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dog in a box in Georgia
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In your heart, where I belong.
Member Since:
9 February 2011
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16 February 2011 - 9:18 am
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To be honest, my memory of Tazzie still feels too fresh to consider adopting, although I also think that selfish thought is killing other animals who need a home.


I agree that you're probably not being fair to yourself with this one. The unfortunate truth is that there will be a rescue option for you, regardless of how long you need to wait. People aren't going to stop abusing or neglecting dogs next month, so you will have plenty to choose from.

I have shared my life with:

Sadie, purebred collie we rescued from a neglectful neighbor (desperate situation) and had help from Animal Control to have her legally signed over to us. Lived her final 5 years with us and died aged 13.

Belle, white shepherd, crammed into cardboard box with 3 littermates and put beside a dumpster on campus here; died aged 15 1/2. And this was our "forever dog."superstar

Zoot, rottie mix adopted from a local rescue at about 1 year old; we were her 4th home in that time and she died last year aged 13 1/2. An incredibly difficult dog to like, let alone love, but we did not give up on her and she came around only in her last year.

Dakota, Golden mix we found dumped, on death's door, on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota at about 6 months old–who is currently on day 6 post-amp and laying on my feet sucking all the affection out of me.

There are always dogs who need us. Another way to look at it is like this: If we had been on vacation other than in South Dakota 8 years ago, would anyone have found Dakota? He's happy we had room, he's happy we were there, and he's especially happy my husband stopped the car.


From abandoned puppy to Tripawd Warrior Dude, Dakota became one of the 2011 February Furballs due to STS. Our incredibly sweet friend lived with grace and dignity till he impulsively raced over the Bridge on 12-15-12.

Dakota's thoughtful and erudite blog is at

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16 February 2011 - 8:42 pm
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I love the sea star story. That is wonderful.

Despite what you say, you are all giving advice (pressure!) to adopt now and not to wait!

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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16 February 2011 - 9:26 pm
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The star fish story was just too special!


Shari, my husband is originally from Martin, South Dakota not far from Pine Ridge.  It's wonderful you were there at the right time.


Growing up I never knew about rescuing a dog.  My first rescue was a  9mth golden name, Goofy ("Peanut" didn't match so her nick name stuck).  It was a gift from a previous husband who saw the ad in the paper.  The people just left her in the backyard but at least knew it was wrong and gave her to a good home.  I always rescued after that. 

When Rugby died and knowing how difficult Comet was, I considered purchasing a Golden since I couldnt find the right dog for her.  I wanted something that would be sweet to her.  But then I found Rocket.  I love this guy so much now!  And he loved Comet in his annoying and pestering way!  Now, I love him even more for loving her.



GO GET A DOG, Susan!  You said you would after the summer!

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

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16 February 2011 - 10:57 pm
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cometdog said:

But then I found Rocket.  I love this guy so much now!

Did you say "I love this guy so much now!" Rocket - DID YOU HEAR YOUR MUM? SHE LOVES YOU!! And she admitsit!! And, our little Monkeybutt, she called you ROCKET!

I have a few reasons (emotional and practical) for not being inclined to get a dog now. The only reason TO get a dog now is to save a poor soul that needs it, which is probably more important. Next week, I'll head down to visit my elderly mother who is in poor health, so can't consider taking anything in before I get back from that (even though I admit that I did visit a dog two weeks ago, which opened this can of dog-worms). Anyway, we'll see after then. I spend so little time at home these days it would not be fair. I only looked at a few dogs after starting to look on behalf of my neighbours, and now they are waiting until one of them retires later this year.

So we can change this particular topic, me thinks.

p.s. After summer? If I said that, I meant the coming summer.

Member Since:
16 January 2011
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17 February 2011 - 11:21 am
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Just wondering if there was an update to the story about the poor dog in a box...

I was just doing a search on it and came across this article....


San Bernardino County, CA - Allegations of conditions so deplorable that dogs are literally freezing to death have surfaced for the San Bernadino County Animal Shelter in Devore, CA.

According to the People for Paws Network, dogs pulled from this facility just last weekend were suffering from severe frostbite. The rescue networkers further allege that the dogs that they pulled were filthy, and suffering from dehydration. Some of the dogs pulled were in shock as a result of the severe frost bite.

Continue reading on http://www.exam.....z1EF02VOo0


I recently took a huge pile of rugs and blankets to my local animal shelter cuz we had some really cold nights (but nothing close to freezing).....and then last night as I was standing in the check out line at Kohls a lady was buying blankets for the shelter because she said the dogs weren't staying warm enough - so today, I am going to Ross and getting blankets too.....Anybody with me?

Leicester, NY
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23 August 2010
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17 February 2011 - 12:06 pm
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Before you guys buy blankets- call your local hotels and ask if they have any old/stained:


Bed Spreads

Mattress pads

Towels (all sizes)

I work at a hotel and we replace our linen and towels yearly

We just replaced all of our "bedspreads" with Duvets and upgraded our mattress pads from the felt like pads to pillowtop pads.

I donate all our stained stuff to the local animal shelter



Daisy earned her wings on Oct 22, 2011 at 14 years old

She is now the official greeter at the rainbow bridge

Everyone is guaranteed a welcome sniff and Dalmatian smile

Leicester, NY
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4 March 2011 - 9:42 pm
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CNN Update on Alice



Daisy earned her wings on Oct 22, 2011 at 14 years old

She is now the official greeter at the rainbow bridge

Everyone is guaranteed a welcome sniff and Dalmatian smile

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5 March 2011 - 10:23 am
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Hi Daisy

Thanks for the update on Alice. It seems the conditions she lives in now are similar to those facing many dogs, unfortunately, so it would be hard to charge the owners with anything. I've met my share of dogs chained in yards with no company over the years.

With that waggy tail, she just looks like she wants to get out and romp. She looks and sounds so friendly.


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