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My senior cat, Jolie has osteosarcoma: looking for advice
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4 January 2024 - 9:25 pm
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Jist in case you didn't  have enoigh CUTENESS, here's one more photo of these two adorable kitties🥰🥰   No way you cant smile when you see these two.


    20240104_231702.jpgImage Enlarger

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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5 January 2024 - 7:29 am
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AWE, I love your boys!!😻😻😻 The first picture reminds me of our boys on the steps. It is adorable and the best brotherly love! Littermates in cats are the best!!! ❤️

I love their steps and the pattern. And you have a little mattress that matches the steps. 💖

Mignon is keeping a close eye on Jolie. Is Jolie ok with all the attention? No issues it appears. Purrkins would have a few instances when he was not ok with his brother after amputation. They do know they are down a leg. It was mainly during a play session where Purrkins guard was up.

I think Jolie is the first front-leg tripawd kitty I have seen with a little pouch like Purrkins. When his fur grows in, you won't even notice it. 

Thanks for the " smile plaster" and thanks for posting Sally.💞 

Scratches and smooch to Jolie and Mignon, please



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6 January 2024 - 10:17 am
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Hello! I had to go somewhere and stay  Friday and come back Saturday morning which meant I had to leave my boys overnight. My worry of course was about Jolie eating.when I came back Saturday morning there was enough poo and pee for 2 cats in the litter box. I felt jolie's stomach and it was a little rounded and firm which led me to believe he had been eating;I can only hope.

Also,when I came home and laid down  on the big bed Jolie came in and climbed up and then went back down on his own with no problem.

I also wanted to ask if you experienced a change in your cat's personality post-surgery.

I must say that Jolie has shown marked personality  a positive way. His voice used to be high and thin.  Now it is lower and louder. He used to be a cat of few words. He now uses his voice much more frequently and more expressively. He has become more affectionate and more expressive;quite a marked change.


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6 January 2024 - 10:49 am
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That's wonderful that you came home to good news.👏 hopefully you were able to enjoy yourself a little more now, knowing you can leave these two for a little while and they'll be just fine.

Can only address from a dog perspective, but many members find dogs to be more cuddly than they were before amputation. Not sure about cats or The Voice being more strong and more vocal, but I take that as a good sign that he's feeling really happy

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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6 January 2024 - 12:29 pm
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Im so glad you came home and all was fine. I know how worried you were. Good boys.
Brilliant Jolie is hopping up and down from the bed. That's another milestone and a sign you are heading into your new normal!!!

We did not notice a purrsonality change, but we did not have osteosarcoma, and I'm guessing Jolie feels so much better minus that leg. Plus, he is getting his fluids etc, so he feels MUCH relief all over. Excellent signs!!!

Give them both love from us, please!!!



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7 January 2024 - 11:28 am
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When I went to bed tonight Jolie followed Mignon and I to the big bed and we slept together. I have been watchful all night just in case. At exactly 3:02 am I got up to quickly use the bathroom. When I came out Jolie had already decided to get up too. He had made it from the bed to the floor without my help and was sitting in the bedroom doorway. He then headed into the kitchen. I follow silently at a distance, and listening, I could hear the crunching sounds of him eating his food. Then he went to his bathroom and peed. Then he went back to the bedroom. Now he and his brother are sleeping on the little stairs next to the bed. I had been worried all day because he wasn't eating and didn't take the feeding by syringe very well like he usually does. So maybe he is feeding mostly at night when I'm asleep. I am taking him into the doctor a day early, on Monday. I hope there will be good news.


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7 January 2024 - 1:50 pm
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Brilliant news, Whoo Hoo, Jolie love reading you are hearing crunches - thats music to our ears. Keep it up buddy,
I think you need to look into a cheap indoor camera. It would help you see/know if Jolie is eating or if they are okay while you are not home or sleeping. It does give peace of mind; we have one at our litter box, too. Might be something to look into.

We are sending all the goodness we can for an excellent checkup I think today.

Don't forget to ask about the Zofran.

🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🐾🐾🐾 (tripawd power)


The Rainbow Bridge

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7 January 2024 - 5:01 pm
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I can hear the crunching now! And his purring! I also believe that the positive personality change might be due to him no longer being in pain from that bad leg. We tend to hear that a lot from other members with both cats and dogs. Once the leg is off and recovery is over, they take on a whole new attitude, and a hoppier one.

And you're right Sally, there's no way you can avoid smiling when you see Jolie and Mignon together. They are so expressive! Thank you for sharing the adorable photos.

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7 January 2024 - 6:32 pm
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He definitely looks better to me. Unfortunately, it looks like he ate only once the whole night. He did eat 8 pieces of dry food from my hand around 7:30 am. He did have about a 2.5-3 inch poo in the morning then came back to the bed room and laid down on the little steps. I guess he must be eating more than I see somehow?I keep worrying that he is not eating enough.i will definitely ask about the Zofran when I take him in this afternoon....


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7 January 2024 - 7:16 pm
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Jolie never ceases to amaze us!  

It does sound like je's earing more than you know.  Just the fact that he gets up to eat his kibble whenever he wants  may be because  he likes eating small amounts at a time.  If  he is earing more than you know then he wouldn't  be as interested  in the syringe feeding. 

Hoping everything checks out the Vet.  One thing for sure, outwardly he's showing  you he feels good and he's happy.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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8 January 2024 - 5:49 am
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We got back from the Vet and the results were encouraging. Blood count is at 41.  Kidney function is not bad considering he has ckd. Blood pressure was too high at 249 but I think that is because he was forced to wear a cone during the measurement. The vet suggested doing a home test to see if it's lower...which means I need to get my own device.  The vet said she is not keen on using Zofran yet because it is usually as a last resort where there vomiting or foaming at the mouth.  No remedy for non-eating yet. She did stop the other antinausia med because it seems to be ineffective. I'll to see what else I can do to get him to eat more.


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8 January 2024 - 7:58 am
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That's EXCELLENT news on the blood count;smiley_clapsmiley_clapsmiley_clapsmiley_clap

Jolie is still getting his BP meds, right? I hope the vet directed you to a BP machine for cats. A human one does not get close to accurate. Im sure you are right on the cone and clinic raising bp. Bummer on the Zofran- we did not use it for vomiting but for loss of appetite.  I was so hoping you could try it . Kidney kitties are nauseous from the build-up. Check out that site I posted earlier for more ideas. APPETITE LOSS, NAUSEA AND VOMITING -⬅️ maybe that will help. Have you tried fresh baked chicken yet? Put that over Jolie kibbles or just plain. Gerber's Baby food Chicken or Turkey and Gravy if you have that brand there. 

Is Jolie's weight ok remaining steady or losing? You see the vet frequently enough right now you don't need a scale but if you dont have a way to weigh the boys at home that I would also look into. We use a digital baby scale. 

I hope you are feeling better now about Jolie too.  Also how is your foot we haven't asked & apologize.

You are both on the mend!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻



The Rainbow Bridge

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8 January 2024 - 8:26 am
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That does sound like positive news from your visit. I am also wondering how you would measure his blood pressure at home. Even this article written by a vet says that no good options exist. Here's some info from the International Society of Feline Medicine but that one is geared toward in-clinic care.

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8 January 2024 - 8:54 am
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Jolie's weight is about the same as 7 days ago. Last time it was 4.84kilos and this time it was 4.74. He still is on the blood meds. The kidney meds are the same also. We will recheck next Tues and if the numbers seem stable the visit after that will be in 2 weeks. 

One thing about Jolie and Mignon that I dint think I mentioned is that they don't like canned food and don't seem to be interested in meat. But they have been known to go crazy over apples, tangerines, cucumbers and rice cakes.

I wished they liked canned food since it's supposed to be better for health.

I'm going to try asking about Zofran again next time.

The vet showed me a feline BP cuff online for 150usd.

I need to get a scale too.....

Have a nice day everyone

My foot is slowly healing.....


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8 January 2024 - 9:16 am
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That doesn't sound terrible for a BP monitor & cuff. I looked into it a few years ago and almost fainted at prices. If you don't mind sharing when you do buy, I will be interested in what you purchase. I would love to have one as well.

Yes, get a digital baby scale. This is what we have to give you an idea.

IMG_5143-scaled.jpegImage Enlarger

It is very accurate as we compare it to the vet scales, and they never mind getting on it and enjoy laying on the scale.

Cats are obligate carnivores, so this is very interesting to me. How funny is that?icon_lol

Have you purchased an assortment of small 3 oz cans of food to see if any interest them? Yes, it costs money and can be a waste - if none are a hit. Grab a few here and there and see. Wet food is ideal for cats and even more so for kidney kitties, but eating is #1, so whatever they will eat is GREAT. Keep trying different flavors and textures; hopefully, you will find something they adore one day.

Great, you are healing; even if slow, you are both on the mend.
Thanks for keeping us updated. We love seeing Jolie on the mend and doing well.

You do the same. Have a good night's sleep and snuggle up with the boys.

Give them both a smooch from us please


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