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End of Life Care Tips from a Pack Mom
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On The Road

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24 September 2009
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21 May 2011 - 10:28 am
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Wow. This was such a hard thing to read. And it's so hard to type through tears.

Cali, I can't imagine this world without you. But I also know the world is so much more beautiful because you were in it. Our hearts are breaking, but there's a teensy bit of comfort in knowing that you are with Jerry once again.

TC, Dave and the Odaroloc pups, your Queen means more to us than you will ever know. Thank you for sharing her journey with us.

With much love and deepest condolences,

Rene, Jim, Wyatt Ray & Spirit Jerry

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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21 May 2011 - 5:09 pm
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Hop on over to our Calpurnia Tribute to see clips and photos from the life of one incredible Tripawd sled dawg.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

In your heart, where I belong.
Member Since:
9 February 2011
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21 May 2011 - 5:23 pm
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I am continually overwhelmed at how much the Traipawds community loves and cares for its companions. Calpurnia was blessed with an amazing family, and I can say what I've said to others here before: If I were a dog, I'd want to be in this pack.


From abandoned puppy to Tripawd Warrior Dude, Dakota became one of the 2011 February Furballs due to STS. Our incredibly sweet friend lived with grace and dignity till he impulsively raced over the Bridge on 12-15-12.

Dakota's thoughtful and erudite blog is at

Los Angeles
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2 November 2009
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21 May 2011 - 6:07 pm
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I am so saddened to read this news.  Cali was such an inspiration.  I also found great comfort in reading your Life Care Tips....I just recently lost my dog and have been heartbroken since - still not finding peace with this loss yet.  I find comfort in knowing that she was here for a life purpose just as Cali was.  Thank you for sharing your story and words of wisdom.  My deepest condolences to you and your pack.

Kami and Angel Mackenzie

My sweet golden Mackenzie.  She became my angel on Dec 29, 2010 at the age of 8 1/2  although she was always my angel from the time we brought her home.  She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in Sept 2009 and officially became a tripawd (front leg) on Nov 5, 2009.  She will be forever in my heart and now she's running free with all of our other tripawd heroes.  I love you Mackenzie!

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4 September 2010
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21 May 2011 - 7:12 pm
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Another leader has left to lead the rest when time comes. My heart cries with you. Thank you for all your wisdom.

21 May 2011 - 9:03 pm
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Cali is once again leading the team.

She lived a life doing what she loved, she lived a long life, she was a survivor, and she passed on her own terms.  It does not get better than that.

TC- you are so eloquent, thank you for sharing with us your thoughts and feelings-even as you neared the end with Cali.  Your words will help many here when they come to this point in their journey's with their pups.

I hope your own words give you comfort as you face this difficult time of transition.



Grandad's Garden
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9 December 2009
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22 May 2011 - 10:40 am
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Thank you all for your very kind words and thoughts. I am humbled by the love I feel from the Tripawds community.  Calpurnia has met so many people in her life, it is so wonderful to hear that she had such an affect on some of them. 

As much as my heart aches and misses my girl, I have absolutely no regrets about decisions we have made along this journey, and more than anything, I feel so very blessed for having been a part of Cali's life and making her golden years the best they could be. 

Kami- I am so sorry for your loss.  Each time I read through the forums and find another tripawd has crossed the bridge, I feel such sadness.  So many wonderful dogs have blessed the humans that haunt these forums.  It is a wonderful gift from Jerry, Rene and Jim to have created a community where we can support each other and share our experiences.  And to celebrate the gifts our canine family members bring us.  I hope you find peace in your heart.  Your experiences with Mackenzie will keep her close to you, and will surface to help you in times to come when you least expect them.  When you think of her unexpectedly, smile - she is right there with you.

I am sad, but I am at peace.  I am so blessed to have been able to witness Cali's aging from a vibrant head-strong Princess, to a teacher, to a Coach, and into her old age that many dogs (tripawd and otherwise) don't get to experience.  Cali traveled thousands of miles of trails doing what she loved, had a fanatastic winter filled with adventures in Alaska, and had a pack that adored her.  I could not possibly want anything more for her, and I will cherish those memories of the adventures we had together, and the quiet mornings just hanging out listening to the world wake up together forever.

And I know that the next time I have to face the end-of-life with a loved one, Cali will be there, along with my Angel Pack (Bizzy, Turbo, Trout, LilBit, Sunshine, and the rest) to help guide us with our decisions and eagerly reunite with their friends.

Hugs to all of you.  My thoughts are with those of you moving through this process.

Fortis Mom
22 May 2011 - 4:27 pm
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I too am so sad and sorry for your loss.  Cali was a beautiful and brave girl.  She must have gotten that from you, you from her or maybe a mixture of both.  A blessing indeed for you both to have had each other.

I am not on Tripawds a lot but decided to log on today.  I found many words of wisdom in your post.  Although I could not get through it without sobbing, I thank you for sharing.  Like Kami, I too have recently lost my best friend, Fortis.  He was a special part of my life and changed me forever as a person, for the good.  Your courage in the sharing of Cali has given me hope for the peace you speak of.

Again,  I send you my deepest sympathy and I'm so sorry for the loss of your girl.


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