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Reminiscing…. It’s been awhile…..
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Westminster, MD
Member Since:
31 August 2013
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28 December 2023 - 3:09 pm
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Hey all, just thought I would jump on here, and wish all my Tripawd family Happy Holidays, it’s been quite awhile since I have checked in, so while I had a few minutes to spare today, I thought I would see if I still remembered my login, lol ….. 

I decided to browse the gallery and other photos from way back when, and so heart warming and bittersweet to see so many of my friends pups; Happy Hannah, Shelby, Murphy, Sassy, Eddy, Jake, Snoop, so many to list, brings back memories, both good, and not so good, but as soon as I login here, I still immediately feel like I am home again ❤️🐾

My own current Lab girls are doing well, my sweet black Lab Pearl will be 11 in February, and just had successful cancer surgery back in October to remove a large mast cell tumor. It was very invasive in her left rear hind quarters, but my awesome veterinary surgeon got it all, YAY!! Took quite awhile to heal, she had to go into the muscle and put that back together, but getting all the ugly c removed is the best news ever. And my zany, wonderful, yellow Lab Zuzu is still defying the odds with her severe congenital heart valve defect, and just turned 9 years old in November. Her original prognosis was quite grim as a pup, but thanks to her wonderful cardiologists, she is still doing well, and still my side kick in life. 

If I can remember how to add photos, I will come back here and do that, ugh, but till then, hoping everyone has a safe, healthy, and happy upcoming New Year 💘🐾🎉

Love to all, Bonnie, Angel Polly, precious Pearl, and lovebug Zuzu

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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29 December 2023 - 11:22 am
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Bonnie! It was such a great surprise to see your generous gift come in, and then find your pupdate here. THANK YOU and welcome back old friend! It's really hard to believe that Pearl and Zuzu are such mature ladies now. Weren't they just puppies yesterday?

Pretty incredible that Pearl beat mast cell cancer without amputation. YEAH! Geez that must have been so scary for you. Flashback city! But I'll bet it was the most wonderful feeling when the clean margins were announced. Your vet rocks!

I'm happy to add photos if you'd like, just let me know. If you want to give it a go here's how it works (same as before):

Basically you need to:

- upload a photo somewhere like your own Tripawds blog, or a public image hosting site like or
- then copy the image URL (or just tap the image and copy it if you're on a mobile device)
- return here, and paste the image into your forum post.

Hope that makes sense. Let us know if you'd like help!

Meanwhile here's one adorable pic we posted for your gift news:

polly.jpgImage Enlarger

Westminster, MD
Member Since:
31 August 2013
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30 December 2023 - 6:15 pm
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Hi Jerry/Rene, you are welcome and it’s good to check in again 🙂 And yep, very happy my girls are into their senior years, seems I have been cheated in that regard with my late Polly and Maggie, so I always hope for more quality time with my Lab girls. Zuzu is my miracle girl for sure, and Pearl has had a few medical difficulties in the past few years, but thankfully doing well overall. In regards to her mast cell removal, she thankfully was never in danger of losing her back leg, my amazing veterinary surgeon (also the same surgeon that dealt with my Polly ❤️) explained the how’s and why’s about that, so I was very happy to say the least.

And thanks for the instructions again for photos, I know I can get John to help me with it, I am still very tech illiterate, ugh….. 

Hope you and Jim and Nellie pup have a great upcoming New Year, I am sure I will be checking in again from time to time 💘🐾

 Bonnie & crew smiley16

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