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29 October 2023 - 4:09 pm
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Sally, I hope they can identify if she has arthritis or not. I feel like that could make a whole world of difference knowing and what excersies to focus on.


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29 October 2023 - 4:16 pm
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that ice is absolutely deeeeeloghtful!,,You nailed it with the music tempo😳😂    Brilliantly done👍

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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29 October 2023 - 4:35 pm
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29 October 2023 - 4:36 pm
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29 October 2023 - 4:39 pm
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I told my sister she nailed capturing such a great video! It’s rare to have videos of them together like this these days. They seem to always try to fight for my attention. 


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29 October 2023 - 4:55 pm
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I think your rehab appointment will help identify how to help her be oremobile and more balanced. It almost seems like her back….her spine…..needs “adjusting”  or better alignment maybe???   What are you seeing Holly?

Petunia is so pretty.  I always enjoy seeing her ❤️ 

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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29 October 2023 - 5:09 pm
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It’s been hard the last week cause I watch videos of her just a few days after surgery and she just felt so alive and herself. Then the sickness came. And she’s been on these antiviral meds and I haven’t seen that spunk lately. I don’t know if it is the meds, but she just seems so depressed.

I watch videos from before she got sick and then a video a few days after her symptoms diminished, when only on these meds for 4 days, and how her walking seems so good in both instances … to now it seems like a struggle. She’ll do anything to hang out with me in the family room, but I can see it takes a lot out of her. I did call the vet this morning to get a second opinion on whether she should be on these antiviral meds for the entire month, opposed to maybe just two weeks (it’s been 11 days). Cause she just hasn’t been herself since on these meds and it’s been ONE week since her symptoms have gone away. They worked pretty quickly. And she has TWO weeks left in this prescription. I understand that it could prevent future flare ups, but I also don’t want to put meds in her body that can impact her kidneys or liver. That might not be the case, but it worries me cause she is an older kitty.

I am waiting for a call back from them.


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29 October 2023 - 5:21 pm
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Glad you put in a call into your Bet  Expain your concerns about the meds and that the infection appears to have been cleared up for a week.Yes, in an ideal worldI know it’s always advisable to complete lol antibiotics.  There are also many times when the meds are stopped sooner than what would be the status quo,albeit due to upset tummy, no appetite, etc, etc.

Hope you can stop them and see if that helps….

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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29 October 2023 - 5:39 pm
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Researching on the internet, it says these meds can take up to two weeks to see progress, so I get why they would prescribe a months worth. But, all her symptoms literally went away 3 days after. She was also on antibacterial meds for a week before. That is the only reason why I question it. And because I might have jumped the gun of being worried to soon. Maybe it was only bacterial based on how quick her symptoms diminished after starting the antiviral meds. Or maybe her being on antibacterial meds and then introducing the antiviral meds is what she needed for a quicker recovery. I’m really not trying to be a difficult person on this situation, I’m just wanting to do what’s best for her, and don’t wanna do more harm than good. I do trust the professionals, and I told the vet tech that I will in fact do the whole 30 days if it is still recommended, but I wanted to let them know of my situation, cause not ever situation is the same. 


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29 October 2023 - 5:54 pm
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Phew, I thought something happened with all these emails. 

Check that the carb content remains the same or is lower, Samantha. I did not see that info on the Blue Wilderness site. I'm sure someone would have asked the question on Chewys, or you can ask Chewys since thats where you shop. Bonus, it's cheaper. I don't know if they will like it the same. If you can grab a few cans locally before your next auto-ship, that would be ideal. Im glad to hear Possum is in remission now. Yes, many diseases we learn as we go. Thats why weighing cats is so important to catch things quickly. Plus, seeing the vet more often in senior years.

LOL, and yes, you nailed the tempo on the fly-catching. Are they litter mates?

I agree Sally rehab will be most helpful in identifying where, why, and how to help.

I see progress!!!!smiley_clap I see she is taking more steps without the mats before needing to break. Still taking breaks and tilting to the one side. I would bet something is sore, and of course, she is learning her new hop and needs to gain her core strength and balance. Bless her, she is soo trying. Give her a smooch for us, please. Getting a little weight off will help. I don't know what she weighs now, but thats the vets and rehabs department to tell you her goal weight. This is when someone who has rear leg kitty could be a great help, what they saw after the amp, I had much different experience with the front leg.

It looks like your ramp, steps setup is working. I would not feel confident letting Petunia do those without you being there. Great job training her & being right there to catch if needed 👏🏻whoo hoo. 

I look forward to hearing when her appt is booked for.

Show the rehab all these if she does not perform the same there. Keep videoing it will be helpful for all . Yes it never hurts to call the Vet express our concerns & ask if the one month is still NEEDED. Im glad you did. Let us know what they say.

Scratches and kissed to both Petunia and Possum




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29 October 2023 - 5:58 pm
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I missed part of that. No, you are a concerned owner and want the best for Petunia. They will hear that and appreciate the questions rather than just doing on your own. Then, having an issue and calling, saying help, this is back. Never hesitate to ask questions!

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29 October 2023 - 6:49 pm
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I just spoke with their regular vet doctor. Bless her soul cause I spoke for like 10 mins straight on what’s going on and was so sweet. She said continue the antiviral meds for 3 more days, as well as giving her the gabapentin every 8 hrs. Once the 3 days are up, give her the gabapentin every 12 hrs (which should give her another day before it runs out) and see what she does. She feels with all the meds in her is making her disorientated. I asked her if Petunia not walking as well as she should by now, if she can get better, and she said yes. She actually brought up a 3 yr old kitty after even a few years from amputation still hasn’t figured it out, which is discerning, but I hope that won’t be case for Petunia. At the same time, it’s nice not to feel alone. We just might have to work harder. 

I actually have some left of the 2.5oz cans that I gave Possum when I was feeding Petunia the Fancy Feast, and Possum took it pretty well. Considering that they have been eating all their food within an hour or two, opposed to 12, I think the transition will be pretty good. Also, Blue Wilderness grain free has been lower on the carb content, so I’m not worried. But I’ll look into it just in case.

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29 October 2023 - 6:56 pm
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Possum and Petunia are actually one week apart in age. March 28, 2007 (Possum) and April 4, 2007 (Petunia). I got them one month apart. I realized quickly after leaving Possum when I went to my college classes or work that she needed a friend to be with her. Petsmart was having a cat adoption “expo” in my college town and I went; and Petunia was the first kitty my eyes wandered to the moment I walked in. 💕


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29 October 2023 - 7:34 pm
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Awwww….sweet how you knew Ppssum needed  a friend……and the rest is history.

Glad you have a good chat with your Vet.  Yes, every scenario is different and every cat reacts differently to meds, etc.  Sounds like she has a great pan to try👍👍

Anf yes, loving Petunia like you do means you are a caring proactive advocate!  Good job!

I know it’s hard to decompress after all the worries you’ve had this far on the journey.  AndI know it’s hard to relax, but she really is doing quite well!  She will get her mobility worked out!  Remember, even though you might

feel sorry for her right now, she doesn’t feel sorry for herself.  She’s getting exquisite care and, even if she tires easily (not unusual), she can hop from place to place…..slowly but surely.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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29 October 2023 - 8:00 pm
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Thanks Sally for all your kind words and how you can understand why I feel the way I do! Your replies mean so much! I still can’t believe the amount of support I’ve gotten from everyone here … you, Holly and Jerry especially! I know I get frantic at times but as you said, I am just being an advocate to Petunia when I cannot verbal communicate with her. Both my kitties are my world so I will always think out of the box, pay attention to their behavior, question their current meds and needs, not because I think I know what I’m talking about, but to see if I can get a different insight. And I’ve gotten a lot here - I feel like I’ve gained so much more knowledge through this site than I would have on my own! Much appreciated!

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