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Word of warning on compounding medication
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28 April 2022 - 12:12 pm
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PS....Up u til I saw all your beautiful  rugs for traction , we used to say all our scatter traction rugs look like a clown threw up all over the floor.  Can't  remember  which me,ber came up with that, but it was a perfect description  of the hodge podge.   Bit your floors look like they came out of Architectural  Digest or House Beautiful!!!!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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11 July 2016
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28 April 2022 - 1:55 pm
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Yea, Saxton does not give a hoot about a q-tip? He says, what's so fun about that? Your silly Purrkins.

Saxton loves the wand toys and hunting critters stuffed or real thru the door. Saxton was hunting the birdies at the door when Purrkins plowed into him chasing the q-tip. The boys are complete opposites in most ways! The one video is not typical. Usually, Purrkins won't go nutso like that with Saxton in the room; usually, they play and sleep at different times since Purrkins lost his leg.

I will do that, Rene 🙂 I might even have before and after pics. I'll look.

Their safety is #1! Yea, rugs in the kitchen, rugs everywhere. They are needed & we worry much less about both boys this way! We have more steps than room;) The decorating went out the window when Purrkins lost his leg; the house is Purrkins Palace and helpful for Saxton as they both age. I'm so thankful both the boys took right to the accommodations. The house is as safe as it can be for a three-legged kitty and his brother. It. took a while to get things dialed in and buy what was needed, of course. Nothing is purrfect. It all has a purpose and works.

I'm glad you both got a smile as you can hear me; all I can do is smile and laugh. He is so fun to watch;) Purrkins is the sunshine on the most cloudy days! I love it when you see see Purrkins Sally; you truly can see him on video;) Purrkins specific, oh yes! They broke the mold on both the boys; Saxton is more "cat. " Purrkins is named after our angel Doberman Faith Rae. That's where his Purrkins Ray comes from. I named Purrkins purrfectly from the start;) I adore both our boys for who they are, complete opposite souls! I would not trade either of them for the world!!!

LOL, SAlly on the rugs, nope, I cut 2 of those rugs with scissors and patched them together with carpet tape so we would quit tripping on them:) Oh yes;) Those are 4 separate rugs in the kitchen, 3 patched into one - a patchwork quilt. 😁 Thanks, though;) 

I won't tell Frankie & Myrtle 🤐 I would do the same thing;) Dear boy, it's more heartache for you watching a furmily member mourn his best buddy. Purrkins mourned our Angel Garfield for a year. It is gut-wrenching for us hoomans and adding their mourning in. 😭 💔💔


The Rainbow Bridge

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28 April 2022 - 7:41 pm
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Super cool I can't wait for the tour! Everything you described is exactly how we can help senior pets with four legs, so as Tripawd parents you just end up doing it sooner.

I love that the boys are total opposites. They must keep you on your toes!

Thanks for sharing the Purrkins sunshine with us. We needed it today out here in cloudy Oregon.


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29 April 2022 - 6:34 am
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Your welcome glad it was a bright spot in your day, and yes they do;)



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21 July 2022 - 10:09 am
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You guys, I am spiraling this a.m again.🥺🤯 This was delivered via UPS this a.m. An Urgent recall on Saxton's medicine! We DID switch his meds over to the local pharmacy, but this letter means we DID give Saxton 2 bottles of this recall - 6 months' worth of medicine; anyone following Purrkins blogs understands why this MAY be relevant! It may not be, but yes, how does one not think....

I have forwarded it to Dr.R, so she is aware in case this is relevant, and as I told her, I have nothing 😡🤬🤯but for this company. UGH

IMG_8433-scaled.jpegImage Enlarger

IMG_8430-scaled.jpegImage Enlarger

IMG_8431-scaled.jpegImage Enlarger

IMG_8432-scaled.jpegImage Enlarger

Ok, I'm going to work on my breathing now! 🥺🧘🏼‍♀️😮‍💨


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21 July 2022 - 11:20 am
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Geez!!!!  I'm sure your heart fell to the floor when you got this letter!  I'm sure you are fuming!!

As you said though, it may, or may not, have anything  to do with Saxton's current  situation.

Here's a link on Saxton so you can see why Holly is questioning  the cause of Saxron's issue.

Your Dr R will check jnto it and research as necessary. Let us know what she says.  

And yes, keep breathing in the meantime!!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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11 July 2016
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21 July 2022 - 11:23 am
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I heard back from Dr. R already; she has another patient who recently had an allergic reaction to the cisapride from, yes the same company. So, AT LEAST she is aware now and can help that kitty too! I'm, hmm words...beside myslef! I DO NOT KNOW🤯 We got the letter back to them asap!

THANK YOU SALLY for adding the link! fumes I have fumes!

(((((HUGS)))) feel them K!!!


The Rainbow Bridge

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21 July 2022 - 11:24 am
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AGGGH! YIKES! I would be thinking the same thing right now, and can't blame you for being so upset. I'm so sorry. This is the last thing you guys needed right now.

At least you have this information and hopefully will hear back from Dr. R quickly. Saxton is holding steady right? Can you get a replacement med for him in the meantime?

I'm so sorry Holly! We are all sending you tons of love & strength. You are one tough lady, you know how to handle this kind of $h!tst0rm and you will get through this stronger and smarter than ever. 

Please keep us posted.sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2


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21 July 2022 - 11:29 am
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YES AGGGH! We already switched Saxton's meds thankfully, he is currently on our local pharmacy's medicine, BUT he only started the new bottle on the 12th of this month.

This means I gave him 6 months' worth of whatever is wrong with this medicine🤯

Saxton is holding steady yes!! Thats what we hold onto.

You know I will, my strength... Yes I'm tired and tired of the sh0000storms just saying if I get it out, maybe I won't explode in anger, right!

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