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Bailey the spunky ancient boxer- Osteosarcoma and front leg amputation
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On The Road

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23 January 2019 - 11:17 am
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Oh what fun cleaning up poop vomit! You poor thing! ugh I imagine the Pred is making her ravenous for anything and everything. Yikes!

Let us know what the vet says. Long term use of pred is definitely something to be vigilant about due to the side effects that can pop up, so good for you when it comes to being an advocate for your girl. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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1 October 2017
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23 January 2019 - 3:30 pm
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Oh you poor thing....🤮🤮🤮  That sounds like my kinda luck, lol. And yeah, she probably wants to eat anything not nailed down, lol. Good thing she's beautiful, right? winker

I totally agree with being mindful on the pred too. I have a friend right now that is weaning her pup off because of side effects. Fingers crossed that your doc can come up with something better for long term if needed.

I am glad she's feeling better now.


Jackie and Huckheart


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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24 January 2019 - 8:44 am
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1/24- Chemo went well yesterday. She almost seems like she feels better when she comes home, but I know the first 48 hours are more the tell as to how they do. 

I talked with the doc about pain management . He is weaning her off the steroids. 20 mg every other day vs. every day. He doesn't think she's painful. He thinks her stopping and starting as she is walking is that she could be just tired. That could be. Maybe she just needs to build her endurance. I don't know. He did prescribe 100 mg amantadine every 12 hours as needed for pain. If she improves, then we know she was painful. If no change, then we know she doesn't need it and just needs to build her endurance. 

Figuring out what these dogs need post-surgery is kind of like trying to put together a puzzle in the dark. Your eyes can adjust just enough to make out shapes and some colors, but overall, the effort to piece things together becomes a systematic trial and error process based on the small amount of perception one has in the dark. 


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24 January 2019 - 11:05 am
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So glad to hear she's  tolerant the chemo and doing so well overall.  

I always said my Hapoy Hannah seemed to actual "feel better" after each chemo.  I think she enjoyed  getting out for the carride and getting all the extra attention  at the Vet.  Of course, stopping  for a cheeseburger on the way home always helped too!

Not sure how much "walking" you're  talking about,  but it is tiring walking on three legs.  As you've already noticed, tripawds meed yo walk at a faster pace and need extrz momentum. Stopping a bit here and there is perfectly  normal.  She's  still learning  how to use muscles jn different ways and learning  how to balance.  

Can't  remember  if we've  mentioned  a visit with a certified  Rehabilitation  Specialist  or not.  They will show you ways to build up her core strength.  Walking further doesn't  really do it,  but proper exercises to increase core strength.  Just doing a couple of sits/stands in proper form can do wonders.  The Tripawds Foundation will pay for the first visit.

I like that the Vet gave you  the Amantadine.  Many dogs need a bit of pain management   for long term after amputation off and on.

Things  are gett better and better.....and eill continue to do so!!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 January 2019 - 11:14 am
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I like your vet! That's a great strategy. I was just suggesting to another member that they ask about Amantadine.

If you haven't made an appointment already, a consultation with a canine rehabilitation therapist. They can assess Bailey for pain spots the vet might have missed, and prescribe an exercise program that you can do to help alleviate pain and get her stronger. The best part is the Tripawds Foundation may pay for your first rehab visit ! So please do take advantage of it, rehab is so educational for us and good for our Tripawds.

Paws and fingers crossed Bailey continues to show no side effects!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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16 February 2019 - 10:57 am
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Hello- haven't updated in a while because we have all been out of pocket.

The hubs and I went to Key West for a music festival at the end of January. THEN, the night we got home I came down with the flu and have been sick for two straight weeks. UGH.

Bailey's experience at the vet for boarding was far from stellar. I came to pick her up earlier than usual only to discover that she had been sleeping in her own urine because nobody checks on the dogs after they close at 6 pm. They open at 7 am. So, each night, she had been sleeping in her urine. She was very down in the dumps and had developed a great loathing for her harness. Considering that the girls had it all loose and hanging on her when I picked her up, I can see why. Poor baby. They meant well, but Bailey is stubborn, and if she doesn't like how she's being handled, she'll just shut down. I don't blame her. I'd hate to be hauled around like an old bag of laundry, too.

So, we spent the next few days frustrated because she was refusing to walk. Finally, we just took off her harness, carried her to the yard, and peeped around the corner to see what she'd do. She got up, walked across the yard, peed and pooped. That dog!!!!

She had her third chemo treatment on Valentine's Day. The vet started her on CBD oil. I don't like it, and don't think there's any empirical evidence to support pain management uses. She's been taking it for three days and her left leg has gone all wonky like she is having some sort of strange nerve episode every time she tries to walk. She was doing really well before and it's like we've taken three steps back. UGH.


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16 February 2019 - 9:14 pm
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Sorry Bailey is having some "issues".  I know it was VERY frustrating and upsetting to  kmow she didn't  have the proper care she needed while boarded.  Amd sorry  you were hit with the flu!  Ugh!  A pretty miserable time for both of you!

Made me laugh to hear how she got up just fine on her own once you took that harness off!  

Can't  give you any insight  into her "wonky" leg.  Is it the leg they gave  the chemo in the second time?  Did this happen right after you picked her up from boarding,  or was it a few days later?  Have you been able to get her scheduled  with a Rehabilitation  Specialist  yet?  Sorry for all the questions. 

Maybe you can take a video and post it here, as well as show it to the Vet and the Rehab Specialist.   

And if you aren't  comfortable givi jer rhe CBD oil, that is YOUR prerogative.  Simply  let the Onco know you don't want to pursue that avenue.. 

Hope Bailey is getting back to continuing to improve and stops taking any steps backwards.  Keep us posted.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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17 February 2019 - 12:21 am
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I'm so sorry to hear about how things have been going. What a disappointment to come back to her boarding situation! Poor Bailey. I hope they at least offered to bathe her?

My guess is that her wonky leg is probably a separate issue from the CBD she started getting. And I agree, if you aren't good with it, then don't do it. That's totally your right. In the meantime, I hope Bailey gets her bearings back. Ditto on Sally's questions. If she doesn't in the next day or two, definitely have her evaluated to see if maybe she pulled something. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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17 February 2019 - 1:15 pm
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Thanks for the advice. The vet boarding thing happened 10 days before chemo, so I don't think it had anything to do with an injury sustained while boarding. Chemo was on Wednesday the 14th. They used her front leg for chemo admin this time. 

I started the CBD oil the following day on Thursday. The CBD oil was pharmacy grade oil we got from the vet's office, so no worries on quality or contents of the oil. 

Per the instructions, I isolated the oil at least 90 minutes from all other medications. On Thursday, less than 15 minutes from administering the oil, she started licking the carpet and being VERY vocal. Like I had to sit on the floor with her to work and keep her from crying. As weird as she is, she never licks the carpet. I know that CBD oil has no THC, and because the CBD oil we used comes from hemp, there's no toxicity issues there, but she was licking the freaking carpet and singing the song of her people. 

I looked up the ONE university sponsored study on CBD oil and was underwhelmed. Could not find anything on how exactly CBD affected dogs- only that it works because it affects the nervous system- something about cannibinoid receptors (?). BUT, I thought I'd give it a go the next day. 

Friday, I isolated it from other meds again and gave it to her as directed. This time, she starts whipping her head around and vocalizing like invisible rabid clowns are coming to eat her. Then, she starts involuntarily bicycling her back right leg and turning to look at it like, "what the heck, man??" She was a little weak on it that night, but the more time lapsed from the dose, the better function became.

I decided to give one more go yesterday. I gave her the drops. Before the dose she was totally fine. She walked to me to get the medicine. About 15 minutes later she gets up and immediately falls over. I went around and helped her up, and her back right leg starts cycling again and kicking out to the side like some sort of nerve was being stimulated or something. She refused to put any weight on it and when we helped her get across the room, she would just cycle it like she was swimming. As the day went on, she got better to a point, but did not regain actual function to bear weight. She would place her foot, but not "use" the leg. The harness had to go back on, but fortunately, she knew she needed the help, so she didn't fight it. 

This morning, we let her try to get up on her own and she could not. I gave her a good massage and this afternoon gave her amantadine to see if that helped her any. It did not improve function at all, which makes me suspect this is not pain related. She was able to put some weight on it earlier, so she feels it again, but I am still pretty worried. 

I'll call the vet in the morning to see what he recommends if she has not improved. I mean, we don't have clinical trials on CBD oil. We don't know exactly how it works or how it affects certain types of dogs- (elderly, large, small, etc.). What works for one dog may not work for another. Who knows? The only thing I know is that the problem directly coincided with the CBD oil. 


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17 February 2019 - 9:10 pm
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Exactly!  Every dog IS different  and what works for one, may not work for the other.  And applause  to you for doing your own "clinical trial" on how, and if, the CBD oil affects uour sweet  Bailey.  It seems as though you've  possible solved one piece of the puzzle,  so that's  good.

This could be a clue to something nerve related  or maybe even neurological:

jenaleigh1 said

........ and her back right leg starts cycling again and kicking out to the side like some sort of nerve was being stimulated or something. She refused to put any weight on it and when we helped her get across the room, she would just cycle it like she was swimming. As the day went on, she got better to a point, but did not regain actual function to bear weight. She would place her foot, but not "use" the leg. 


I know this is extremely  frustrating and so perplexing.  We're  big on second, and third opinions  around here.  Maybr a new set of eyes and ears could see some that everyone else is missing.   A good Rehabilitation  Specialist  should be able to help.  Maybe even acupuncture.

Just so,sorry yoi are deal with this.  It's  truly a roller, coaster for you..  Stay strong!  This WILL get resolved!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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18 February 2019 - 10:36 am
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Dang I'm sorry, this is such a mystery.

Please let us know what your veterinarian says. I'm sure that their CBD doesn't have THC in it but if the oil is a marijuana-based oil and not hemp extracted, there could be minute doses of THC that are affecting her this way. I hope that's all it is. 

This is one of the biggest problems with CBD right now, the inconsistency of ingredients from brand to brand. Even vets are having difficulties figuring out which ones to prescribe, of those vets who are doing it. That's why so many still shy away from CBD, because with only two official studies out there, the information on how it effects dogs is lacking. 

Are you giving her the other medications on a regular schedule, not "as needed"? Sticking to a regular schedule can make a dramatic difference in how you are able to help her stay ahead of the pain. Once it gets out of control it is much, much harder to bring down. Also keep in mind that some Tripawds just need pain medication on a routine, daily basis. That is perfectly OK and although many people shy away from that, it's necessary for many dogs to have a good quality of life. That, combined with some rehabilitation therapy modalities, can make all the difference.

Please keep us posted.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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