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Can a dog with Osteo get a tumor on another leg after amputation?
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24 May 2016 - 7:10 pm
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Hello everyone. I haven't been on here since last Sept., My dog Brady had his amputation done last Sept. He had a big tumor that got so bad he couldn't use the leg anymore. Amputation went very well, he recovered quickly & was walking the next day. He was up walking around the yard & running within a few days. Brady is 13, 14 in July, if he makes it.  I'm very concerned he won't. He's been on Neoplasene since the amp. & done very well on it. Had Xrays done again 5 wks. ago & a full CBC (bloodwork) and exam. All came back good. No cancer showing in his lungs or anything. I was thrilled!! So excited, posted on Facebook, celebrated, etc. Thought we may actually get another year with our boy. 

Fast forward to today. Well 4 days ago Brady could hardly stand up in the morning. Tried to get him out to go pee & he couldn't stand on his own. Was wobbly, off balance & very weak. I had to carry him back in & hold him up to potty. Took him to the vet. She said she thinks the cancer has spread to his nervous system. He also is very touchy, like jumpy, it bothers him if u barely touch him on his sides. She gave him a steroid shot & sent me home with pills. Within 2 hrs. he was walking fine. I know it's a bandaid but figured the steroids can at least make him comfortable til the end. 

Well the next morning he was up walking totally fine, but had diarrhea all over the downstairs. So i thought he just had tummy upset. He was fine for 3 days!! Walking totally normal, looked better, etc. I never gave him any of the prednisone pills. I thought all was well, til today. Same symptoms came back. He is wobbly, unsteady, etc. So I gave him one of the pills. Within an hr. he had diarrhea again, real bad. He is walking slightly better but still not great & rather weak, lethargic, etc. He is favoring one leg in the back He won't put all his weight on it, limping a bit. I noticed it seems a little swollen & tender to the touch. So you know where my mind went... 

Scared to death it's another tumor. Is this possible? Can they get another osteosarcoma on another leg? God I hope not! I could've sworn the vets told me that doesn't usually happen, that it spreads to the lungs usually, and can to the ribs, brain, etc, but not usually another leg. 

I'm freaking out having to wait until tomorrow to go back to the vet. Anyone with an Osteo dog know anything about this?

On The Road

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24 May 2016 - 8:45 pm
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Hey, welcome back. I'm sorry it was under these circumstances, Brady has done so well!

So, first, breathe. This could be any number of things not related to the cancer, hopefully not serious. We see this a lot here and usually it's not osteo spreading. Your vet will have a better idea tomorrow. Jot down all of his symptoms and when they happen so she can get a better picture of what's going on.

Typically, if osteosarcoma spreads to other bones, it won't be accompanied by diarrhea or GI issues. Obviously pain when walking is one sign, but at Brady's age, that pain could be any number of things. Try not to think the worst. Yes it is very rare for osteo to spread to other bones. Typically the only way to tell if it has, however is with a CT scan.

Ask your vet for a treatment plan and a timeframe for which she expects things to improve. A back-up plan in case symptoms don't subside is also wise. And remember if you don't like her answers, get a second opinion from a specialist like a board-certified rehab vet.

Good luck tomorrow. Please keep us posted OK?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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24 May 2016 - 9:07 pm
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Thank u so much for your thoughtful response Jerry. I really needed those words. I am a very emotional person & so soft when it comes to my animals. I swear I can (and have) watch a human die (and one I'm very close to) easier than my pets That sounds awful & it actually puzzles me. I mean if I can live through watching my beloved grammie take her last breaths I should be able to deal with my dogs life ending. But I'm a wreck at the thought of losing my dogs. It's been 2 yrs. since my chihuahua Priscilla passed & I still cry over her. She was Brady's best friend. So as sad as I will be when he's gone I know they'll be together again. 

Yes, I suppose it could be something else, arthritis or a condition with his nerves, etc. My hubby always tells me "stop getting ahead of yourself. Don't waste so much energy on what it might be, thinking about all the possibilities, just wait & see what happens." He's very level-headed & always tells me this & exactly what u said "just breathe!" Ha ha. I'm a worrier. Always have been. It's not good though & only causes me anxiety & makes it hard to deal with the rest of my life so I do need to breathe & calm down. I have a 22 yr. old autistic daughter, a 12 yr. old son, 3 chihuahuas & 3 cats, one of whom has feline HIV. So I have my hands full & have to be able to function. 😉 

I thought the oncologist & holistic vet both told me it's very unlikely for it to spread to other bones. I know I asked that b4 amp as it was very important when considering amputation. I mean, i didn't want to amputate if the osteo was just gonna pop up on another leg. So I'm sure we talked about that, but I've read so much & talked to sooo many people I forget some things. 

I will keep you all posted, for sure. Brady did get up about an hr. ago & go outside for me & ran around in the yard. He is VERY food motivated & saw I had chicken so he was up! He's so cute.

Thanks again. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer me tonight. You gave me a little peace.

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24 May 2016 - 9:34 pm
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Murphy sometimes has aches & is stiff, just yesterday I had to give him a pain pill because the evening before he ran the fence because there was a dog in the park behind our yard.  The goober doesn't know that that is too much for him!  I also did a bit of a massage down his back, hips & back legs.  A couple of hours later, he was back to normal again.  You can try canned pumpkin for diarrhea (not the kind with all the spices in it, just the plain pumpkin that you would need to add the spices to) .. 1 or 2 spoonful's a day helps (it's also good for constipation). 

So, I've never heard of this Neoplasene.  Looking it up, I don't find a whole lot.  I was looking to see what the side effects are.  It looks like nausea is.  It doesn't look like it's a widely recognized medication, and that you really, really, have to be careful with what you are giving and feeding Brady while he's taking it.  From what I was reading, it's usually used when the tumor is still there or can't be removed, and if Brady had surgery I'm sort of confused why he would be on this one.  But I fully admit that I'm not current on a lot of supplements 🙂


Donna, Glenn & Murphy 

Murphy had his right front leg amputated due to histiocytic sarcoma at 7 years old. He survived 4 years, 2 months & 1 week, only to be taken by hemangiosarcoma at 11 1/2 years 6/12/17  
Read about Murphy's Life on Three Legs


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24 May 2016 - 9:52 pm
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Hi Donna,

Actually Neoplasene is used often after amputation too. It seeks out cancer cells & kills them. It heats up the cells & they die. It makes the dog hot though and they often look for a cool place to lie. I haven't really noticed this with Brady. Maybe cuz he lives downstairs & it's always cool down there. Neo works similar like chemo but it doesn't kill any of the good cells. I was told about it by a fellow dog rescuer who is using it for his dog. His vet has used it successfully with many dogs over 10 yrs. & had much success. Most of the dogs he's treated have lived to old age & died from other ailments. 

The drawback is, yes, u have to feed a very specific diet and u r not supposed to use any other supplements. That one is hard as I have used so many prior to amputation that I researched a lot & I feel really helped him. It was hard to give all that up. Oh & Neo is expensive. Compared to chemo it's cheap tho! I only give Brady fish oil, broccoli sprouts & colloidal silver in the way of other supplements. All are safe to use with Neo. I'm not giving him the Neo now actually. I stopped 2 days ago. I had a member of a dog cancer group send me some Shield4Pets- fermented wheat germ, which has been studied a lot & is anti-inflammatory and shown to be very effective against cancer & as a general immune boosting product. I don't' think u can use it with Neo though so I decided to use this for now. 

Thanks for your comments & the thing on pumpkin. I know this, very well, but forgot in all my worrying! I've been using pumpkin for years & routinely put it in my dog food. It's amazing what goes right out of your head when u worry. So as Jerry said, I need to breathe, and slow down. I can't be much of a help if my mind is all over & I'm not thinking clearly. Thank u very much for mentioning that. Pumpkin is good stuff & has helped me a lot with my dogs. I make food for all 4 of my dogs. They eat well. (; 


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24 May 2016 - 10:01 pm
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Alrighty, I'm gonna with Rene and yiur husband....B R E A T H E........B R E A T H E.......B R E A T H E.....B R E A T H E!

Brady is a senior dog and senior dogs have a lot of senior.issues pop up all the time! And since the steroid injection helped, it seems that following up with consistent doses Prednisone for a bit.may, indeed help. Pinched nerves, slipped discs, etc., all sorts of things coukd cause these symptoms.

Now, the diarrhea may be something you want to get addressed. And I "think" the pumpkin Donna suggested is more for.CONSTIPATION than the "runs". So just double check...I could be way off. Green clay is supposed to help with diarrhea. Check with your vet though...obviously, I'm not one!

Yep, looks like you need to practice Be More Dog ! Brady.isn't worried about a thing! He's just living in the moment and enjoying all the loving and spoiling!

Looking forward to your updates.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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24 May 2016 - 10:28 pm
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Sally -

Pumpkin can be used for both!  There's lots of fiber in it, so it helps for diarrhea, too 🙂 


Donna, Glenn & Murphy 

Murphy had his right front leg amputated due to histiocytic sarcoma at 7 years old. He survived 4 years, 2 months & 1 week, only to be taken by hemangiosarcoma at 11 1/2 years 6/12/17  
Read about Murphy's Life on Three Legs


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25 May 2016 - 8:30 am
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I would also check with your vet regarding the abrupt cessation of Prednisone. I believe that is one of the drugs that definitely needs a tapering off period. Even when our Gus had a problem with it, we still had to taper off over the course of a week.

Kathi and the Turbotail April Angel...and the Labradork

Murphy is a five year old Lab/Chessie cross. He was hit by a car on 10/29/12 and became a Tripawd on 11/24/12. On 2/5/13, he had a total hip replacement on his remaining back leg. He has absolutely no idea that he has only three legs!

UPDATE: Murphy lived his life to the fullest, right up until an aggressive bone lesion took him across the Rainbow Bridge on April 9, 2015 and he gained his membership in the April Angels. Run free, my love. You deserve it!

On The Road

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25 May 2016 - 9:25 am
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I'm glad we could help! And I hate to say it, but Hubby is right; worrying about things out of your control is a waste of energy and robs you of being in the present moment. You know that though!

Yes, do check on the Prednisone dosage, it absolutely needs tapering off.

As for Neoplasene. I'm glad you found it works for Brady. I haven't heard of too many dogs for whom it does. I'd love to learn more from your vet, would you mind sharing their contact info?

Donna, typically neoplasene is a very alternative therapy used directly on a tumor when surgery isn't an option, but based on the lack of evidence and the risks, we aren't fans on this based on what we learned from our friend & vet oncologist Dr. Avenelle Turner. See:

Neoplasene Dangers in Dog Cancer Therapy

Brady though, probably thinks "Hooey!" and who can blame him? He's got great people doing wonderful things for his diet and health!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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25 May 2016 - 10:22 am
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jerry said
I'm glad we could help! And I hate to say it, but Hubby is right; worrying about things out of your control is a waste of energy and robs you of being in the present moment. You know that though!

Yes, do check on the Prednisone dosage, it absolutely needs tapering off.

As for Neoplasene. I'm glad you found it works for Brady. I haven't heard of too many dogs for whom it does. I'd love to learn more from your vet, would you mind sharing their contact info?

Donna, typically neoplasene is a very alternative therapy used directly on a tumor when surgery isn't an option, but based on the lack of evidence and the risks, we aren't fans on this based on what we learned from our friend & vet oncologist Dr. Avenelle Turner. See:

Neoplasene Dangers in Dog Cancer Therapy

Brady though, probably thinks "Hooey!" and who can blame him? He's got great people doing wonderful things for his diet and health!  

I believe you're referring to using Neoplasene as an injectable or applying directly to a tumor. The kind I'm using is oral. It's different. I read that article and it is not talking about the oral kind. Orally it is mixed with food & it seeks out cancer cells internally & kills them. - or so I'm told. We haven't had any adverse reactions with it. Hard to tell what works tho.... Anyway, thank u for your comment. Yes I know hubby is right. I've known for a long time. I'm stubborn! 😁 

As for the prednisone he only had the one injection so he wasn't on it a while then stopped. I am now giving him a smaller dose to be sure he can tolerate it. Seems to be ok today. We have a vet appt tomorrow. 

Thanks again

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25 May 2016 - 10:25 am
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Thank u so much for your comments. It was very helpful. 

Be More Dog -like! I love it. Yes, good advice. I will try that. 😉

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25 May 2016 - 10:27 am
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dogzlyfe said
Thank u so much for your comments. It was very helpful. 

Be More Dog -like! I love it. Yes, good advice. I will try that. 😉  

This comment was meant 4 Sally. Using my phone & think it didn't go under her comment. 

On The Road

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25 May 2016 - 11:31 am
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I always learn from folks here. Had no idea Neoplasene comes in an oral form. When you have a chance, and I know you're busy, would you mind sharing info about it and your experience in our "Eating Healthy" topic? It's always good to know more about holistic therapies like this. Thanks.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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17 June 2016 - 12:33 pm
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dogzlyfe said
Hello everyone. I haven't been on here since last Sept., My dog Brady had his amputation done last Sept. He had a big tumor that got so bad he couldn't use the leg anymore. Amputation went very well, he recovered quickly & was walking the next day. He was up walking around the yard & running within a few days. Brady is 13, 14 in July, if he makes it.  I'm very concerned he won't. He's been on Neoplasene since the amp. & done very well on it. Had Xrays done again 5 wks. ago & a full CBC (bloodwork) and exam. All came back good. No cancer showing in his lungs or anything. I was thrilled!! So excited, posted on Facebook, celebrated, etc. Thought we may actually get another year with our boy. 

Fast forward to today. Well 4 days ago Brady could hardly stand up in the morning. Tried to get him out to go pee & he couldn't stand on his own. Was wobbly, off balance & very weak. I had to carry him back in & hold him up to potty. Took him to the vet. She said she thinks the cancer has spread to his nervous system. He also is very touchy, like jumpy, it bothers him if u barely touch him on his sides. She gave him a steroid shot & sent me home with pills. Within 2 hrs. he was walking fine. I know it's a bandaid but figured the steroids can at least make him comfortable til the end. 

Well the next morning he was up walking totally fine, but had diarrhea all over the downstairs. So i thought he just had tummy upset. He was fine for 3 days!! Walking totally normal, looked better, etc. I never gave him any of the prednisone pills. I thought all was well, til today. Same symptoms came back. He is wobbly, unsteady, etc. So I gave him one of the pills. Within an hr. he had diarrhea again, real bad. He is walking slightly better but still not great & rather weak, lethargic, etc. He is favoring one leg in the back He won't put all his weight on it, limping a bit. I noticed it seems a little swollen & tender to the touch. So you know where my mind went... 

Scared to death it's another tumor. Is this possible? Can they get another osteosarcoma on another leg? God I hope not! I could've sworn the vets told me that doesn't usually happen, that it spreads to the lungs usually, and can to the ribs, brain, etc, but not usually another leg. 

I'm freaking out having to wait until tomorrow to go back to the vet. Anyone with an Osteo dog know anything about this?  

Hello everyone,

 Not sure I'm posting in the right spot and having a hard time navigating this.  It's been a while since I updated and it is been a very emotional roller coaster.  First my vet told me the cancer had spread to his nervous system and then she said it was an ACL tear.  Well it kept bugging at me because his leg looks more swollen so I took him in for an x-ray.  The x-ray confirmed that it is the cancer.

 At least she said it looks like cancer and she thinks it is.  So I want to second opinion and I had it sent to my holistic vet.  He basically said the same thing it's probably the cancer.  He was doing better for a little while on the prednisone and tramadol.  Then the last two days it's gotten so he can barely walk or stand up at all on his own.  I've basically done nothing but cry for three days and barely eaten or slept and look like hell.  Several people keep telling me to just go ahead and put down so he doesn't suffer. My family.  My husband says we should wait a few more days and see if we keep him off the leg if there's any improvement.  It's just awful watching him like this.  I don't know which is worse watching this for having him put to sleep.  Either way I feel like I'm partly dying right now. 

 I have the x-ray email to me and had it sent to a vet tech friend of mine and her vet looked at it today.  Said the same thing given his history it's probably cancer and it does look like cancer,  but cannot say conclusively without a biopsy.  And I'm not gonna do that.  I have him on several herbs artemisinin being one of them and some supplements and stuff.  My vet leaves at 4:30 today and isn't back until Monday.  I was thinking we probably shouldn't wait until Monday as he is clearly in pain.  I doubled up his tramadol. 

  So we have to decide if are going to rush him up there soon as my husband is home and do this, take him to a different vet to do it tomorrow or wait until Monday and reassess.  Needless to say we canceled our Father's Day plans because my husband doesn't want to leave so we're gonna postpone that,

 Is there any chance on prolonging this that anything will slow this cancer and he'll walk again?  Or my just fooling myself and keeping him in pain ?  My sister told me that I should just do it and get it over with because he's at the end and it's not going to get better,  no she's not a medical professional or anything just her opinion, 

 I welcome thoughts and opinions,


Amy & my dear boy Brady

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17 June 2016 - 2:35 pm
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Dear Amy

I am so sorry to hear that you find yourself in this position with Brady. We all know how stressful this is for everyone concerned. I have pained over these self same decisions before and it is the HARDEST thing in the world to know what to do. 

Only you and your husband can make these decisions... but what I will say is to please look at your dog. When it is time...They will let you know. 

If he can be made comfortable and eased of his pains then that's wonderful but if Brady is telling you otherwise, then your decision is made together, no regrets. Just a lifetime of wonderful memories.

Dogs are so much smarter than us. If only they could help us solve all our problems. 

Wishing you all the best. 

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