hi, Annie,

Did you know that if ou join then your messages don't have to wait for moderator approval.  They are posted immediately.  Just thought I'd let cha know.

Your pals, Blazer & Kitty Kimber (Vicki T)

On The Road

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18 October 2008 - 1:09 am
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Annie said:

...apparently he loves chicken necks!

Yum! So did I. Thanks for the update.

Glad to hear the tummy feels better after your treatments. Carafate worked for me to when I switched anti-inflamatory meds. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

18 October 2008 - 2:55 am
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Just to prove that I am a goose, I thought I was a member?  I've got a password..  Where do I sign?

On The Road

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18 October 2008 - 9:05 am
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Annie, we have your user name down down as Butch's Mom. Did you use your password with this name?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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18 October 2008 - 9:16 am
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Annie, you have a great sense of humor!  "Rita the Dog Whisperer" and you're not a goose!  I just kept coming back to read your update and it kept saying it was waiting for "moderator approval", so I thought I would mention that you might want to join so we could get your throughts and ideas sooner.  Gosh, it is great to hear that Butch is eating the raw diet and he's doing well with the carafate.

Your pals, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Vicki T

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22 August 2008
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19 October 2008 - 3:08 am
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I'm so glad that Butch is doing well!  Only 1 more dose of chemo to go!  Tazzie's oncologist suggested repeat chest xrays after the third chemo dose.  I'm curious to see what your doctor recommends.

Pam and Tazzie

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26 January 2008
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19 October 2008 - 6:24 am
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Our vet Andre swears by chicken and turkey necks as the best source of protein for dogs. Lalla wasn't into raw food, but boy did she go for 'em after they were cooked. And smelly. Well done Butch, Goose and Rita the dog whisperer.

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19 October 2008 - 8:18 am
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ok password re set the goose should look more like a member now..  I fed Butch chook necks again tonight (with a light sprinkling of bbq chicken breast mixed in, old habits die hard) he scoffed it.  Unusual for Butch he usually eats very slowly, likes for the other dogs to have eaten their dinner and start sniffing around his, he then barks at them and eats his dinner. 

I will ask my vet for a chest x-ray Pam rather than wait, learnt my lesson with the Carafate.  He has chiro and acupuncture booked in for this week and is also due for his last chemo.  I think I'd rather the chiro and acupuncture appointment first and the chemo can wait a week.  Think this will do any harm?

Butch and Goose 


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19 October 2008 - 12:21 pm
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It shouldn't hurt to delay chemo by up to 1 week, and the acupuncture will probably make him feel better.

Pam and Tazzie

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21 October 2008 - 6:18 am
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I went to the chiropractor with Butch today. This vet is also a vet who does amputations and chemo and I like to bounce my info off him because he leans towards alternative stuff.  He felt Butch was in great shape and his body is coping with the transition to 3 legs better than he gave him credit for before the amp (thankfully he never said that to me).  The reasons I didn't use him for the amp and chemo is because he's not a specialist nor an oncologist and I thought I'd better go for the big guns with my beautiful Butch.  I feel I'm in good hands with both.  He, like Pam also felt it won't be a problem putting off chemo no 4 for a bit of maintenance (chiro) and also to ask for the chest x-ray at the next appt. I bought organic raw pet meat off him today (roo meat with vegetables, wheat grass, minerals and vitamins) which Butch ate, miracles of miracles again! I also bought a natural supplement to their food which repels fleas, why hadn't I ever heard of this before?  I hate the usual flea treatment chemicals! One teaspoon a day for large dogs will repel new fleas from jumping on to them (but it won't break the cycle if there is already fleas on them) it contains vinegar, garlic and herbs, let's hope it works.  That's it for the organic fix pity we can't avoid the chemo.  I hope 4's enough after reading that Pam and Tazzie talk about 6 to 8 chemo's and alternating the chemo drug.  I think I might sit down with my oncologist again and talk best case scenario with her.

Annie and Butch the raw meat eater

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21 October 2008 - 12:00 pm
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I wouldn't change Butch's chemo protocol. Different oncologists have different protocols and Titan's doc uses the 2 drug plan.  I talked to several oncologists and went on VIN (a vet info network) and the current standard is carboplatin alone for 4 or 5 treatments.  I'm glad that Titan is tolerating Adriamycin so well but many dogs can't handle the combo and their white counts drop too low, so treatment has to be delayed.  I think that is why overall there is no difference in survival times between the two protocols. Since Butch seems a bit sensitive to the carbo alone I would be careful about adding in another drug!  It wouldn't hurt to run it by your oncologist and ask them what their experience has been.

Pam and Tazzie

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