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Bailey Girl - Post Amp. (2/7/14) Today after 3 rounds of Carboplatin. 4/27/14
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27 April 2014 - 6:34 pm
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Bailey Girl is doing good.  She is a 4 week candidate for carbo because her whit count goes way down... two weeks ago 800... this Thursday 4000.  Can it go to high?


We are still having the dribbling issue he first 24 - 48 hours but the oncologist doesn't seem concerned.  Has anyone ever had that issue?  Also, she is so picky eating.  She plows her kibble out of her feeder... but will eat chicken cooked in a pan right out of my hand.  Is she just way too smart or what? 


So three rounds of chemo.  I have noticed during the first week she gets weak then gets better and I'm sure it's when her white count is at it's lowest.  We were advised to have 6 rounds of chemo.  I'm really worried that she won't be able to handle that.  How do you know?


Her x-rays were clear as they take blood and x-rays last week prior to her blood coming back too low... then the oncologist said they were clear but we would hear from them after a radiologist reads them... as we were waiting for a script of antibiotics the oncologist said the radiologist read them and said clear as can be.  I think I held my breath the entire day and was able to release after I heard those words. 


So as of now Bailey is loving life, being a trouble maker with her 9 year old sister and playing whose boss with her food.  She cracks me up. 


Tracy and Bailey

New Jersey
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27 April 2014 - 6:55 pm
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Hismiley So glad that Bailey is doing so well. As far as the chemo goes, Lily got a little weaker after every round. Then she would recover. We were going to do 6 rounds also, but after the fifth round we decided not to go any further. She was so exhausted after the 5th treatment-just didn't want to see how she would be after the sixth. I also think that there have been some studies about how many rounds of chemo are enough. Maybe on the Ohio State Vet hospital website?? I don't want to give any misinformation, but I think they were saying that 4 may be adequate. 

We just went by how Lily was recovering after each one. 

Take care-and hugs to Bailey:)

Joan and Lily

Our beautiful Lily was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her front leg on 12/14/11 at age 8 and had amp on 12/16/11. She completed 5 rounds of carbo. She was so brave and kicked cancer's butt daily! She lived life fully for 4 years, 3 months, and 15 days after her amp. My angel is a warrior princess. I miss her so much.

On The Road

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27 April 2014 - 7:06 pm
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Awww she's SO pretty!

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We didn't go through chemo so others can offer you better insight there. But what I can tell you is that most dogs when given the choice will definitely choose fresh cooked real food over kibble. So tasty! She's good good taste :)

Oh and YAY for clear x-rays and causing happy trouble with the pack! This is a pretty good report I think. If your onco isn't concerned about the dribbling (you're talking about urination, right?) then run with it!

Yay Bailey!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

New York, NY
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27 April 2014 - 7:25 pm
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Awwww she is SOO SOOOOO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!


I can tell you Jill had some WBC issues as well, hers went down to 300 after the first treatment and we had to postpone and then was ok until the last one, they were low for that one also, but not early that low, I think around 1400.  She only had four rounds though (shes a cat, her onco only does 4 rounds for cats).

Did they adjust the chemo at all?  I know after Jill's went down to 300 they lowered the dose a little because 300 is so low and after that her WBC did pretty well.

Keep on doing great Bailey!


Erica & Jill

Jill is a 9-year-old tuxedo kitty. She was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in June 2012 on her toe in her right hind leg. Her leg was amputated on 12/12/12 and she completed four rounds of chemo (2 of Carbo, 2 of Doxy) in April 2013. "Like" Jill's facebook page: https://www.fac.....tty?ref=hl Proud member of the WINTER WARRIORS!!!! Her blog can be read at xoxo

Orange County, CA
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27 April 2014 - 9:45 pm
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VERY cute pic of Bailey!!  My boy Max had 6 rounds of carbo; he never had any WBC issues, so he got his carbo every 3 weeks as scheduled.  And yes, he could be a picky eater after the treatment.  He wasn't really interested in food for the first 24 - 48 hours, but would definitely take a few swallows of fresh cooked food.  Might just be easier for you if you make her a nice chicken or beef meal whenever she's due to have carbo.  Great checkup on the lungs!!  clapclap  Hang in there Bailey, stay strong!!!  


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27 April 2014 - 10:13 pm
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Well this is god news imdeed!! And thepicture of Bailey is jist beautiful! She's sooo prett!

My Happ Hannah onlynjad four rondsof carbo. I wish I could remember the may jave been a study at Colorado School....Ohio as Joan said?? Anuway, they showed no difference between four treatments, or five. My Onco. suggested just four and said a fifth was just "icing on the cake" if so epeople wanted it.

Domyour research, but I think you'll find that a sixthis not necessary...I'm no vet....every dog is different...every diagnosis is different.

REALY glad Bailey is dong so well! Continue to staymin the moment and enjoy every second!

Keep these great updates and pictures coming!


Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

New Jersey
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28 April 2014 - 5:38 am
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I think Sally's right-may have been Colorado State Universitylaughing

Joan and Lily

Our beautiful Lily was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her front leg on 12/14/11 at age 8 and had amp on 12/16/11. She completed 5 rounds of carbo. She was so brave and kicked cancer's butt daily! She lived life fully for 4 years, 3 months, and 15 days after her amp. My angel is a warrior princess. I miss her so much.

Southwestern Ontario, Canada
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28 April 2014 - 8:14 am
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YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!  3 CHEERS!   good to hear that Bailey is doing well!  I too did not do the chemo with Franklin so I can't comment on the effects.

I have read that it does tire them for a day or so and then they bounce back.. but every dog is different...

It would be nice is she didn't need the 6th one!!  

oh yea.. and I can scrool through your pictures on Facebook.. don't worrky.. I didn't scroll too far.. but OMYGOSH!!  the picture of Bailey as a puppy is just freaking cute for this internet site!!!!   CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!

Christine... with Franklin in her heart♥

Franklin, he was the Happiest Dog on Three Legs! Diagnosed 09/26/2012 with Osteosarcoma, amputated 12/4/2012.  Had a wonderful 5 1/2 months painfree until he ran for the Bridge on 5/15/2013.  Always in my heart, and always a guardian angel of my pack...   You can follow his Tripawd Adventures, before and after, in my blog, Frank'n'Farter!

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28 April 2014 - 6:22 pm
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Thanks to all my tripawd friends.  It's a roller coaster ride no doubt.  Some days I stay away because it hurts to see others hurting so bad... but I know we are in it for each other and sure hope that each and everyone of you know I say prayers for all our fur babies with any type of life challenges.  I always question the chemo because I don't want her to get so sick where she's urinating on her self (it just runs out when she's laying down for 24 - 48 hours after) the appetite goes away and her ribs start to show but she bounces back.  But I'm not giving up.  We have completed three rounds. Surgery was 2/7/14.


Sorry it's been a while.  Sometimes I just find myself just hanging in the house or taking short walks and doing absolutely nothing.

Bailey's CBC was 680... the week we had to wait last, I stated wrong.  But she did have the third round the next week.  Say prayers for my 9 year old Bella... she's 152 pound lots of lovin.  She has so many lumps and bumps on her that at 9 I don't want to know what if anything they could be.  She's happy and eats anything in her reach... yes she can counter surf with the best of them. 

All our dogs are family and bring us great joy. 


Much Love and HUGS to ALL on here!!!


Tracy and Bailey

On The Road

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28 April 2014 - 8:50 pm
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Tracy, never feel bad about spending more time with Bailey than being here. We're just happy knowing you two are spending quality time together.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

New Haven, CT
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29 April 2014 - 9:01 am
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Oh I'm so glad you came over and updated us!  As you know, I've been wondering how she's doing and how you're handling it.  As you know now, WBC that fall can be normal.  One way to deal, as you know, is to stretch out the time between chemos.  You can also give her an antibiotic.  We were always prescribed and sent home with Zenequin after each chemo.  He took it every night for the first 4 nights after chemo.  That and probably other things helped keep his WBC up.  Have you asked about getting an antibiotic for her?

I'm sorry to hear the dribbling pee is still ongoing.  That's weird and strange and worrisome!  But, at least now you know what it's tied to and how long it'll last.  Thankfully it's not permanent! 

Besides this symptom, she sounds great!  Once she bounces back, she's all 152lbs of loving!  SO GOOD!!!!  She's a beautiful, beautiful lady.  So pretty!

~ Katy & Jackson

ACL tear in right hind leg 12/5/12 and scheduled ACL repair surgery 12/21/12. Pre-op xrays revealed osteosarcoma. Amputation 12/28/12.  Chemo (carboplatin) started Jan 10, 2013 and ended on April 5, for a total of 5 doses. He handled carbo like a champ!  No side effects.  We started metronomic therapy at his third chemo and have been also doing some holistic treatments.  He's a lively, playful 10 year old huskie-boarder collie and a very proud member of the Winter Warriors!  Our love. Our funny little guy!

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