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Derry update
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10 December 2023 - 6:29 pm
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Oh gosh, to hear he has been seizure free just on the phenabarb is sooooo enc.  Looks like the steroid jas helped too!   This kind of improvement   is definitely  encouraging!!

Bummer the aspiration has to be dealt  with.  The Bets are really staying  on top of things.  Derry clearly  hss made an impression  them.   They k ow how to  knock down one hurdle and then move on  to deal with the next.  Ya'll know what?  Derry and his Vet team are knocking down those hurdles and soon there will be no more ro deal with🙏🙏🙏

It really does seem like everything is improving.  Ues, one step forward at  time keep adding up.

We thank you again  for updating us.  Derry has touched us all💖💖


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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10 December 2023 - 9:50 pm
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Those are all encouraging signs that he is fighting so hard! I picture the vet team so lovingly caring for him, being so gentle with your (currently) very fragile boy. They are angels among us, and Derry is a superhero in his own right. I hope with all my heart your boy pulls through. Thank you for taking time to let us know how things are going. 

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29 November 2023
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13 December 2023 - 10:37 am
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It has been amazing to read Derry's story.  I hope he is continuing to do well and comes home soon! I dont have any words of wisdom but just wanted to send all the positive vibes your way! sp_hearticon2

We are in a similar boat, our dog Voshkey had a front leg amp Dec 4 and completely out of the blue also had a seizure 2 days ago followed by a second one within 24 hours.  The cause is still a bit up in the air.  They had us stop Carprofen & put him on bp medication.  Right now we are doing ok and monitoring - so far so good, its been over 24 hours seizure free.  I hope both fur babies get back to their old selves fast!

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16 September 2023
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14 December 2023 - 11:14 am
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It is with a VERY heavy heart and through endless tears I have to say that Derry passed away early this morning with us by his side. We held his paw and talked to him as he crossed the rainbow bridge.

To say we are shattered is an understatement. There are no words, no comfort and no peace. The heartbreak is unimaginable and I don’t know how to go on without him. He never left my side. I couldn’t even go to the bathroom without him. 

it was to be his 4th birthday next Saturday. He was also looking forward to the winter season as he LOVED the snow. Our two other dogs are wondering where he is. The house feels empty. He was the energetic one and always getting up to something. You couldn’t go on a car ride without him.

As posted previously, Derry had his first seizure on Dec. 2. Having 2 more right after. He was admitted to the hospital at 4:45 the morning of the 3rd and released that night at 8pm after recovering well and being seizure free. He came home with anti seizure medication. 

He received the booster to the Yale vaccine on Dec. 5th. All was good.

He had 2 very small seizures on Dec. 6th.

He then had cluster seizures the morning of the 7th and was re-admitted to hospital where he remained. 

if you read my earlier updates, you will see that although Derry remained seizure free he was very sedate and aspirated on vomit. They treated the aspiration pneumonia and changed his anti seizure medication so that he would wake up and be less sedated. Once this was done he started making steady progress. He was put on oxygen and eventually got a feeding tube. He was then taking small feeding off of a spoon and they had him for small tiny walks and a little wagon ride. 

We got to visit with him Tuesday night. It was so good to see him awake and they said it was very good for him to see us. He was doing well. Oxygen had been removed and he was doing more eating in his own from a spoon and drinking.

He had been seizure free since midnight of the Friday. 

On Wednesday we got great news that he was continuing to do very well and they felt he would be better at home with us to continue his recovery. We were over the moon. Everyone was celebrating. We were going to pick him up at 6:00. 

Unfortunately an hour before we were to pick him up they called to say he had had a small seizure. They contacted the neurologist and he was given a few hours of Valium plus a steroid and put back on phenobarbital. They said that hopefully it’s just a small set back and to be expected as his body adjusts to anti seizure medication. The thoughts were still that on top of his osteosarcoma that he was handed a bad hand at being epileptic as well. Apparently common in a Husky. They were really hoping he wouldn’t have cluster seizures. Unfortunately they called two hours later to say he had another small seizure.

We prayed and prayed and begged that he would respond to the meds and come home today.

We got the dreaded phone call just before 7 this morning that Derry had had an episode where his body went stiff and he stopped breathing. They placed a breathing tube in and a technician was pumping his breaths manually. His blood pressure had dropped. They gave him an injection that would help,bring this back up and stabilize him. They told us they didn’t think he would make it and for us to come in. 

When we arrived, the ER vet said that although his blood pressure stabilized he was non responsive to his surroundings. He wasn’t really opening his eyes and was only taking a couple of breaths here and there on his own, They were breathing for him and felt he was now suffering and they didn’t think he would recover. Both ER vets agreed, The neurologist came in and checked his reflex around his face to stimuli and there was no response. She felt that this was no longer epilepsy and felt something bigger was going on such as cancer to the brain, 

We had to say goodbye. His fight was clearly over and as painful as it was, we had to set him free from suffering. The roller coaster of highs and lows have been insane.

We talked to him, held him and he knew we loved him deeply. He was not alone, The entire hospital has come to know him and they are heartbroken.

After, we were put in a comfort room and they brought him in so we could be alone with him, I was practically having to be dragged off his body. I couldn’t let go. 

The neurologist wanted to do a complimentary MRI to see what was happening in his brain, 


She has since called to say that Derry was dealt the worst hand. He had a brain tumour. 90% of his frontal lobe was filled. She says this was not spread from the osteosarcoma. In her expertise, she feels it was a primary tumour in itself. A second cancer. This can happen. 

Therefore, regardless of his amputation, chemo and immunotherapy vaccine, there was nothing that would have prevented this. She feels it has been there growing for probably the last year and there was no way to know. He had zero symptoms of any kind for this. The seizures were the first symptom and she said that is often the case. He hid it so well. Even with his surgery and chemo, Derry was full of life, went on walks, ate, drank, played etc. The brain tumour regardless would have been inoperable and incurable.

So here we are. Gutted. Heartbroken for the hand he was dealt. Angry about it too. He was the best dog ever and our noise is empty. That sounds strange to say because we have two other dogs and parrots. But it is true. 

I don’t know how to move on. I can’t stop crying, My husband and our son are broken too. Derry was the most cuddly dog and full of life and love. He will never be forgotten. Can’t believe he is no longer here. Also, can’t believe he didn’t make it to his fourth birthday next Saturday. 

That’s all for now. My tears are streaming and it’s hard to see. It’s hard to cope. I can’t breathe. 

Thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers sent our way. I have no idea how to upload pictures but if you want to see Derry you can find my Twitter (now X) handle @BlueJayLover49

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14 December 2023 - 11:16 am
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Just to add, we feel we had no time. We found out on Sept. 15th. Had amputation on Sept. 19th, The prognosis was 6mths with surgery and maybe 12mths with chemo added, The immunotherapy accident was hopefully to extend that, 


We got 3 mths beginning to end. 

No words. 


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22 February 2013
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14 December 2023 - 11:47 am
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Cry9ng so hard right now, so hard.  So gutted and heartbroken.  I want to come back.  I k ow there are no words anyway.

Right now though, as hard as it was for you to cone here, please k ow we've all been checking  in to see how things were going.  So thank you.  Sharing the events were excruciating  for you.  Aich an unexpected backstory of what was going on with this brutal  tumor.

All I can offer right now is to PM you my email address ao you can send me some photos to post of this once in a lifetime so woth sommich heart and spirit,  

I'll just add one thing for now through the tears.  Derry knew you were there with him.   His Soul knew.  His heart knew.  He was surrounded  by your love♥️

With every fiber of my being  I'm sending you love and surrounding  you with Derry's eternal light

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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14 December 2023 - 7:11 pm
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Brenda, his passing is so unimaginable, his life cut so short, my heart aches knowing what you, your husband, son, and the other critters are feeling right now. it takes one's breath away to know that his life stopped so suddenly. I wish I had words that could comfort you. But there isn't anything that can ease this deep pain, other than time and an inner knowing that you went to the moon and beyond for him. 

Derry knew how much he meant to you. He entered your life for a reason, and that short time he spent with you will always be part of your soul. Nothing can ever take that away.

Be kind to one another, and know that we are keeping a candle lit for your truly amazing, loving, one-of-a-kind heart dog. He will never be forgotten. 



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14 December 2023 - 8:38 pm
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Get ready to see one of THE most handsome dogs in the world.  It's wonderful to see the Happy moments memorialized with the lovely pictures of Derry. 

He is so content in each one.  And goodness knows he was treated  like Royalty  in his carriage. He was mugging for the camera in that ine.

So snuggled up on all his comfy pillows.  He really knows how to 'own" comfort.  

The one of Derry and Brenda is sooo swett... so full of love.  A beautiful example of the connection  that can only be found n unbreakable bond 

     PRESENTING  ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️Derry♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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14 December 2023 - 8:54 pm
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A big as a bug in a rug.  I think Derry is channeling  is inner Fox, ot mabr inner Wolf


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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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15 December 2023 - 10:52 am
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Ohhhh just beautiful. Thank you Sally, it's lovely to get to know his many sides. What a handsome guy. Huskies are the most sensitive and rugged doggies, and super sweet. Clearly Derry was too.

I'll think of your forever dog, Brenda, and call out for his spirit whenever I spend time with the musher dogs this season. It's so pretty here in Alaska, maybe it's because all Husky spirits end up here, to revel in the snow, to sing, and spread their magic across the tundra. 


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15 December 2023 - 10:59 am
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Love the Husky sentiment Jerry.  Yes, I'm sure Gerry will be soing his musher howl as he runs free.

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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16 September 2023
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15 December 2023 - 11:56 am
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Thank you so much. The pain is unbearable and I feel that I’m being crushed. Getting worse by the hour. I miss him so much and just want him to come home.💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭


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15 December 2023 - 9:30 pm
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You pain does feel unbearable now and you do feel crushed under the weight of your grief and non stop tears.  As much as I wish I could say each day gets vetter, it do7 at first.  You are finding  each day even feels worse. 

Regardless of the circumstances, I think there is an emotional sense of relief  when the transition  does finally happen.  You know Forrest is free from pain.  You were with yim and he knew you were with him.  

Then you go home to the void and your day to day routine of care and love is no longer there.  You get up  to dp something  and then forget what it was you were doing. You fix something  the house to eat but cant eat it.  You want to leave the house but turn around and come back because  you don't  want to leave.  You feel completely  lost without Derry.

I wrote you aomething  in my email and want to repeat here.  It may be easy to process it now

 ....These past few days with so many ups and downs, feeling of hope, feeling of hopelessnes....such a horrific time for you.  You are in the worst part of despair right now,  the void, the break in routine, reliving the recent hard times......we get it.  We understand.  

One thing for you to  TRY to remember is that Derry would not want you to be sad, or  have regret or to feel such unbearable sadness.  If circumstances were reversed,  if for some reason you had to exit uour earth clothes and watch over Derry from Heaven, or The Rainbow Bridge, etc. You would not want him to be inundated in grief and despair.  You would want him to focus on the good times and would want him to know the time with him was the best time ever and that he did everything possible to care for you. ....
I still have a couple of pictures I want to post.  There was one where the sun was shining on him as he was lounging around.  I loved how the light framed him.  
One thing I j ow for certain, When Derry went running free to The Rainbow Bridge,  he was greeted by a welcome wagon full of yummy foods,  ice cream, cheese pizza, chicken and chocolate  cupcakes.  After a feast and then a little snooze he ran to  an area set aside jist for him.  It was one acre of  a foot of snow  with trails for him to run through and soft snow to roll in..  
Derry also bragged to all the other Angel dogs how he had the best life with you any dog could ever hope for.  He told them he wouldn't  change a thing just as long as he could have been with you during is earth time.
Suttoundung you woth Derry's eternal light
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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16 December 2023 - 6:12 pm
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Give yourself room to feel that Brenda. It will take time for your head and heart to reach an agreement. There is no timeline either, so process this at your own pace, nobody else's. After what you've been through, it's only to be expected that you feel this way. If you feel like talking it out will help, a pet loss support group can be really helpful. If you haven't seen our podcast about grief, see:

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