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My senior cat, Jolie has osteosarcoma: looking for advice
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The Rainbow Bridge

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8 August 2024 - 11:25 am
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Aww look at that boy! He's ready for all of your adoration and 100% attention! 

Yes Edward, try writing something. It's great therapy and I know it would make great reading too. You have so much to say about caring for Jolie, and coping with his physical absence. Of course, feeling his presence is part of the experience too and that is very comforting to others to know that the energy of our loved ones still surrounds us even after their physical body is gone. Jolie's legacy lives on.

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12 August 2024 - 11:02 am
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Hello:).. Mignon finally stopped vomiting with a little help from Cerenia. He has been puke-free for a couple of days now, eating his dry food and snacks.  His purring is more robust. 

Today is 1 week anniversary of jolies going to heaven

It all happened so quickly .

I'm thankful for everyone's help and guidance.


The Rainbow Bridge

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12 August 2024 - 9:24 pm
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Oh that's good news! See, you learned so much because of Jolie. Now what you learned will go on to help Mignon live his best life. Jolie's legacy lives on in so many ways.

When we are grieving, time passes so quickly and so slowly at the same time. It's odd how it works that way isn't it?

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13 August 2024 - 5:10 am
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Jolie was so wise. .. and he powered thru all those awful months last summer when the tumor was getting so big and he got thru last summer's bout with pancreatitis.  

I guess he knew he wanted the amputation last December....then the discovery of the ckd and then the iv's, then going to another city for the scary emergency blood transfusion.  Then the pancreatitis relapse and in icu with his brother.

Then finally thru the hopeful days of spring; March April May June...

Then the nearly perfect check-up in mid July, followed the very next day by quietly gradually distancing himself from all foods... gradually  seeing that what I had refused to  acknowledge all these months was was making  its ugly countenance known...

Finally I acquiesced to an ultrasound that forced me to see what I already knew.....

From that evening on, Jolie looked with eyes that didn't see me but some other world....

He allowed me to keep giving him iv's and drank the chicken broth that I fed him by drops, myself knowing quite well that this was for naught....

Then the final day and night, listening to his gentil, firm insistences....

The next sunny morning...

Gently nestled in my arms as one sleeping....

The vet allowing him to loosen his earthly bonds and gently slip on a cloud..



We love you Jolie♡♡♡♡


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13 August 2024 - 8:29 pm
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We love Jole too💖 

He really did power through  every hurdle because  of your exquisite care.  Jolie didn't give up nor did you.  You and Jolie did  indeed have many good months for more wonderful memories in the making.....lots of purring, lots of cuddles and lots of snacks.

I liked that picture you had of Jolie sleeping on his favorite pillow....just like sleeping on a cloud⛅⛅


Now get ready for some more citeness overload from brother Mignon.   While I kknw he misses Jolie, I also know he is loving all the attention  from Edward.  He also knows Jolie will always be present with his energy and Spirit in their hearts and minds.

Look at the picture of Mignon with his little paws cute is that?  His fur looks really healthy and pretty in all his photos 


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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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13 August 2024 - 10:30 pm
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Awww there's Mignon! He is soooo cuddly. Thank you for sharing these Sally.

Edward, your last post is just so eloquent. I think that is the basis for a great book about Jolie. Dive deeper into what you wrote and see what you can put together. 

We love Jolie furever too!

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29 August 2024 - 4:22 am
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Hello All

I have been on vacation and meaning to write. I am visiting a friend in another city and decided to take Mignon with me, even tho he hates the carrier. It took him a few days to adjust but is eating enough now and seems ok and likes to explore the quite spacious apt.  

My friend also has an elderly boston terrier but they seem to be tolerating each other quite well. 

The boston terrier, Cleo, unfortunately also has kidney and liver issues. I am helping with her care, which means more meds and saline iv's.

There is no worse torture than watching an animal not eat. Cleo stopped eating her regular food. I am boiling chicken breats. She seems to like them. And I also make chicken jerky which she eats.  

I got a text message from jolie's vet asking how mignon and I are doing. She asked me to call her if I need anything.

The vet said it's  been 3 weeks since Jolie left.  I have no sense of time about that. I don't count the days. I feel Jolie is here even tho I know he has gone.

After such an intense year of care and suffering and hope and sorrow and sometimes walking inconsolable darkness I know he has been released from his pain.

I will always remember June. The gusto of his purring as he gazed at me from the bed or one of his several favorite spots, jumping up on the bed at dawn with his tripaws for more and kissing, or jumping up on the couch to nip and kick the back of my neck. Or the way he would lick the top of my head when I did my push-ups. The way he would clean his brother every day....

The Rainbow Bridge

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30 August 2024 - 11:15 am
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Edward, what a gift you are giving to Cleo and her human! It's the education you didn't want but now that you know more about kidney issues you are helping others, and sharing Jolie's legacy so that it lives on. Just beautiful!

That was so nice of the vet to check in with you. She worked so hard to listen to what you wanted, to help Jolie, to meet halfway with what she knew with what you were introducing her to. I really think she is pretty awesome, you're lucky to be working with her.

Enjoy your vacation and the new traveling life with Mignon! He sounds like a great adventure cat!


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31 August 2024 - 11:01 am
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Bummer......just wrote a post andI made it disappear somehow.😱

For now I'll just post some cute pictures that Edward sent. As you can see, Mignon is his adorable self and truly loves just being mignon! There's also a very cute photo of Mignon and Cleo together. Please let Cleo's human know we are sending prayers and positive energy to that adorable pup


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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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2 September 2024 - 9:35 am
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How do I start to write about you, beloved feline spirit.

I decided to take Mignon with me on vacation to stay at Jongho’s house for two weeks until the 1st of September. Since Korean Thanksgiving also falls in September and I will be staying at Jongho’s again at that time, I decided it would be best for Mignon to remain at Jongho’s unit at least the end of the month. So, for the first time in 16 years I come home to an empty house…but not really.

On opening the apartment door, I am faced with the trash bag holding the cat diapers and the pee pads and the cleaning spray. I had meant to throw them out but somehow they are still here.  I open the refrigerator. I see the probiotics and the remaining renal aid. I glance over at the cabinets and I don’t open them.  But I know that if I do I will see the remaining assorted medications, the cotton pads, the empty capsules in various sizes, If I open the bottom cabinets, I know I’ll encounter the 50cc syringes and the butterfly needles, which remind me of the half-box of saline solution packets that is still waiting to be used.

On the veranda are the now-unused cat towers and the twin cat carriers resting side-by-side.

And his favorite pillow is laying neatly on the couch.

I turn around and face Jolie’s framed photo of his gallant image. To the left of the photo are Jolie’s ashes in its oval pink container with the star-handled lid. To the right is the book, ‘Cat Heaven’, with the kind messages from Jolie’s doctor and caring assistants. And in front of Jolie’s photo are tiny yellow and white artificial flowers.

En toto, these, the remnants of Jolie’s year long battle with bone cancer.  The house is quiet. It should seem strange and lonely to come home to an empty apartment but somehow it seems as it should be.   


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2 September 2024 - 6:52 pm
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Edward, you have my eyes all watery.  You were able to bring us  into your heart and everything  you were feeling as you came home to all the memories....the empty apartment......"but somehow seems as it should be".

While revisiting  some of the many  "care items" ......and although bittersweet....... I hope that at least in some way, it brings you comfort to know how much care and love you gave Jolie during her battle.  You never left any stone unturned and you went to the ends of the Earth to give him the best life possible. Because of you, he was able to have more extended time with you and Mignon and continue to be spoiled and loved and spend time on his favorite pillow.

Jolie indeed, was a gallant Kitty who fought a gallant fight and who wouldn't have changed a thing just as long  as  he could spend time his earth time with you.💖

Thank you for sharing all aspects of Jolie's Journey with us, including the sincere way you expressed your feelings and thoughts today. It was so poignant, so raw, so real and  beautifully chronicled


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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6 September 2024 - 10:09 am
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Edward, I felt your heartache in those words. I get what it's like to face all of those items and be instantly taken back to a time when your whole world revolved around that level of care. It is heroic to do what you did, and you can be proud of how you rose to the occasion to give Jolie everything he needed at that difficult time.

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12 September 2024 - 8:51 am
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It's been a while...but this group is never far from my mind.
This week...whenever I sit on the edge of my bed...I hear a soft 'plop' sound behind me and a feel a slight tremor in the mattress...just like Jolie.... like Jolie would make when he would come up on the bed and lick the back of my neck. It's happened several times this week.  I don't find it strange at all...only comforting...
Mignon is doing very very well. He is eating well and seems to be enjoying life.  When he has a bm he runs the entire length of the apt just like a little kitten. He is so cute.
I am here at my place today. I think I made the right decision for Mignon. I wanted to take him back and forth when I commute but the cat carrier is too tramatic for him. He cries and hyper-ventilates. He seems very happy where he is.
....Here, as I sit here I feel a kind of contentment to know that jolie is no longer suffering....
I will send more pics of Mignon soon.

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12 September 2024 - 10:01 pm
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I love that you were avle to feel Jolie's presence.  We don't  need to underst how their spirot energynis able to connect with us.....we just need to be aware when it happens.  You definitely are aware!!!  I know it'is comforting when he connects like that. 💖

I'm confused about where  Mignon is.  He is home with you now orstillat your friends or travel back and forth?

Regardless,he's doing well and that's what's important.  You both are doing well and heling each other heal💖

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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12 September 2024 - 10:14 pm
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Mignon is staying at my friend's house and I am commuting. I would have preferred that Mignon commute with me but he is just not good at traveling.  He seems to be thriving where he is now, eating and snacking well.  When my friend is feeding his dog snacks Mignon even comes over and sits next to the dog to get some of her snacks.  The present situation seems to be working out well.

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