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bittersweet, almost two years later
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29 November 2011 - 6:29 pm
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It is that time of year. Tazzie was happily hopping around just two years ago, having had his amputation in July 2009. In September we found a subQ lump on another leg, but he hopped around in good form for two months despite my constantly trying to find the fix to the stupid lump. It is funny how those days are etched into your memory. I can tell you the temperature of Nov 11 day that year - it was sunny and plus 15 - unheard of for this part of the world but definitely appreciated by a tripawd's mother who was wondering how her 3-legged would deal with the upcoming ice and snow. By late-November, the lump became unwieldly and starting to cause some pain.

So the sweet memories of early Nov now start to blend with the more bitter ones (still some sweet since you savour all the moments you still had with them). I suppose everyone around here who lost a dog has their own bittersweet 'time of year' when they go through this. We still celebrated his birthday on Dec 6 (with a wonderful video message from the Norcal tripawds) and were full of hope. Alas, the pain suddenly kicked in later that night. Anyway, the days of November and early December tick by, one by one, two years later.

San Diego, CA
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29 November 2011 - 6:44 pm
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Every time you post and I see Tazzie's sweet face I wish I could have met him. He looks so sweet! I guess he also reminds me a little bit of Abby. I would love to kiss that sweet face of his.

Imagine how beautiful he is with his angel wings!

I know what you mean about these anniversaries. Love definitely brings the bitter with the sweet. We lost our angel beagle, Bailey, two years ago in October and we still miss that little tyke so much! She was a little dog with a BIG personality. I'm sure she is up there right now, doing big donuts, trying to entice Tazzie to chase her. (She's a flirt - watch out for her, Tazzie!)

Jackie, Abby's mom

Abby: Aug 1, 2009 – Jan 10, 2012. Our beautiful rescue pup lived LARGE with osteosarcoma for 15 months – half her way-too-short life. I think our "halflistic" approach (mixing traditional meds + supplements) helped her thrive. (PM me for details. I'm happy to help.) She had lung mets for over a year. They took her from us in the end, but they cannot take her spirit! She will live forever in our hearts. She loved the beach and giving kisses and going to In-N-Out for a Flying Dutchman. Tripawds blog, and a more detailed blog here. Please also check out my novel, What the Dog Ate. Now also in paperback! Purchase it at Amazon via Tripawds and help support Tripawds!

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29 November 2011 - 8:44 pm
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Aww, thanks Abby! You sound pretty special too and your mom definitely is!

Mount Pleasant, Ia
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27 October 2010
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29 November 2011 - 9:27 pm
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Thank you for this post about Tazzie... as I read it I realized how I had gotten a little frustrated and angry with baby Samson tonight, and all at once the bittersweet memories of Cooper came flooding back... it made me remember how much I wish we had Cooper back, and how much I ought to appreciate baby Samson while he is here.. thank you for giving me perspective.



Coopsdad/ Kenneth Blackburn

the monkeydogs only THINK they have invaded the tripawd state

On The Road

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29 November 2011 - 10:15 pm
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Susan, we know what you mean. For us, early Fall is "that time" and everything reminds us of our last few weeks together, from the color of the leaves to the crisp air. It's hard not to be sad but like you said, remembering the good times helps to make it less bittersweet.

It's hard to believe how long its been though, we remember your courageous fight like it was yesterday. You were both so amazingly courageous.

Many hugs coming your way tonight...

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

29 November 2011 - 10:17 pm
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Hi Susan,

Tazzie is one of the first Tripawds I met when I found the site in October 2009.  And I was one of the Nor Cal pack who sent the video message- we sang happy birthday to Tazzie didn't we?  I remember mixed feelings singing because we knew Tazzie was having problems with his lump.  But there is always hope.

And yes- there are times of year that are harder than others, it's sometimes difficult not to focus on the bitter memories.  But for me a little distance seemingly makes it a bit easier.  I try to focus on how fortunate I was to have Maggie in my life, and how she brought me to Tripawds, and the friends I have made here.

But there are still moments....

I remember posting once about calling Maggie Lumpy because of her recurring tumors.  You posted back and said Tazzie had that nickname locked up because his lump was the size of a small watermelon.  I conceded by saying that Maggie was the size of a small watermelon!

I hope the days get easier.


Karen and the pugapalooza

Oakland, CA
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29 November 2011 - 10:41 pm
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Awww, Susan,

The time flies by, don't it? How the heck did we miss your new addition in June??? Congratulations!

Our memories are bittersweet indeed. I think they slowly get sweeter as time passes but I still bust out in tears, nearly six years after losing my heart dog. I had forgotten that December 6th was Tazzies birthday. This coming December 6th is also probably my mom's last birthday (she has cancer and 3-6 left according to the HMO docs) and it is the 6th anniversary of the day my Rosa Rae left this world. I still remember singing happy birthday to Tazzie 2 years ago and how full of hope we were that your journey in search of a treatment would be fruitful. How devastated we all were that it was not to be.  In your goodbye post you wrote ....

'May his bright heart and fun-loving spirit be felt by tripawds and their human companions everywhere'.

Rest assured that Tazzie's spirit will always be with you and with all of us who are a part of this incredible, amazing community. Tazzie lives on through his story and your kind words and helpful advice that have been, and will continue to be, an inspawration to countless tripawds and their pawrents.

xoxox, to you and Paddie, we'll be lifiting a glass and lighting a candle for Tazzie on the 7th here in Oaktown,

Martha, Ralph, and the Oaktown Pack +1

Woohoo! Tripawds Rule!

Regulator of the Oaktown Pack, Sheriff of the Oaktown Pawsse, Founding member and President of the Tripawd Girldogs With 2 Names ROCK Club, and ... Tripawd Girldog Extraordinaire!

Visit Codie Rae's Blog!

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30 November 2011 - 10:26 pm
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well your replies bring mixed emotions, but thanks to you all. Coops Dad - as I wrote that last night, little Paddie was standing right next to me not getting anywhere near the kind of attention I gave Tazzie (or perhaps that Tazzie demanded, or a bit of both), just like you said with Samson.

Haha Karen  - now I picture Maggie - a little watermelon - growing out of Tazzie's right flank. Haha.

Then I looked back to see why Fergus had a lump or broken foot if he already had an amputation, only to learn this was the 2nd leg in which the poor soul had OSA in two months. My goodness - was it really not there when the first one was diagnosed? What an incredibly rough break (no pun intended).

The sweet part is all the happy memories from fall 2009 - between my desperate attempts to 'fix' him - The bitter part is when it started to wind down, corresponding to this week. I am pretty certain - no doubt about it - that the first part was only sweet because of the support and perspective that all of you brought. Thanks to the founding family - Jerry and pack.

Martha, Ralph and The Oaktown pack - thank you so much for your inspiration (even if it made me cry). At this time of year, it does feel like yesterday.  I somehow had not heard about Rosa Rae. Was she the first Rae? Did she live to a ripe old age or did she too have . . .

My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
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1 December 2011 - 6:29 pm
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I so love seeing Tazzie's face. You guys were here when Trouble and I arrived on the scene, and those people who touched our lives in those early days will forever have a special place in my heart.

We all face those challenging times, we can only hope they become easier. I can be brought to tears by the smallest things, and at the oddest times. We just never know when those memories will sneak in and grab our hearts. I know how it is to have another dog, that is great, but not the special one. Duke and Emmi are well cared for, but I don't have the emotional connection to them, and maybe for my sake that is a good thing.

Sending good thoughts to you tonight.

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

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1 December 2011 - 9:48 pm
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Maybe I am confused, but I thought you were already an 'old-timer' when we arrived in mid-summer 2009! (This is not an insult about age, but one doesn't have to be around tripawds for long to become an old-timer - we achieved that status in about three months.) You and Tika and Max and the rest of your cohort were the clued in folk when my Tazzie (Tazzie two) hit the scene with a bang (like a comet, who streaked in and unfortunately out). Of course, Pam and Tazzie 1 showed up about a year earlier than us.

I have had only had heart dogs so far, first Orko and then Tazzie. Maybe it has something to do with how I found or chose them (or they me). Paddie's situation is a bit different - on the first anniversary of my father's death this year, I figured it was time to bring new life into the home and that was that (okay, maybe I had been checking out websites for a few months, and meeting a few dogs, and missed adopting a pyre cross that I still sort of feel was meant to be my next heart dog - the rescue place thought she wouldn't get along with cats - of course she is now living with two and looks as besotted by them as Tazzie did). As for Paddles, I can't complain - we'll see what happens.

I saw your earlier post about the memories this time of year brings for you. I was so glad to see Trouble live to a ripe old age - she has a special place in all of our hearts.

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