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Samson's Story
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5 January 2021 - 11:49 am
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No problem , .. lol ( Apollo was with me for 16 yrs) After an acquaintance left him with me and never returned .

After Samson got done beating on the bunny toy a month prior Athena kinda just took it from him . She got up out of the chair and walked over to him ( After he  had passed ) with the bunny in her mouth and put it on his head , nudged him with her nose a few times and pawed at him and then picked up the bunny and walked over to his dog bed and laid there with it .

Still not one of them has laid down in his dog beds or touched his toys ( not even the foster dog ) Its almost as if the foster was imitating Samson to learn how to play with the toys but has lost all interest now . Athena will lay down on my  bed or her doggie bed with the bunny but thats about it , she doesn't play with it anymore , really none of them play with the toys anymore since he passed away. Even my old girl Babygirl doesn't speak half as much anymore let along steal my boots and run away with them . And Athena taught Samson to woo-woo ( he normally would just bark or do the Rottie rumble at me ) and Athena used to really talk alot ( even to get Samson and Baby wound up) but now Athena is really quiet now, only talking about 1/5 as much as she used to .

Baby used to always walk into my bedroom and lay down on Samson's bed , fall asleep and wouldn't get up for him . Now she walks over to it looks at the empty bed for a minute and walks out of the room. I feel bad for her as he was the 4th one to pass away since shes been here .

Hell even their silence gets to me and i break down thinking of him ....



Samson aka Lunkhead.  Diagnosed with osteo on11/12/20, passed before he could fight it  11/20/20. You came to me to save me after my Loki passed 1 month later in 2/16 and we had 4.5 great yrs . You were the greatest boy . I couldn't ask for anything more from you but you have me so much more .. The clown of the house ... Daddy will always love and miss you .Stay safe and happy on the other side of that bridge and teach them your soccer moves ...


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5 January 2021 - 12:05 pm
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We certainly  understand the  "silence of the void".  The breakdown of grief will hit like a ton of bricks just when you thought you couldn't  cry anymore.  I'm so glad you are staying connected here with people who understand♥️

And I'm also glad because  we get to know Samson and his pack.  And of course, we enjoy the pictures.  Yes, the Rottie rumble versus the woo woo is quite distinct!  I can see I  that picture  he is asking g you politely to stay away from his bone!

Ya' know, I almost feel like your pack feels Samson's presence on an e edgy level that we hoomans are not tuned into.  While they miss jis earthly  presence, I feel like they still feel his presence  and are showing him respect.  They know it's his bed and his toys amd they don't  want him woo wooing at them to back off his stuff!!

Maybe you could go get your boots and start playing tug of war with Babygirl.  I think if they see you having a happy moment t it may help them start playing and speaking again.  And Samson would like that too for all of you♥️♥️♥️

Looking forward to more entries into the Book of Samson.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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5 January 2021 - 1:29 pm
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They're grieving, poor pups. In time they'll create a new pack structure but it almost sounds like they haven't been able to figure it out on their own yet. Samson had quite a presence with them, didn't he?

I love Sally's advice to play tug-of-war to see if you can get the dogs engaged again. The game and your happiness playing it may trigger their joyful hearts into happier days that enable them to reconstruct a new hierarchy in the pack. 

You may also want to speak with an animal communicator, who can help you understand the situation so that you can help yourself and everyone feel better and find their joy again.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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5 January 2021 - 5:46 pm
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I will speak with one again soon, I want make sure he ok and well.. forgives me for not trying harder or being there more ( before my back injury ) He was the big man , if he went out they followed ( babygirl did if she wasn't sleeping and If he stood in the garden out front Athena stood on the rocks behind him . If he sat in the front porch she would follow or sit on the landing . When he was happy he'd rumble, Athena would woo-woo and babygirl would run around looking for my boots to take 1 and run away with it . He was the energy .... for all of us ..


Samson would rumble if anyone tried to sneak 1 of his toys but would let Baby get one every now and then with just a rumble . Today Athena just woo-wooed at me ! to go out but it was out then pottie and back in . None of them seem to stay out anymore . And she played for all of 2 minutes with the foster dog but stopped and looked over at the spot where Samson would lay next to me and she stopped. Baby did the same thing but it was more for the fact the foster pup kept nipping at her feet and she put him in his place .

Samson was here before Athena and helped her readjust as she was a death row dog ( saved at the last minute - all because she grabs her leash and plays tug with it when you walk her ) He was all about everything - just pure energy , joy , love .. He was non stop until he softened my heart up again after Loki passed from Osteosarcoma . Loki was truly my baby as was his brother. But Loki's fur glistened in the sun like snow flakes falling , he was a bigger mushball than Samson was.

But ya Samson was the man to them, to us  . if he was at the door waiting for me , the minute I would come in he was there and the other 2 would follow or be near him waiting to greet me ( and for baby to steal my boots and run with them )

The is a pic of Loki



Samson aka Lunkhead.  Diagnosed with osteo on11/12/20, passed before he could fight it  11/20/20. You came to me to save me after my Loki passed 1 month later in 2/16 and we had 4.5 great yrs . You were the greatest boy . I couldn't ask for anything more from you but you have me so much more .. The clown of the house ... Daddy will always love and miss you .Stay safe and happy on the other side of that bridge and teach them your soccer moves ...

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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6 January 2021 - 11:50 am
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Yeah definitely get a communicator lined up, they can be so helpful, I think you'll find that Samson has a lot to say that will bring you comfort.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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14 November 2020
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10 January 2021 - 12:12 pm
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Just thinking of my boy after looking for him to be laying by my side.  This was his afternoon nap after barking at the deer in the side yard.


Samson aka Lunkhead.  Diagnosed with osteo on11/12/20, passed before he could fight it  11/20/20. You came to me to save me after my Loki passed 1 month later in 2/16 and we had 4.5 great yrs . You were the greatest boy . I couldn't ask for anything more from you but you have me so much more .. The clown of the house ... Daddy will always love and miss you .Stay safe and happy on the other side of that bridge and teach them your soccer moves ...

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14 November 2020
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10 January 2021 - 12:21 pm
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Samson with his favorite blanket , just acting like the clown he was and waiting for belly rubs...


Samson aka Lunkhead.  Diagnosed with osteo on11/12/20, passed before he could fight it  11/20/20. You came to me to save me after my Loki passed 1 month later in 2/16 and we had 4.5 great yrs . You were the greatest boy . I couldn't ask for anything more from you but you have me so much more .. The clown of the house ... Daddy will always love and miss you .Stay safe and happy on the other side of that bridge and teach them your soccer moves ...


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22 February 2013
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10 January 2021 - 7:35 pm
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Awww....awww...and more awww.......

Love the pictures of Loki so sweet.  You almost needed a bigger chair though! And the ine of him smiling so big as he was coming g up on the porch. 

Samson, sweet gentle  Samson, barking and chasing after all the Bambis??? He probably would just want to snuggle with 'em!😉-

Samson so  adored by are all your dogs.....and they adore you!!!

You really are doing a brilliant job of journaling the live of Samson and pack.  Truly paying tribute is a unique and loving way.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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11 January 2021 - 2:42 pm
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Samson a few days after he arrived home with me . That red Kong bong still look the same as in the picture , and he always played with it but never destroyed it .


Samson aka Lunkhead.  Diagnosed with osteo on11/12/20, passed before he could fight it  11/20/20. You came to me to save me after my Loki passed 1 month later in 2/16 and we had 4.5 great yrs . You were the greatest boy . I couldn't ask for anything more from you but you have me so much more .. The clown of the house ... Daddy will always love and miss you .Stay safe and happy on the other side of that bridge and teach them your soccer moves ...

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14 November 2020
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11 January 2021 - 2:42 pm
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Samson relaxing on the doggie day bed that was for my old lady Babygirl


Samson aka Lunkhead.  Diagnosed with osteo on11/12/20, passed before he could fight it  11/20/20. You came to me to save me after my Loki passed 1 month later in 2/16 and we had 4.5 great yrs . You were the greatest boy . I couldn't ask for anything more from you but you have me so much more .. The clown of the house ... Daddy will always love and miss you .Stay safe and happy on the other side of that bridge and teach them your soccer moves ...

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14 November 2020
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11 January 2021 - 2:45 pm
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Ans Samson being a goof ball , he just got done doing the worm while playing with his blue blanket . Of course hes got most of his toys right near him ....


Samson aka Lunkhead.  Diagnosed with osteo on11/12/20, passed before he could fight it  11/20/20. You came to me to save me after my Loki passed 1 month later in 2/16 and we had 4.5 great yrs . You were the greatest boy . I couldn't ask for anything more from you but you have me so much more .. The clown of the house ... Daddy will always love and miss you .Stay safe and happy on the other side of that bridge and teach them your soccer moves ...

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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11 January 2021 - 2:51 pm
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OK they are all adorable pics but that last one, oh my! He looks SO cute! It's always hard to picture such a strong breed looking so goofy but there it is, plain as day. Samson the goof!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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22 February 2013
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11 January 2021 - 5:47 pm
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Ya' know, one thing every single picture shows, E,V,E,R,Y,  O,N,E,....Samson (and all your dogs) could not be more loved and more adored!!!   They show how hapoy an earth life he has with you.

These beautiful  memories, treasured moments, .are Samson''s gift to you to say "thank you" for giving me the best life a dog could ever have'"   Samson would not have changed one thing about his earth life, not one thing, just as long as he would be with you♥️

Screenshot_20210111-204953_Chrome.jpgImage Enlarger


Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Member Since:
14 November 2020
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12 January 2021 - 7:05 am
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Samson Just enjoying the sunshine


Samson aka Lunkhead.  Diagnosed with osteo on11/12/20, passed before he could fight it  11/20/20. You came to me to save me after my Loki passed 1 month later in 2/16 and we had 4.5 great yrs . You were the greatest boy . I couldn't ask for anything more from you but you have me so much more .. The clown of the house ... Daddy will always love and miss you .Stay safe and happy on the other side of that bridge and teach them your soccer moves ...

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14 November 2020
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12 January 2021 - 7:10 am
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This is Athena , Samson's little buddy . She was staring at me and Samson afterwe caught her burrowing under the sheets on my bed ..


Samson aka Lunkhead.  Diagnosed with osteo on11/12/20, passed before he could fight it  11/20/20. You came to me to save me after my Loki passed 1 month later in 2/16 and we had 4.5 great yrs . You were the greatest boy . I couldn't ask for anything more from you but you have me so much more .. The clown of the house ... Daddy will always love and miss you .Stay safe and happy on the other side of that bridge and teach them your soccer moves ...

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