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Bone cancer amputation 6 months later edema issues
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6 May 2011 - 4:16 pm
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I have a beautiful 8 year old female harliquin Great Dane who six months ago had a front leg amputation due to bone cancer. Chest xrays came back clear. She bounced right back, playing with her best friend, Wylie (our cat) chasing birds and going on with life.

Two weeks ago we noticed swellling in her two back ankles a couple days later she starting limping, took her to the vet and they think she has Edema. A couple more days later and front wrist and both back knees are swollen and she has a really hard time going down and getting up. She has been on water pillls for two weeks now and Duramax for the pain. No improvement. seems to be getting worse.

This is breaking my heart. wondering if anyone has had a similar situation.

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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6 May 2011 - 4:20 pm
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Sorry to hear about Aspen's issues. If you don't hear from Dr. Pam (aka: tazziedog) consider posting in the Ask A Vet forum.

Just curious, did you search for existing topics mentioning edema?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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22 August 2008
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6 May 2011 - 5:16 pm
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Did your vet take chest xrays recently or just before surgery?  Edema or swollen legs is most common with heart failure but can also be seen with lung mets or even liver or kidney disease.  Chest xrays and blood or urine tests should give you an answer.


Washington, DC
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31 May 2012 - 9:29 pm
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I'm having a similar thing with my pup as well.  Was there ever an resolution to this?   My vets think it may be tick related?  Her basic blood work has come back normal, we're still waiting on the tick blood test.    It is pretty awful because having the one back leg and arthritis that she just started pain medicine for a few weeks she isn't walking at all (except for a step or 2).   We carry her in and out 2x a day to pee and move her bowels.  It happen in a matter of days and she's on antibiotic (been 2 full days) but haven't seen improvement yet.  Haven't done chest xrays but her chest has sounded clear when they check and all her other functions seem okay.  It is very sad.  

Washington, DC
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31 May 2012 - 9:32 pm
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Correction- haven't done chest xrays since the day before her surgery 6 months ago.  

On The Road

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1 June 2012 - 7:42 am
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I'm so sorry Cholla. If you don't get a diagnosis from your vet soon, please get another opinion. Let us know what happens. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Peoria, IL
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1 June 2012 - 12:28 pm
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Aspen's mom and Cholla,

I don't have an experience with this, but just wanted you to know I am sending pawsitive thoughts your way. Just when I think I know about all the post-amp complications, I learn something new. Please let us know what you find out. 

Beth, Spirit Smilin' Sammy and MB Wiggly Wrigely

Smilin' Sammy, March 16, 2004 – Dec. 5, 2011
Golden retriever, diagnosed with osteosarcoma in September 2010 — right front leg amputated November 2010. He fought valiantly to stay with us; but a second diagnosis of osteosarcoma, this time in his left front leg, was more than our golden warrior could overcome. He loved his pack — and everyone else he met.

We loved him even more.
Thanks for the pennies, Sammy. They helped.

Washington, DC
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2 June 2012 - 10:23 pm
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So the tick tests came back clear.  Now started her on steroids.  Have seen no improvement and she's has even more difficulty getting up to pee (She basically can't) after we carry her outside.  Impressed she hasn't had any accidents, yet.

 She's now not eating much, even her usual can't refuse chicken.  If the steroids don't help not sure what more we can do :(.  

El Dorado Hills, CA
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13 April 2012
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2 June 2012 - 10:50 pm
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Oh Cholla, I am sending all the best thoughts I can your way hoping for the best for you. Keeping you in our prayers.

All our best!

Suzie and Rizzo

Jack Russell born in 2001. Mast cell cancer found Dec 2009 and right rear amputation. Five rounds of chemo done before all treatment stopped. Living life to the fullest!! Read my story at

On The Road

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3 June 2012 - 8:45 am
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We hope you have a better day today Cholla, I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. Please consider strting a new topic in "Treatment & Recovery" so more people can help. Also, you may want to call in to today's Tripawd Talk Radio show, and ask Dr. Turner what she thinks. 

Paws crossed for a recovery. We're thinking of you.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Chicago, IL
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5 March 2011
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3 June 2012 - 2:59 pm
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I don't want to scare anyone here but I'd suggest seeing a canine oncologist and getting an ultrasound, just to be on the safe side.  Tate had edema but normal blood work and clear chest x-rays.  The cancer had metastasized in his abdomen, revealed with ultrasound.  Now, he had histicytic sarcoma and maybe this progression is unlikely with osteosarcoma but since the symptoms were the same, I thought I'd best mention it.  I sincerely hope that is not that case with either Aspen or Cholla.
August 16, 2006 to November 28, 2011
TATE ~ Forever in our hearts.

Washington, DC
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3 June 2012 - 3:33 pm
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Thanks all.  I'll check with my vet about what happen with Tate.  I planned to talk with them tomorrow to give them an update and see what else we might be able to do.  she seems to be a little better today, though it is hard to know for sure.  i am hoping the steroids are working.  I just scared her with the co2 alarm (it needed new batteries) and she ran outside (limping) but on her own!

Las Vegas, Nevada
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3 June 2012 - 9:18 pm
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I don't want to scare you either but since you havne't done a chest xray...


It sounds like the symptoms of hypertrophic-osteopathy.  We have had about 3 dogs have it.  I think it's rather rare.

It starts with lung mets but then there is swelling in the legs.  I believe they are all equally swollen.  Here's a post from an old member.  Angel Abby had it but I'll have to find the post.  



A couple months ago we noticed her remaining front leg getting a little bigger. We figured it was strengthening from all the extra work it was doing.

We had noticed all her limbs getting a bit swollen last month. I kinda thought it was part of the disease process-and it is, but not in the way I thought. I thought it was some kind of strange dog edema. What are you going to do? It's cancer, and everyone with cancer gets edema.

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

Las Vegas, Nevada
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3 June 2012 - 11:30 pm
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Sorry I got mixed with the original poster which I just noticed was a year ago.  Maybe Cholla you can start a new topic to help us follow your story better especially when you speak with your vet. 

Sending you good wishes.

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

Washington, DC
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5 June 2012 - 7:30 pm
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Sorry for the confusion i was looking for information  and this topic was what i could find.  So the steroids seem to be working.  she's more engaged and eating better.  She also walks around a little inside and out but still needs to be carried in an out.  the vet has said we could do chest x-rays now since we haven't since the day before her surgery, but since she's on lots of pain meds and hasn't had breathing issues we weren't sure if it would do much else in terms of her treatment.  i'm feeling more hopeful then a few days ago but trying to be realistic. 

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