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Celebrating Boone's short but big life
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Palmer, Alaska
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16 March 2017 - 3:53 pm
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Boone was our sweet, crazy "Bad Dog Bundle" with a personality as big as Alaska.

Sadly, he crossed the Bridge on Tuesday, 7 weeks post-amp. The cancer just moved faster than any of us expected. He started coughing 5 weeks post-amp, and new x-rays revealed a mass in his chest and lung mets. We started him on Prednisone which eased his cough and restored his appetite and attitude for a couple more weeks.

Tuesday morning he stumbled when getting up, but regained his balance and hopped out to the kitchen for breakfast. He ate with enthusiasm and took his meds. My hubby let Boone outside while I was showering and shortly after he shouted for me to get out to the living room, Boone was sick. He'd thrown up his entire breakfast and meds - and blood.

Boone has always been terrified of the vacuum, so I took him into my home office while my hubby grabbed the Shop Vac to clean up. I knew Boone wasn't right when he didn't do his usual panic at the sound of the vacuum. 

After that, he laid down in the hallway, with the saddest, most lost eyes. I offered him water but he kept turning his head away. He tried to get comfortable but nothing seemed to help. 

We knew it was time. Thankfully I reached a mobile vet who had an open appointment in the early afternoon. It was the hardest decision we ever had to make, but Boone hadn't been "Boone" for several days. His bark changed days after starting Prednisone and while it helped with his cough at first, he was coughing nearly all day Sunday. A mass had also begun to grow at the amp site.

We questioned our decision right up until the vet arrived, especially after Boone gained some life and a tail wag when we gave him his firehose toy. He was so happy destroying that and keeping us from taking it from him.

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He greeted the vet with his silly grin and tail wag. He nosed through her bag, pretty sure there was something there for him.

The vet was so compassionate and kind. She wanted to know all about Boone; where we found him, what breed(s) he was, how old he was. She encouraged us to share a story or two about him while the sedation took effect. And he gave us a gentle tail wag the entire time.

He passed peacefully, in the sunlight of our living room. I'm certain he's been made whole again, free of this dreaded disease and running with his buddy Lexi who passed 2 years ago this month.

The last two days have been almost unbearable. The house is eerily quiet without his familiar hop or bark. We used to keep baby gates everywhere to keep him off the bed and out of the bathroom so he couldn't steal rugs or hop in the tub. The gates are put away now, and it just feels strange.

I still catch myself saying "I won't be gone long" and "Watch the house" when I'm heading out. 

I'm so thankful for this community and for my local friends who are supporting us. Boone touched a lot of lives in our neighborhood and he will be missed terribly.

Jeanette & Angel Boone

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16 March 2017 - 5:02 pm
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It is really hard when their absence is the biggest thing in your house.  Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to grief.  I remember how lost I felt the first Saturday I had no dog hair to vacuum.  But you gave Boone a home and love, and what more could a dog want out of life?  It's so unfair that you got so little time post-amp, but you did everything you could to help him fight, and to be with him and give him a loving peaceful transition.

Otis - 106 pound lab/Dane mix, lost his right front leg to osteosarcoma on Febuary 9, 2016.  Four rounds of carboplatin completed in April, 2016.  Lung mets August 25, 2016.  Said goodbye too soon on September 4, 2016.   Lost his adopted sister, Tess, suddenly on October 9, 2016. likely due to hemangiosarcoma.  

Wherever they are, they are together.

Schofield, WI
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16 March 2017 - 6:29 pm
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OH Jeanette I commented on your other post but Boone being that special boy he was deserves a comment here too.  I love your stories about his love for the neighborhood children and his special little girlfriend who Boone won over with his gentle and loving nature.  My heart especially hurts for those that don't get much extended time after amp.  I know how hard it is to see that sparkle start to come back and then loose it way too soon.  I also know you are feeling that void that Boone left so deeply right now.  Please know this entire Tripawd nation is holding you close and crying with you.  The love you and Boone had between you here will now reach to the heavens where it will shine down on you.  Fly free new Angel!

Linda & Spirit Mighty Max

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16 March 2017 - 7:57 pm
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I am so, so very sorry to hear that you lost your sweet Boone.  This is such a hard journey to go through and also watch others go through.  MySweetTed lost his battle on November 30, almost 3 1/2 months after his amp.  I went into this journey knowing that everything we did wouldn't "save" him but I secretly hoped it would.  The joy that he had and that he brought to us day after day after day was something that we didn't fully comprehend until suddenly it wasn't there.  It was so hard to come home every day and have that fleeting moment thinking that he was going to greet me at the door and bounce all the way up the stairs and.....then realize, oh yeah, no he isn't.. It totally sucks.  It will get a little easier.  For now, let yourself go and grieve the way you need to.  :/


On The Road

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17 March 2017 - 10:35 am
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Thank you so much for sharing here. Making that last vet call is SO hard. We also questioned it at the time, during and after. It's especially hard when your dog is doing something adorable like chomping on his favorite firehose toy. Suddenly you wonder "Maybe he has more time...maybe...." But please know you did the right thing for him and his spirit will repay you a thousand times over. He left this world with all the dignity and grace animals deserve. You did right by him.

I can totally relate to those feelings of not having a furball to come home to. Oh my gosh the crazy things that made me fall apart, like not buying any more chicken at the grocery store (I'm a vegetarian but always loved buying it for Jerry!), and I couldn't believe that having a fur-free house made me crazy. Then, when I'd find a tuft of his fur behind the couch or something, that's it, the waterworks started all over again.

When we were without a dog, Admin and I had no idea what to do. We had all the freedom to stay out as long as we wanted, but it was no fun without him. Only months of coping with Jerry's loss was able to heal us and help us know we did the right thing. In time you will get there too. For now, allow yourself to grieve, it's perfectly OK. Find things that help you cope...put a photo album together, plant a tree, make a video. Whatever works to help you feel like you can smile instead of cry when you think about Boone.

And in the meantime, we'll be here for you any time OK? 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Los Angeles, CA
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17 March 2017 - 11:09 am
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Thank you for sharing a bit more about the life of Boone... he was such an amazing soul and definitely gone too soon.  I am still so sorry for your loss but appreciate the opportunity to learn more about him through your posts and your love for him.


Shelby Lynne; Jack Russell/Shiba Inu mix. Proud member of the April Angels of 2014.

October 15, 2000 to April 8, 2014

Our story: Broke rear leg in June 2013 - non-conclusive results for cancer so leg was plated and pinned. Enlarged spleen in September 2013 and had it removed and was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma and started chemotherapy. Became a Tripawd January 8th, 2014 and definitive Hemangiosarcoma diagnosis. Three major surgeries in 7 months and Shelby took them all like a champ only to lose her battle to cancer in her brain. We had 8 amazing extra months together and no regrets. #shelbystrong #loveofmylife

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17 March 2017 - 7:54 pm
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I am so sorry about sweet Boone. And you were so brave in doing right by him. 


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17 March 2017 - 11:19 pm
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As you can see, boy Boone has touched us all. And the waterworks have started yet again.

We ALL can see the love yiu had for Boone. We all can see that every single thing you have done on this journey, and before, has always been in Boone's best interest.

And when you gave Boone the gift of release it was exactly the "right" thing at exactly the "right" time. We can all see that. Boone showed you he was ready that morning. He made it clear. And then he gave you a happier memory later in the day to erase the visual of him being sick that morning. He was not going to get any better. He welcomed the Vet happily because he was ready to be whole again.

I can only ditto what everyone has said. Boone did get his sparkle backamd he did get the most intense spoiling and attention and love crammed into those pain free days than many dogs every get in a lifetime.

I know you're still walking around in circles. I knkw you hate going to sleep at night. I knkw yoy hate getting up in the morning. Your world has stopped.

But don't stop talking to Boone. Boone's world hasn't stopped. His energy is around you and he hears you. So go ahead a d tell Boone to "watch the house." Let him know yiu "won't be gone long". Shhh....our secret, okay? I talked to Happy Hannah all the time after she transitioned. I talked with all my dogs after they transitioned. It gave me a sense of an unbroken connection that's hard to put into words. Sure, my "conversations" lessened after awhile. But a first it was a "routine" where she and I had a shared familiarity.

We'll look forward to more pictures of Boone-y. We look forward to more ways he's sending you signs. Although, I have to say, he's already sent you a couple of magnificent signs already!! His other signs may be a little more subtle..or not.

And, I mentioned on another post (I think I did), Boone WILL send you another dog! He knows you NEED to share all that love you have bottled up inside now. And he knows there is another deserving dog just waiting to be loved by you, while you are waiting to be loved by him...or her!

Surrounding you with love and hugs

Sally and My Chunky Spiritual Being Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie

PS.....Just so you'll know, the all the new members at the Bridge get a special "Welcom Home" gift when they arrive. This is Boone's.

Screenshot_2017-03-18-01-18-10_zpslbo5k9vz.jpgImage Enlarger

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Green Bay, WI
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18 May 2014
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18 March 2017 - 10:50 am
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I was so sorry to hear about Boone....when I first saw his pic, I thought he was a Dobie - what a beautiful boy! Wishing you peace and comfort as you mourn him; please stay in touch and share your stories of him.

Paula and Nitro

Nitro 11 1/2  yr old Doberman; right front amp June 2014. Had 6 doses carboplatin, followed by metronomic therapy. Rocked it on 3 legs for over 3 years! My Warrior beat cancer, but couldn't beat old age. He crossed the Bridge peacefully on July 25, 2017, with dignity and on his terms.  Follow his blog entitled "Doberman's journey"

"Be good, mama loves you" free my beautiful Warrior

Palmer, Alaska
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20 March 2017 - 8:38 am
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I just love this community. Thank you for reminding me that we're not alone in our grief 💖.

Last week was a blur. Lots of crying mixed with laughing as we remembered everything special that Boone brought to our lives. 

I returned to walking with my friend and her lab despite coming down with bronchitis on Wednesday. It was good to get back out in the fresh air. 

Saturday we spent the day in Anchorage. It was the first time in a very long time that we'd spent more than 3 hours away from the house. A friend who has Rotties invited us to stop by for some "Nox Therapy" with her super sweet boy. It was just what we needed. He wiggled and gave kisses and even sat on us. It was a good thing we didn't drive my SUV otherwise we'd have taken Anneliese up on her offer to take Nox home to fill the void for a few weeks. Anneliese lost her special 12 year old Rotty to OSA in December so she completely understands where we are right now.

Last night was the first night since losing Boone that I actually slept through. His loss, coupled with bronchitis has made sleeping difficult. But what made last night's rest even more recouperating was that I dreamt I was out walking Boone again, in tall green grass. He had all four legs and was young again. I shared that with my hubby this morning and he said, "That tells you that he made it." 🐾😇.

Oh, and a friend who was Boone's puppy & beginning obedience class instructor (we did try to alter the course of his bad dog bundle ways) left me a voicemail while we were out Saturday saying how sorry she was that we lost Boone. He was one of her favorites. She's also a Rotty person and "just wanted to let me know" that she had a litter of puppies on March 9th. She sent me a picture of "red boy" (the color of the ribbon used to tell the babies apart), saying he's already a funny boy and that I'm first on the list should I decide that I'm ready by May to bring a new dog into my life.

Better get breakfast and a new day started. Hugs to you and your fur kids 🐾💕

Jeanette & Angel Boone


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20 March 2017 - 9:37 am
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I was holding it together as I was reading the first part of your post. Knowing you were able to resume one teeny weeny tiny sliver of "normalcy" like a walk is a "step", a teeny weeny step towards healing. Sure, the grief is there and still hits you like a ton of bricks, but you at least are starting to break the pattern of grief moment by moment.

So glad you had an opportunity to get some "Nox Therapy". That was such a great idea!

And then I read further. And then the waterworks started again. But this time the waterworks weren't all sad. The DREAM, your husband's INSIGHT INTO THE DREAM......BOONE MADE IT!!!!! 🙂 BOONE COMMUNICATED TO YOU HE MADE IT AND HE IS HEALTHY AND YOUNG AND FULL OF HIS "BAD DOG BUNDLE WAYS"!

Boone communicates with you in THE most profound ways...very "Boone specific ways"!!

To me, dreams are one of the most powerful ways we gain insight and enlightenment in so many areas of our lives. You were in a deep and restful sleep which gave Boone an opportunity to break through all conscious filters. Boone was "there" with you SHOWING you in his Boone way that he DID, indeed make it, and he IS indeed with you!!

And then...AND THEN...while you are out, you get THAT voicemail saying a potential "bad dog bundle wannabe" is in the making!!! And the timing...the timing of "Red Boy's" birth and the timing of when he will be available to go to your loving home....ooooohhhhhh yeah, Boone has his pawprints all over this!!!

Thank you soooooo much for sharing this with us today...all of it! I DO hope you are keeping notes of all the ways Boone is communy with you!

Is it possible for you to post some pictures of Baby Bundle Red Boy? We would looooove to see a chubby tummy puppy picture!!!

Lots of love and hugs

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Palmer, Alaska
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22 January 2017
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25 March 2017 - 8:25 pm
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It's been an up and down week. Some days I'm able to laugh and smile thinking about our life with Boone and other days I just cry.

Today was a tear filled one as I did some early spring cleaning and discovered Boone's hair. 

But then I happened to look outside and saw a familiar "Frozen" bike helmet. It was little Audrey, the toddler that Boone just adored. She was chatting with my hubby, so I popped out to say hello. I was a bit surprised to see Audrey without her mom and baby brother. Surely Audrey wasn't out on her strider bike without a parent?

I glanced up the road and saw her mom visiting with another neighbor. Phew! Audrey just decided to get a little ahead of her. I'm glad she knows the "safe" neighbors!

Anyway, Audrey said hello to me then asked "Where's Boone?" I choked back tears and told her he wasn't with us anymore. So then she said, "Did he die?" I told her yes. Off she went like a shot yelling to her mom, "Boone died!" 

After some hugs and tears (me and Molly), Audrey asked why Boone died and I told her he was really sick. She didn't seem phased, just went back to interrogating my hubby (whom she'd never met before) and taking several trips down our fun driveway.

I asked Molly if what I said to Audrey about Boone was ok, and she said yes, they've talked with her about life and that death is part of it.

That little blonde girl put a smile on my face today. I'm sure Boone was grinning broadly from the Bridge. 💕🐾


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25 March 2017 - 10:47 pm
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Awww....sweet. Just like Boone, little Audrey wasn't phased by the word "died". Children instinctively know that life continues. Well, they know that until "society" tells them otherwise!

And this happened on the same day you found his fur...yeah, some more sweet signs from Boone.

I'm sure Boone has already told "Red Boy" about little Audrey. It will be interesting to see how Audrey responds to him and he to her. How far away is Red Boy? Could you just go visit him? I think some puppy breath and a soft round puppy belly would do wonders for you!

Thanks for posting today. We haven't forgotten Boone for one second and the deep devotion yiu shared for him, and he for you. We know you miss him terribly, and always will. We know the waves of grief still hit you with the same raw emotion as though his crossing just happened. But the fact that Da Boone has reinforced his unbroken connection to you in sooo many PROFOUND ways has got to bring you some smiles, and peace!

Lots of love and hugs

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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16 October 2012
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26 March 2017 - 1:29 pm
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I am so sorry to hear about Boone.   Nothing about this part of the journey is easy.  Its the hardest part of it.  Yeah making the decision was hard, yeah watching them adapt could be hard but the grief part basically sucks.  We are all here for you.  There will be ups & downs, smile and lots of tears (and when you least expect them expect it ).

I know your dream means he made it and he was greeted by all the warriors & Princess Warriors. 

Til he meets you again on that great Bridge run free Boone.  


Michelle & Angel Sassy


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

Palmer, Alaska
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22 January 2017
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30 March 2017 - 6:29 pm
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Ah, my Boone worked some magic from the Bridge on Monday.

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Meet Tuck. My new "office temp." We're fostering him through our local rescue group. Tuck is from a village up north where he had been wandering looking for handouts. He must have been someone's puppy for a little while, though, as he seems to be house trained, knows "sit" and has the gentlest mouth.

He is a bit of a stinker, which is why Boone's pawprints are all over this. I know he's laughing hysterically from the bridge. 

I'll share a bit more that tells me Boone was involved tomorrow heart.

Hugs from Jeanette, Angel Boone, and Foster Tuck

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