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Artemisinin or K9 Immunity: Are You Taking Them?
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On The Road

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30 November 2008 - 1:36 am
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Hi Everyone. My Mom is putting together two articles for the blog; one about artemisinin , and another about K9 Immunity . As part of her research, she'd love to ask a few questions to anyone who has been taking one or both of these supplements.

  • What supplement are you taking?
  • What has your experience been like?
  • Was this treatment recommended by your vet, or did you discover them on your own?
  • Where do you buy them?
  • What's your dosage?
  • How do you take them (at dinner, throughout the day, etc.).

Anything else you'd care to add would be great. Thanks for any input you can provide!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

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18 December 2008 - 1:16 am
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Hey guys, another reason my Mom is asking these questions is because we have some extra K9 Immunity and Transfer factor available to a doggie in need, at no charge. Of the people who can answer the above questions, we'll put names in a hat and pick one for the lucky winner. Any takers?

Update: 1/3/09: the lucky winners of the surplus K9 Immunity were Buster and Barney. Sorry everyone, we are all out now.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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21 December 2008 - 3:39 am
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Jerry you can put our name in the hat...

1.) K9 immunity 2.) I started them when first diagnosed, then discontinued after seeing a local homeopathic vet. Went back on with lung mets. 3.) Discovered on my own 4.) bought through website 5.) 6 capsules per day with cream cheese 7.) on empty stomach

Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

On The Road

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21 December 2008 - 7:19 pm
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Will do, Kim. Thanks so much for your input.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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28 December 2008 - 6:46 pm
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Wonderful info for artemisinin for our fur babies. I ordered the one that contains all three... I will follow the dosage instructions. It has links to order as well (pharamasutical grade.. )


Kim & Buster

Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

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29 December 2008 - 5:30 pm
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Kim, thanks for the link!  I emailed Dr Cuoto at OSU so hopefully he will get back to me soon regarding his protocol for Artemisinin .  I think that he recommends 1 large dose weekly, and I have seen other vets use "pulse therapy" where the drug is given daily for 2 weeks then off 1 week because you want to avoid having the cancer cells develop immunity to the herb.

Today I saw my holistic vet and she has used Artemisinin many times, and thinks it may help many dogs and can't hurt.  She recommends the brand made by Holley labs and said that the dosing info was on the web link but I don't see it there so I emailed them also.  I think that the Wellcare product is also good (are you using Artemix?) but only says take one capsule daily.  Dr Schaeffer says to start ASAP even without lung mets so I will try to pull together info quickly so I can order something soon.  She also puts these dogs on a chinese herb called "bone stasis" but said to see how Tazzie handles the Artemisinin first.  I will try to get more info on this product as well.

Thanks again for the link; I hadn't seen that one before!

Pam and Tazzie

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30 December 2008 - 12:09 am
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HI Pam & Tazzie,

     You must of read my mind.. yes, I ordered the Artemix and Hepalin. One is pure artemisinin and the other has all three varieties. I give one in the aftrnoon and one at night. I just ordered friday and it arrived today! (all from the same company)...

I hope it slows it down... I am praying for a miracle.!..

ps maybe you should start a study, we need to gather more data so we can help others with all this info

pss  I give it with cod liver oil...
Kim & Buster

Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

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31 December 2008 - 1:57 am
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 I heard from Dr Cuoto today via email.  He just said that he would give Tazzie 200-300 mg of Artemisinin once daily (she is about 175#).  He didn't comment on product info or frequency, but I might try 2 weeks on, 1 week off since it seems like you don't want immunity to build up. I am going to try to contact Drs Lai or Singh in Seattle since they have pioneered this research and I will keep you updated!

Since Buster has measurable lung mets I guess it would make sense to use your protocol daily until you get chest rads repeated, and see if your doctors at Red Bank can comment on reducing or changing the dose.  Hopefully Buster's Metronomic Therapy can kick in too.

Pam and Tazzie 

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31 December 2008 - 12:37 pm
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You can add Jake's name too please Jerry!  Jake started taking K9 Immunity and Transfer Factor after his 2nd session of chemo (a little over a month ago).  We started it because YOU were on it and did so well and because of the comments that your oncologist, Dr. Mullins made about it.  We order it right from Aloha Medicinals online.  We are waiting for another shipment to come in from Fed Ex right now. 

Jake just had his 3rd round of chemo on Monday... he's still on the Cisplatin and his blood levels look good for the most part.  His kidneys seem to be doing okay as well right now according to the Doc.  Jake takes half of his K9 Immunity pills (3 pills- he weighs about 65lbs now) in the morning with his breakfast - in his wet Evo food... we make little meat patties and put the pills inside.  Jake takes the rest of his K9 Immunity (3 pills- given the same way) in his dinner and he also has the Transfer Factor pill wedged in a meat patty.  He's never spit them out or given me a hard time about taking them... unlike his glucosomine pill that he has in his breakfast and dinner and of course his meds when he had to take them right after his amp surgery.  Thanks Jerry!!     

Luv Spirit Jake, Smooch, Baby Gus & Mom (Sherri)

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31 December 2008 - 2:21 pm
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I heard from Dr Singh today and he sent me a nice response (I sent the link to Jerry so he can post it somewhere).  He bases his dosage on the combo product (Artemix) that Buster is taking using the artemather at 0.5 mg/#/day.  This is the one form of the plant that can be more toxic so you don't want to overdo it! Tazzie would need 80 mg so 2 capsules daily.  I would need to supplement her with more straight artemisinin (100-200 mg daily) to get up to Dr Cuotos recommended dose.

I also asked him about butyric acid (butyrate) since that is supposed to help absorption of artemisinin and he said 2-8 capsules daily. You can get this at Holley Pharm or he sent a link for

Since Tazzie is in "prevention mode" she would get daily treatments for 8 weeks then go every other day.  That stuff is not cheap! I may still stick with artemisinin from Holley pharm mainly since they have a "buy 2 get 1 free" deal but they don't have the combo product.

I am also waiting to hear from Dr Lai.  It would be nice if everyone would all get on the same page!  There are so many different protocols and none have actually been proven yet. At least it doesn't hurt to try.

Pam and Tazzie

On The Road

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6 January 2009 - 1:12 am
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To read a scientific paper about artemisinin cancer therapy, click on this link to download the PDF.

Many thanks to Tazziedog for sending this to us.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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19 January 2009 - 4:48 pm
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Shadow was diagnosed with OS last Tuesday.  We are waiting on the results of his bone scan before we proceed with the amputation surgery.  Everything I've read and researched on artemisinin seems to be positive, so I'm going to start Shadow on it immediately to see if this will help ward off mets as his lungs are looking clear right now. 

It's been quite a process to find proper dosage.  From what I've read above and combined literature I've read during my research, I am thinking of putting Shadow (100lbs) on 1  Artemix capsule daily(Artesunate 50mg,Artemisinin 50mg, Artemether 40mg combo), with an additional 50mg of Artemisinin tablet to supplement daily which will give him a total of 100mgs of Artemisinin .  Tazzie, based on your correspodence w/Dr. Singhe and Dr. Cuoto, does this sound accurate?  Also, how are you guys administering the medication (cottage cheese, pill pockets, etc)?


Tina and Shadow

Tina and Spirit Shadow

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21 January 2009 - 6:10 pm
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You might want to ask your oncologist about using artemisinin with chemo.  I was told to wait on this herb until standard chemo was done since it can counteract the carboplatin.  Also I am to give it at night to avoid counteracting the Cytoxan pill that she gets in the am.  I haven't started yet since I am adding 1 drug at a time and this week I added the Bone Stasis powder.  This is a holistic Chinese herb that you mix in the food twice daily. I plan on giving the artemisinin with cream cheese and also Butyrate (see my separate post on Metronomics).

I think that the amounts look okay for a 100 pound Lab!

Pam and Tazzie

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21 January 2009 - 11:40 pm
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Hi Pam & Tazzie,

  Thanks for the butyrate information under Tazzie's protocol.

Just wanted to verify, that artemisinin should be kept at 37 degree's Fahrenheit and indirect light, according to the bone cancer site. Correct?

Kim & Buster

Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

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22 January 2009 - 2:26 am
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Kim, I have products from 2 different companies and both bottles just say "Keep in a cool dry place and avoid sunlight" so I have them downstairs. They did not come refrigerated through UPS so I think room temp is okay.  It is more important to keep them cool if you are storing bulk shipments.

If your bottle says store at 37 degrees then I would do it.

I plan on starting these next week with cream cheese or maybe with a syringe of milk. Does Buster eat these okay?  Sounds like the herb is bitter!

Pam and Tazzie

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