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Member Since:
7 December 2018
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4 March 2021 - 10:52 pm
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My tripawd passed away recently, and as it happened quite suddenly, I wasn’t in the right state of mind to ask questions and I didn’t ask for autopsy. Now I’m trying to understand better what happened, so I would really appreciate some insights.

The course of events was dramatic: one moment Razbeg was fine and the next he was clearly feeling poorly and was lethargic. In the emercency room it turned out that his pericardium had filled with fluid, thus preventing the heart from functioning normally. Because it was Sunday and an emercency duty, they couldn’t perform all possible procedures to find out the exact reason for this, but considering Razbeg’s age and the fact he had cancer, the most likely reason for his state was ruptured tumor (the fluid in his pericardium was blood). Although my first thought was that I wanted everything possible to be done in order to save him, the prognosis was so poor that finally I agreed to let him go.

Can tumors rupture just like that, or is there some reason for it? Now I know that what happened to Razbeg is typical for hemangiosarcoma, but to my knowledge he only had two lung mets that were slow to grow. Could those lung mets have caused this (according to radiology report his lung mets were near the heart)? Though I guess that if a lung tumor would rupture, it would bleed to the lungs, not to the pericardium. Is it more likely that he also had undiagnosed tumor in the heart? In x-rays his heart looked perfectly normal.

He was on leukeran for his lung mets and I read that one possible side effect of leukeran could be secondary blood cancer. Could leukeran have caused this?

I am sorry that this post is longish and contains more than just one question, but I can’t stop thinking about this and it would help immensely if I even understood the whole situation better.

Razbeg the rescue borzoi (born in 11.06.2009) became a tripawd in 20.09.2018.

He and his adopted "brother" Myrsky have their own facebook page:Razbeg & Myrsky

Member Since:
22 August 2008
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5 March 2021 - 7:55 am
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The reason that HSA is such a crappy cancer is because the tumors favor organs with a heavy blood supply such as the liver, spleen, and heart. The right atrium of the heart is one of the prominent places that this tumor is found and is often the primary tumor. Unfortunately this can only be picked up on an ultrasound because until the tumor starts bleeding the heart will look normal on radiographs. The dog will seem fine one day then suddenly bleed and become weak.

The spleen can be removed but of course to remove a tumor on the heart is much more dangerous and I would not have put my dog through it either.  I do not think that the Leukeran had anything to do with is just the tumor spreading. I am so sorry!


On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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5 March 2021 - 10:39 am
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Thank you Dr. Pam, your information is always so reassuring and comforting. I know without a doubt you helped Razbeg's mum.

Now I’m trying to understand better what happened, so I would really appreciate some insights.

We sure miss Razbeg. Cancer makes us so smiley7 Please feel free to lean on us OK? We are here for you.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
7 December 2018
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5 March 2021 - 1:45 pm
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Thank you Dr. Pam, your answer was truly helpful and comforting. It helps me to accept that there's probably nothing I could have to prevent this and that there's nothing more I could have done in that situation: it simply was his time to go.

And thank you Jerry for always being so supportive. It's comforting to know that this community is always here for all of us who have lost a loved one to this horrible disease.


Razbeg the rescue borzoi (born in 11.06.2009) became a tripawd in 20.09.2018.

He and his adopted "brother" Myrsky have their own facebook page:Razbeg & Myrsky

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