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My senior cat, Jolie has osteosarcoma: looking for advice
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18 January 2024 - 2:02 pm
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I understand we are here - (((HUGS))) Nausea and vomiting are common in kidney kitties. Do you have any of the other anti nausea med left? If so, give that until your vet is in; surely they have someone to cover calls, yes? An Anti-nausea needs to always be in your cupboard for as needed. (((HUGS)))


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18 January 2024 - 2:11 pm
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If you can get Slippery Elm until you can reach your vet, it is worth a try. Here is a link to Slippery Elm. I have used it a few times for our angel Saxton . https://felinec.....y_elm_bark I made the syrup a few times.

I know I feel like I'm repeating myself, but Zofran and Cerenia are the go-to meds, and I would always have a script for it or as needed. It takes the stress off of you and you can help  Jolie as needed. 

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18 January 2024 - 6:33 pm
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I got 100cc saline solution into him subcutaneously this morning. Hydrating seemed to help him. And I got morning meds (red blood cell stimulator and appetite stimulator) into him. He seems to have stopped vomiting. I don't have any anti nausea meds left. I found slippery elm powder on the net but it's 100 dollars/pac. I'm desperate so I'll probably order it. I'm going to call the vet for guidance. I have class today so I don't have time probably to get him into the vet. I joined the kidney kitties group....I hope Jolie can recover from this latest set back....I shouldn't have given him that kidney med.........


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18 January 2024 - 6:55 pm
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I was hoping you did the fluids, and yes, it will help on all counts; I am glad to hear the vomiting has stopped too!

I have no idea why Slippery Elm is $ 100. I got organic it was 30-40 dollars. No, don't buy it at that cost. Save the money and get the script from the vet, please.

Im so relieved you joined the kidney group.!!! I can guarantee you the group will advise you to speak to the vet about Cerenia and or Zofran. I am confident they can and will help guide you and Jolie. 

Love, scratches to both the boys, please.



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18 January 2024 - 8:59 pm
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I know you feel like the vomiting is a huge setback, but in the overall scheme of things, Jolie still is doing well!!    Really!!!  He's eating, drinking, potty and happy to be on uour lap.  Sure, you don't  like to see him throw up, but it  seems to have subsided now🤞🤞  It may, or may not, be related to the kidney powder, but you were only following your Vet's direction.  Besides, as Holly said, vomiting  sometimes  goes hand in hand with kidney issues and anti nausea  meds can help with that of it continues to recur.

You are rhe best kitty Dad evvver!!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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18 January 2024 - 9:21 pm
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I will give him more IV fluids when I get home from work.  I do have a momcam (dadcam?) to keep an eye on him.  He is walking around and went to lay down in the cat carrier (one of his favorite places) just now.  So maybe he is feeling a bit better.  It worries me so when he doesn't eat and now I'm worrying that this is the beginning of him not eating again.   I guess it would do no good to call the hospital since my vet is not on duty today.  I don't think there is anything that they would recommend but I might try calling anyway. You never know.  I do think the vomiting has stopped.  I do hope this is just a bump in the road...  Thanks everyone!    🙂

The Rainbow Bridge

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18 January 2024 - 10:24 pm
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A Dadcam, I love it!

Sure sounds like he is feeling better. Jolie has had some bumps in the road but he has bounced back with each one, so hopefully this is just a one-off. Keep us posted!


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19 January 2024 - 6:21 am
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I hope Jolie ate for you when you got home. Remember, a nauseated cat won't eat. Since they can't tell us they feel nauseous, the clues are one: they don't want to eat, 2 they appear as if they're going to eat, they want to eat, smell their food, and step away. 3. Some will drool  4. Some will  drink & or hover over the water bowl. 4. Some will lick their lips

My Saxton would want to eat and smell and walk away, he would hover over his water bowl,  and he would lick his lips very obvious sign. (zofron was a gift for and gave Saxton an extended quality of life)

We used cerenia off and on throughout his lifetime as needed—three-day courses. It is given once every 24 hours and, in our experience, excellent for puking. The Zofran is a gift for nausea. Saxton had IBD & then heart disease.💔

Know you have very effective options (that are not scary).  Yay for the dad cam😍👏🏻 it is peace of mind!!
Hugs and love to the boys

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20 January 2024 - 2:17 am
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I joined the kidney group and received an email with many questions which I answered in as much detail as possible.

Jolie stopped vomiting sometime Friday. He is not eating again and was very despondent on Friday. He is alert again today (saturday) and came to the door when I got home. I am continuing to give him fluids by injection. I will have to start syringe feeding again tomorrow....

What made him start vomiting was 'Renal Complementary Feed for Cats'. It's a powder and has potassium and calcium carbonate as main ingredients

I am feeling disheartened


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20 January 2024 - 7:12 am
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I saw your post on the Kidney group. You get a lovely detailed reply, and they will guide you. Like us, they want as much detail as possible.

I did not know Jolie had suspected heart disease. What does suspected mean exactly? I would want him looked at by a cardiologist. 

Heart disease if he does have it - is another reason his appetite can be off. First and foremost, nausea needs to be addressed and treated; in the kidney post, you will see the same recommendations I have given you on Zofran & Cerenia & OTC Pepcid AC. 

Please tell the group about this powder, Renal Complementary Feed for Cats; they will have input on that and alternatives. 

The first step is to call and get antinausea prescribed, and in I would like to see you have both those meds on hand and start giving them I do BELIEVE this will HELP Jolie want to eat. Do continue syringe feed as needed.

Please call your vet to tell her what's going on, get her input, and ask for the script. Hang in there. Things can be tweaked and fine-tuned, and that's where you're at!!!

Love to both the boys, please!


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20 January 2024 - 7:20 am
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I did get the detailed email from the kidney group and I answered in as much detail as possible. 

My vet is back on duty tomorrow and I will try to get the meds.

I received the BP monitor and I tried it. Thankfully, Jolie stays calm and the most consistent reading I get is 150.

I am trying to keep myself together until I can get things back on track

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20 January 2024 - 7:24 am
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I think the vet is relating the anemia with 'heart problem'.

I am doing the communicating with the vet in Korean. My Korean is good but the medical jargon is hard to understand sometimes.


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20 January 2024 - 7:33 am
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Ok, great on the reply. Yes, I know they want specifics. Answer as best as you can. I did not see it; I only got a digest sent to me. I will look later today and help as much as possible; that is what we are here for.

You are doing an amazing job, Edward, and we KNOW how stressful it is managing disease, diseases, and them not wanting to eat - you will get this dialed in more. I am once again very hopeful. Please insist on the antinausea; there is NO reason the vet should have any issue prescribing it.

I can only imagine how hard it must be to translate the medical terms. If you can get any and all written down by them, that may help. You can translate it all without as much stress.(idea anyway) Pop the document into Google Translate or another program. When you go to vet next remember to take the Bp monitor with you and compare there. Excellent thats one less worry.



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20 January 2024 - 11:12 am
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Yes, the ups and downs are definitely disheartening. We get it. Do keep in mind though, Julie has certainly had ups and downs before and it's almost become part of the norm. No, it's not a norm you want to get used to, but at least you can be less stressed about it knowing a tweak here and there can get him "back on track".

Jolie's attitude Satirday shows you, other than eating like you would want, he is getting back to feeling good.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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21 January 2024 - 2:02 am
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There was more vomiting today, jelly-like grey vomiting with red specks. When I tried to syringe feed him he vomited up green bile.

I'm on my way to the hospital....

Prayers please....

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