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My senior cat, Jolie has osteosarcoma: looking for advice
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8 January 2024 - 8:35 pm
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How did I not see your post earlier, Jerry? WEIRD. 

Saxton (Purrkins brother) had a high BP reading at the vet clinic, and I asked our vet (Dr. R) then if I could get one for home use, and she told me none were accurate. Dr. R came to the house two times after that to check Saxton's BP. Once she did the BP & the second time, she had us do it while she left the room to have Saxton be as relaxed as possible.

I looked up her model after that visit and about fainted. I couldn't tell you today what that brand was. I didn't retain it, likely cause I knew it would never happen in our lifetime.

The boy's cardiologist uses a different type(name? I would have to google) than Dr R, and he said his type is more accurate. And we would rather not imagine that price tag.

Long story short, yes, there is a way to get a better read if your vet comes to your home. I KNOW how unusual that is. Trust us, we know and are EXTREMELY blessed to have our vet.

Since your vet recommended one, I hoped something new had come out. I'm interested in seeing what she suggested.

When we go to the cardiologist again, I will ask him if there are any affordable, accurate home-use monitors.

I will have to read your links & will tomorrow, Jerry. (thanks)
Love to you three.


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9 January 2024 - 8:53 am
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I found a blood pressure monitor for animals. The brand is HHE and I found it on a Korean website called GMarket. It cost about 100 usd and has a certificate of accuracy. Once it gets here I will let you know if I have any success with it.

I have several kinds of wet cat food in pouches. They don't like it. I think it might be the smell. They won't eat anything that is in chunks.

I know it's so strange that they like fruits and vegetables. I could be sitting eating a pepperoni and they don't care. But if I eat an apple mignon actually tried to claw it out of my hands.

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9 January 2024 - 8:57 am
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Milestone: I found Jolie in the kitchen eating his dry food 4 times today. I hope this keeps up:)


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9 January 2024 - 10:18 am
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I have seen other kidney kitty humans trying BP monitors, but again, they were in the thousands of dollars, so I look forward to seeing how this goes for you and Jolie. You frequent the vet enough to compare the numbers, and that's golden! Thats the key. Of course, the numbers will be lower at home with much LESS stress.

We also see our vets regularly every month, at least right now.  We know our baby scale is accurate that way.

Purrkins BP is great, so we don't have the need, and I HOPE we won't, but it's good to have this info if you find one that works for you and Jolie.

Milestone: I found Jolie in the kitchen eating his dry food 4 times today. I hope this keeps up:)

YAY, on more crunching. Whoo hoo, Jolie,👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 keep it up. US TOO!!!



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9 January 2024 - 10:29 am
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Oh Edward, such great news!!

The fact that he is eating more and more on his own it's just wonderful! Even if it's not consistent and as much as you would like, he really is defining milestones in his own way and at his own pace.

Hearing that they love vegetables and fruits just cracks me up! At least they are making good food choices.😉

And what better way to celebrate than to have some more pictures of Jolie and Mignon.  They are just so darn cute. I think they actually like having their pictures taken because they know they are both superstars😎

  Screenshot_20240109-121046_Gmail.jpgImage Enlarger


Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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9 January 2024 - 10:30 am
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Edward, I'd like to know what you found too. The feline monitors I saw were about $400 USD so that is a great price.

That is SO CUTE they like their fruit and veggie snacks!


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9 January 2024 - 10:32 am
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And the most adorable close-up in the world



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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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9 January 2024 - 10:41 am
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Awe, they are ADORABLE and agree they are hams for the camera 😻😻😻
(thanks for posting Sally 😘💝💖💞)

And if the boys want to eat rice cakes, fruit, and vegetables, let them. It surely can hurt as long as they get the needed nutrients from their food.

I wish Purrkins liked those things.😍🍎🍎🍚🍚😻 he loves whipped cream (homemade), freshly baked chicken, and freshly baked fish. He has never asked to taste any human food. ( We are vegetarians, and yes, I have cooked meat for the cats;)

Our angel kitty, Garfield, would steal food off our plates. He even liked spaghetti with marinara sauce; I would prepare him a little plate. He would steal freshly baked cookies that were cooling off the counter.

Saxton loved to help bake, too.

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10 January 2024 - 4:47 am
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Hello Everyone.I gave Jolie syringefeedings this morning. But since then he has eaten from his bowl 3 times and not just picking. .I mean eating like he means it.So I didn't do evening syringe feeding And I was thinking, the doc stopped his iron tablets on Monday since his blood work improved. So I wonder if the iron tablet had been putting a damper on his appetite.

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10 January 2024 - 4:59 am
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I was reading somewhere else in the forum about vaccines causing sarcoma. I read somewhere too recently. I mentioned it to my neighborhood vet (not where he got the amputation) here and now he said not to get Jolie and Mignon vaccinated moving forward.His reason was that vaccines can cause auto-immune disease in senior cats. 


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10 January 2024 - 8:22 am
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You bet the iron can mess with appetite, and we are delighted to hear Jolie is eating so well!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 As we have said before, keep doing what you are doing; it is working. The boys are lucky to have you. 

 If the vet has not mentioned B vitamins, please read here - https://felinec.....amin_b.htm. They can be helpful for many reasons, especially with CKD & anemia. I would add it in for Jolie; no question!! It can also stimulate appetite. Do ask for her input, please. I give Purrkins a chew b-12 and a b complex. I used to give one of our kitties B-12 injections at home.

As far as vaccines -Im glad to hear your vet said no more!!!  We over-vaccinate our animals with advice from some vets!!!!

For any future kitties, I would do the core vaccines and administer them in the tail. Vaccinate once and be done! If you are in doubt with future kitties, you can do titers and test for antibodies. We did that with our boys before we were diagnosed with C, and knowing what I know now. I would not waste the money and vaccinate once as kittens and never again. Of course, this depends on lifestyles too, indoor only vs outdoor, indoor/outdoor kitties. 

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Scratches to both the boys, please.



The Rainbow Bridge

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10 January 2024 - 10:43 am
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"Eating like he means it." YEAH! smiley_clap

Holly I didn't know that about iron and appetite. You are a wealth of knowledge.

Edward your vet is a rock star. smiley10I like the way they think, and the boys are really benefiting from their expertise. 


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10 January 2024 - 3:33 pm
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Yeah, best thing ever!.  Love this update!!!

  eating like he means it

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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11 January 2024 - 3:46 am
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Today was mostly positive with one hiccup.  Jolie started the morning eating on his own. But after his morning treatments he vomited 3 times, the last one being only water. I think I didn't allow enough time between the capsules, iv, and surgery site sterilization. And he bit into one of the capsules exposing the medication to his tongue. 

However, after resting, he started eating his dry food again, and he and his brother had snacks together. He was active, alert, and purring most of the day. He played with his toy a little, and spent some time grooming his brother.

So,  the vomiting was just a little bump in the road...I hope!!!

The blood pressure cuff is on its way here from another country. I hope it gets here soon I can use it and it's accurate.


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11 January 2024 - 7:37 am
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We hope the vomiting is a one-off, too, if you are not keeping a log/journal on all this. It is very helpful when we have multiple meds, supplements, fluids ( how much you are giving in a day etc. It will help you and the vet going forward.

That is exciting the cuff is on the way - you can even take it with you to the vet and compare it there;). I am hoping it is, too! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

We will take mostly positive updates. I love that Jolie is eating on his own.
Hugs and scratches to both the boys, please.


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