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My senior cat, Jolie has osteosarcoma: looking for advice
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The Rainbow Bridge

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24 January 2024 - 9:41 pm
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Oh poor kitties! I'm so sorry about the boys health crisis, and wish there was something I could do to help. You three are in my heart and thoughts, and I'm sending lots of Tripawd power your way too!

It is very hopeful sounding that Jolie got up to see you, and is being adorable even in the clinic! That is saying a LOT about how strong he is. Maybe with Mignon being there too (same place, right?), they can send energy between them to heal and get stronger? Maybe they just need to be together to get well? 

I hope you get some good news, please keep us posted.

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25 January 2024 - 12:01 am
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Mignon's exam results were all acceptable, except he also has pancreatitis.  It's less severe than Jolie's (Mignon is at  15 and Jolie at 50) but still needs hospitalization. He is in the same care unit as Jolie and on IV.  The Vet is saying it might have been brought on by being separated from Jolie. We don't know for for sure.  I'm hoping it can be a short hospital stay. 


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22 February 2013
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25 January 2024 - 1:56 am
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That's just crazy!!  Both have pancreatitis ar the same time  and no real cause identified?  

Okay, deep breath.  Now they BOTH are getting the care they need, so that's good.

Thanks for the update. I know you have to be exhausted from all the stress so you need to get some rest and take care of yourself, okay?

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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25 January 2024 - 5:39 am
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Oh no, we are so sorry. This was our fear. Mignon would need to be hospitalized, too. The only good thing is that they are together, and I hope, in the same cage/ care unit; that will help them both feel better and get home quicker.

Please let the vet know about kitty aspirin if it was not her who prescribed it and if Jolie had some, too. Unless prescribed & followed closely by a vet, no kitty aspirin.

And I agree it doesn't help these two brothers being separated. It is too stressful on them and too stressful on you now waiting on them both to come home and the financial strain it will be; I hope they can both come home today or your tomorrow!!!! I know in humans, anyway, the # doesn't need to be in range to come home.  Vitals in all species need to be stable.

 If they are still not eating independently, the tube is in. I hope you inquired if Jolie can come home with it. You know from experience that healing and feeling better takes a while. 

Ditto Sally, take care of yourself right now, please. We know the toll this is taking on you !!

& continued tripawd power and prayers!!!

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14 December 2023
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25 January 2024 - 6:14 am
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The vet said Mignon needs to be in at least a couple of days. She said that just one day in might be just a temporary fix and the pancreatitis might surge back even worse than before.   Jolie has been in hospital since Sunday and the numbers have not come down-he is still at 50 when 5 is normal.   I asked the vet about bringing him home with tube and she said, yes, some people do that.  I will talk to her about it when she comes back on duty on Sunday.    I visited them twice today and tried to get both to eat something with no success.  


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25 January 2024 - 6:26 am
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That makes sense to me to keep Mignon for more than one day, and getting Mignon rehydrated, etc. I'm glad his numbers are not too far out of whack.

My dad suffered pancreatitis from a form of chemo (for autoimmune disease). His numbers were off the charts scary business, and they sent him home with those scary numbers to recover. So try not to get hung up on the number. You will see improvements with higher than normal numbers.  I also know once you have a bout, you are more susceptible to another, and those numbers can stay higher once having a attack 

Im not surprised with all that is going on, and either boy is not eating & in the hospital setting, it's tough on most cats. When you say care ward, which I love, by the way - does this mean they can see each other or in the SAME care ward so they can clean and snuggle with each other? That's what I'm thinking and hoping for. I'm glad you can go in and visit. That helps you all.



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25 January 2024 - 7:35 am
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It's a small room with 6 glassed in sections. Mignon and Jolie are separated by one section.  Mignon does not recognize Jolie because he smells like hospital. But Jolie recognizes Mignon. 

I think Jolie has probably been at 50 since last summer when he had it in july-august. So then what has stopped both of them from eating? It must be more complicated than I understand.

My mother had accute pancreatitis. The doctors couldn't pinpoint the cause. She was in excruciating pain and died about a week after onset. Which makes this all all the more upsetting....


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25 January 2024 - 8:31 am
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Oh, ok, on the glass dividers. I understand Jolie has been there and smells differently. Cats are funny that way and react to smells, not sight. 

I'm so sorry about the loss of your Mom, and yes, we understand 100% how upsetting this is and, even more so, because of your Mom!!!

I would bet they are not eating because of nausea and acidic stomach, and yes, my Dad was in horrible pain, too, which is why pain meds are administered in most cases. Have you explicitly asked what meds they have been given? What anti-nausea medication are they administering to the boys? Are they?

Treatment is supportive care, fluids, pain meds, anti-nausea meds, and food. Not all cases are lethal; many do recover from this, but as you know from experience, tragically, some do not. 

Jolie is still happy to see you and fighting, so I have no reason to believe he won't come out of this and come home unless you are being told otherwise. Of course, there are never guarantees in life, but I do hope until all is lost. I can't live my life any other way, but that is me. I hang on to any hope.  Mignon being a mild case, I am not concerned and believe he, too, will be coming home. It was caught quickly because of you!!!

Introduction to Pancreatitis in Cats

Pancreatitis in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment




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26 January 2024 - 2:55 am
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We are thinking of you three!!!


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14 December 2023
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26 January 2024 - 3:18 am
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about the animal aspirin:that was the last ditch effort of a desparate person trying to keep his animal from dieing.

I think I have tried all I can with the hospital and I'm thinking seriously of bringing them both home tomorrow.

Thank you all for your continuing thoughts and prayers.



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26 January 2024 - 3:35 am
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We wholeheartedly understand!!! 🫂🫂🫂
Aspirin and cats can be dangerous as they metabolize things much differently, and we don't know what we don't know!!! There is no fault!!!  If the vet prescribes, it is a much different scenario as they will keep close tabs on labs.

I would want to bring the boys home, too, and Edward, you have that right. We did that with one of our cats. He was at a teaching hospital, and they wanted to keep treating and treating and Garfield was not improving. We felt at one point it was better to see if Garfield would improve at home and he DID. I am not trying to give you false hope. I'm just telling you to follow your instincts. If you feel they would be better at home, tell them. They have both been hydrated and nourished, and I'm not sure what else. You know how to give supportive care with sub q's. Jolie has been there since Sunday we UNDERSTAND.

We have a fairy godmother vet on site here.  If you have questions that are not being answered and if we can't help you please post there and ask her. 

I sent you a pm if you did not see it. No response is needed just wanting to ensure you received it.

Thoughts , tripawd power, and prayers continue; our prayer team is still on the job.



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26 January 2024 - 3:41 am
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so you have the link
Ask a Vet - https://tripawd.....ask-a-vet/

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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26 January 2024 - 11:22 am
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I'm so sorry things are not better. icon_cryWith the knowledge you have about pancreatitis, it's clear why their situation is even more upsetting for you. 

If your gut instinct says to bring them home, then you should. Do what you feel is right for the boys. Everyone is different. And who knows they may encourage each other into recovery, you just never know. Worst case it's palliative care you are giving, and that is fair too. If you do take them home, make sure they have good pain control so that you can keep them as comfortable as possible. Your vet sounds great and they can work with you on those medications. 

We are sending tons and tons of love and pawsitivity to you and Jolie and Mignon. Keep us posted.


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27 January 2024 - 8:32 am
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We hope to hear the boys are coming home today and there has been some improvement. 

Scratches to both the boys when you see them, visiting or bringing them home.🤞🏻 


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27 January 2024 - 12:48 pm
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I brought Jolie and Mignon home.

Mignon is eating.  Jolie shows no change. They took out jolie's feeding tubes and gave Renal liquid formula to feed him. I can't get him to swallow it. I will try making paste with the dry food.

There will be no more hospital stays and probably no more hospital visits.  I am out of cash and maxed my credit card. I am out of options.

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