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Summer Update: Our girl is now at the Rainbow Bridge
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11 April 2024 - 9:32 am
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Our beautiful Summer crossed the bridge last week. We were blessed to be able to give her an additional 7 pain-free, wonderful months following her amputation and chemotherapy for osteosarcoma. Though we hoped it would be longer (it’s never ever long enough), we were grateful to have had her in our lives at all. She went from a very shy girl when she adopted us almost 7 years ago, to the most loving, outgoing grey who never met a stranger. Summer did 99% of the things she did prior to surgery. She played, she still ran zoomies around the living room, climbed stairs, jumped on the sofa, and she proudly strutted her stuff through the neighborhood. She was a rockstar and did fabulous until a week before she passed and then it happened almost overnight. She stopped playing. She ate sporadically and refused most of her food the last 2 days. She dropped a noticeable amount of weight within a week. She moved slowly. She looked at us with a new look in her eyes. And then she didn’t want to take her usual walk down the block that morning. Instead she insisted on circling the house and our entire yard, stopping every few feet to look around, gazing intently at the house, at the lake, at the woods, as though imprinting it all to memory. We knew she was telling us it was time. Something we weren’t ready to hear, but we had promised her and each other that we would never let her suffer. That when the time came, we would honor her and let her go with dignity. A chest x-ray showed the cancer had spread to her lung. It was an aggressive tumor. We were aware from the start that this would happen at some point, there was no way of knowing how long we would have with her. We had hoped for a year or more, but are so very grateful that she had 7 additional months of love and happiness and well being; that we had that time to treat her like the queen she was. That we were able to say goodbye in so many ways and express all the love we felt for her. We didn’t want her to suffer so we said ‘so long for now’. And so, last Tuesday, with a serene look in her eyes, she had the most gentle and peaceful passing I have ever witnessed. She quietly crossed the bridge with her head in our laps. Summer was an amazing, courageous warrior with the gentlest demeanor and soul. We will miss her forever. 

Summer, my lovely girl, I know you’re running on all four legs now. I hope you have found Maggie and your best bud, Puck. I hope you know how truly loved you will always be. You were our warrior princess, you fought such a courageous battle, and we will never, ever forget the joy you brought into our lives. Run free, my sweet, but come visit us once in a while. sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

Robin & Summer 


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11 April 2024 - 9:45 am
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My dear, dear, dear Robin. I'm sobbing too hard right now to even begin to try to respond.   I do want to come back when I can gather my thoughts a bit better than right now.

For now, I can only say this is the most loving, courageous, beautiful and fitting tribute to Summer. I know you are heartbroken beyond words, yet you were able to celebrate this glorious dog and the wonderful treasured memories in a way Summer  would want.

With her eternal love and light surrounding you, she has run free to  join April's Angels

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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11 April 2024 - 9:52 am
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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I've been avoiding coming on here since my Riley passed from the same thing as Summer back in late December. I saw your post and had to let you know that you are not alone and I and others have gone before you. Riley's story was very identical to Summer's. It was about 7 months after his amputation and it was like he changed overnight. No eating, drinking, playing, etc.

As you said, there will never be enough time. We finally moved Riley's dog bed from our living room after 4 months. We just couldn't do it. I'm sure you feel the same. His toys are still there as we are still building up to clean them out.

My only advice is to talk about her often and share as many memories as you can. Laugh and Cry.

I'm so sorry that Cancer has taken another wonderful soul away too soon.

My thoughts are with you and your family at this extremely difficult time.

Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.


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11 April 2024 - 10:29 am
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Oh, Bill, I’m so sorry to hear about Riley. I had followed your story as well. I’m so devastated, but I know Summer would want me to hold my head high. We did everything we could for our sweet pups, the rest was out of our hands. It’s frustrating and heartbreaking, I know. To go through it all and then have them leave us, always too soon. It’s amazing how very fast it happened, she had been doing so well. We donated one of Summer’s beds to a local shelter. Her big bed still sits in the den. Her toys will remain, as the other pups nap with them; except for her favorite toy, Lambchop, who will sit next to her urn. We still have our pug, Sophie, who is fighting oral melanoma cancer since since October. I dread another loss, each one takes a piece of our hearts. I’m tired and I’m sad, but I’m glad Summer’s running free without pain. As difficult as it was to let her go, it was harder to see her hurt.

* Interestingly enough, only few minutes after I posted above, the vet’s office called to let me know that Summer’s ashes are back. A sign to me that Summer is watching over me. I have no doubt our babies haven’t gone very far. Peace to you and  your family, Bill. And thank you ever so much for reaching out, it means so much.

- Robin

Robin & Summer 

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11 April 2024 - 10:31 am
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Sally, my friend, thank you - for your words, for your tears (as they join my own), for your heart. You were so helpful to me throughout this whole time and I appreciated every moment of it. Summer was an incredible girl with a heart of a champion. She is well missed. sp_hearticon2

Robin & Summer 

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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11 April 2024 - 10:43 am
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Robin, I am soooo sorry. My condolences to you and the pack, this is such a ruff time to go through. We all know this day is coming but we are never ever ready. To love a dog for so long and then have them gone from our lives is a tough journey. In the end, the good memories can help us heal, so hang onto all of those happier times you spent together and your heart will find a way through the sadness.

I really feel like dogs know when it's their time. Summer did her best to prepare you, and made sure that her transition wasn't prolonged or difficult. She was such a wise, selfless creature who looked out for her pack then, and always will now that her spirit is eternal.

Thank you for sharing her journey with us, it's our honor to be part of it in some small way.

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11 April 2024 - 1:38 pm
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Jerry, thank you. Thank you for your words, wise ones that they are. I know my heart will take time to heal; right now it feels pretty bruised. Thank you for your time, and for this wonderful site - without which we would have felt so lost. You and the others on here were there every time we had a question, a doubt, a fear, a frustration, a proud moment. I’m not sure we would have gotten as far as we did without you all.

To anybody out there who might be wondering if the amputation surgery and the chemo treatments were all worth it, the answer is this: look inside your heart. You’ll find the right answer that works for you. Some may say, ‘you did all that and only got 7 months’. To which I answer, “Ahh, but what a glorious 7 months it was.” sp_hearticon2

- In loving memory of our warrior Summer

Robin & Summer 

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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11 April 2024 - 7:28 pm
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Robin you are so very, very welcome. My heart hurts for you, and I'm amazed that you found the strength to come here to share and even offer such loving words of hope to others.

Thank YOU for all you've done to help others, from the bottom of my heart.

Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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12 April 2024 - 2:58 pm
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I'm so sorry Summer has crossed.

While it is never enough time I hope you can find some solace in the fact that dogs live so much in the moment.  Summer didn't know her time was short, she only knew that every day with you was her very best day.

It's amazing that Summer has already sent you a sign! Keep a look out for more signs.  The special ones never really leave us, they live on in our hearts and so are always by our side.

And good for you for coming back to share condolences with Bill.  That also has Summer's paw print on it- your journey together has given you amazing strength and empathy.


Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls and Boy

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo


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13 April 2024 - 10:43 am
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Thinking that with some time to gather my thoughts I could find words of co fort.  Reality  is, there are no words

While your heart is aching, the way you expressed your grief....the way you were able to focus on celebrating  Warrior Summer...the way you and Summer  still continue to inspire others osteo lovely.   The hallmark of a bonded pair who were united I. their Soul's purpose to love a life of meaning.


  Ahh, but what a glorious 7 months it was.” sp_hearticon2 

In dog/human  years that's over three years!

I know summer is running free and fast at the Rainbow Bridge now. Park was there to greet her and all they could do was talk about how they had the best life with you.💖


With love 

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!



    20240413_122337.jpgImage Enlarger

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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14 April 2024 - 4:28 pm
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Aww thanks for that beautiful photo Sally. She looks like such a loved, content girl in that photo, it really says it all about her good life. 

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25 April 2024 - 5:50 pm
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Thank you, Sally. For your comforting words and for posting that photo of Summer. We didn’t know if it would be her last Christmas or not, but we lived each day to the fullest regardless. I’m sorry it took me a couple of weeks to get back on here. My heart has been slowly healing, even while still dealing with Sophie’s (pug) illness. She’s stable right now and we hope to be able to catch our breath before dealing with another heartbreak. The heartbreaks are tremendously hard, but that’s the price of love sometimes. Courage is knowing we will lose them one day, but loving them within every inch of our being regardless. Summer is embedded in every cell of my body and I know she’s watching over us. ❤️

Robin & Summer 

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25 April 2024 - 6:01 pm
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Karen, thank you for your kind note. It means so very much.

I look for signs from Summer constantly and often feel her presence. it’s been a tough year for us. We lost our beloved cat of 16 years, Puck, to oral cancer in early October. Currently our pug, Sophie, is fighting oral melanoma. She had surgery to remove it shortly after we found it last October. She then had immunotherapy vaccines for 4 doses, the last one being January 3. Right now she’s stable, but has also developed a collapsing trachea, so a double whammy. Like your Maggie, Sophie  had a mast cell tumor removed a good number of years ago. It was very low grade and didn’t require further treatment.

I know our fur babies have a way of wrapping themselves around our hearts. And as much as it hurts to say ‘goodbye for now’, the love they leave behind still brightens every day. 

Robin & Summer 

The Rainbow Bridge

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26 April 2024 - 12:15 pm
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Oh my gosh Robin you guys have had it so ruff lately, I'm so sorry! I hope that Sophie's vaccine and whatever you are doing for her trachea situation gives her lots of quality time. 

I agree, our animals are so worth the grief we feel when we have to part ways. I love what you said, it really resonated with me, and I'm sure others here too:

Courage is knowing we will lose them one day, but loving them within every inch of our being regardless.

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