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Member Since:
13 July 2009
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5 March 2011 - 2:24 pm
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Hello Pittie lovers

I am relatively new to Winnipeg and did not realize this city has a ban on pit bulls. Do other relatively large or large cities have such a thing?!? Crazy that some people can't move here because of the breed of their dog. It is in the local news right now, see link below:


My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
Member Since:
28 November 2008
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5 March 2011 - 5:52 pm
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Breed bans are running rampant.  Ontario has had a ban for many years.  I have a friend who was involved in fighting the legislation. They seem prevalent in major cities, although I think most of Ohio has bans.

People mistakenly believe that banning a breed will stop a problem with owner responsibility. It won't.  It is Pit bulls today, but may be any breed tomorrow - shepherds, dobies, canes, boxers, rotties....and the list goes on and on.

The sad part is that most of the media hype is just that.  Often the breed is mistaken.  Most folks (sometimes even myself) cannot identify the pit bull.

Can you?  http://www.pbrc.....ll_v4.html

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

Northeastern PA
Member Since:
19 September 2010
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5 March 2011 - 11:30 pm
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It really is a a new owner of a pit bull mix, I am shocked at how much prejudice there is against the breed. Here are just a few of the things we've run into:

* In the park on a walk, people with other dogs make a really wide berth around Zula, and even some people without dogs
do the same thing.
* We visited one trainer who said he 'had no problem with the breed,' but then turned around in the next breath and said he
doesn't allow them in any group training sessions. Luckily, the next trainer I called was great, and said pitties are one her
favorite breeds to train because they do so well.
* And, we are starting to look at kennels for our vacation later in the year, and are running into similar issues - blanket
statements banning the breed, without even meeting the dogs first. I understand business owners have insurance
concerns, but that doesn't make it right. To re-iterate what Shanna said - there are bad and irresponsible owners of every

But, for every incident we encounter, there are many more where people want to pet her and love her up.

Even with that, though, I always tell Zula that she has to be an even better dog than others - a model canine citizen - to help dispel some of the prejudice of people we meet. (So far, I don't think it has sunk in completely, as she is sometimes pretty obstinant with heeling & coming - ha!) And, we feel a responsibility to be even better pawrents, and ensure we are advocating for the breed whenever we can.

Zack, King of Dogs, 1996 to 2010

Zack lived a full 14 years, even to the end.

The joy and memories he provided us will last a lifetime.

Surviving him is his sister, Izzy, a 12-year-old boxer mix quadpawd.
And the latest addition, Zula, an 11-month-old pit bull mix tripawd.

Wherever the Wind Takes Me, Dude

Member Since:
25 July 2009
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6 March 2011 - 5:13 pm
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Denver has a ban on anything that even remotely resembles a Pit. It's so wrong and stupid.

In our travels we've found that a lot of RV parks ban all sorts of dogs, even German Shepherds like me! Can you believe that?

People cross the street when they see me coming. But it feels great when someone who knows about GSDs and isn't afraid of us comes up and greets me. There are some people that "get it" and they're my favorite kind on earth! Mom says I have to be a model citizen too. I try, I really do!

Wyatt Ray Dawg . . . The Tripawds Leg-A-Cy Continues!

Read all about my adventures at my Tripawds Blog

Member Since:
2 March 2011
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7 March 2011 - 7:11 am
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What I hate about all of this is that Pit Bull is NOT A BREED! There are 5 different breeds that can make up the "pit" sub sector just like hunting hounds, terriers, etc. I have a rottweiler American Staffordshire Terrier mix. Am staffs are the most commonly associated "pit bull", but american bull dogs -the budweiser dog-, english staffordshire terriers, etc make up the group. It is totally a North American thing to classify dogs as such a breed, but inreality it does no exist. From experience, most people who say they have a pit do so for the sake of bragging that they have a pit bull. My baby girl is absolutely gorgeous, and looks like a rodesian ridgeback on steroids. When peopl ask what she is I say a Rottweiler Am Staff mix with a spoolash of Boxer -she is a cocktail!

But I too have had that same problem as other have had with people going way out of their way to avoid us, and all the time people ask me: Does he bite? Even though she is a she with the girliest face. If she bit, I would NOT bring her out in public. It is also silly that there are these bans when these dogs are trained not to hurt people, as when they fight them, the humans need to go in to break up the fights between rounds.

My baby actually came from a fighting ring. I got her when she was a few months old so she never fully exprienced it, but she was a handfull at first! but now she is the sweetest thing in the world and my 1yo niece loves her!!! it is all ridiculous! The only dog who has ever actually gone after me was a Golden retriever! Go Figure! It is all in the humans



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20 May 2009
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7 March 2011 - 4:30 pm
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It makes me angry when dogs are judged by the people that fail to train them properly.  Emily was a doberman mix and people thought she was scary but she was really the sweetest little baby.

Debra & Emily, a five year old doberman mix, who was diagnosed with an osteosaecoma. She had a right rear leg amputation on May 19, 2009. On November 10, 2009 she earned her wings and regained her fourth leg.

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