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Caring for a Three Legged Dog or Cat

Tripawds is your home to learn how to care for a three legged dog or cat, with answers about dog leg amputation, and cat amputation recovery from many years of member experiences.


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Member Since:
21 September 2022
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21 September 2022 - 8:50 pm
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Hello, we adopted our one year old cat 10 days ago. Three weeks ago she was found with gun shot around and a broken leg. She's our true gangster cat so we named her Snoop Cat. She was two weeks out of her amputation surgery when we brought her home. She mostly stays in her bed and under my bed. Over all she is doing well. We are getting to know her but she's shy and doesn't move around a lot. When she's starts to explore or walk around she starts crying, twitching and hisses. I don't see any backwards walking. She then retreats and we lose progress of her coming out of her space. It's sad and frustrating.  She's a very sweet kitty who wants attention but it's scared it will be painful.
We got this kitty because we unexpectedly lost our long time cat. His vet bill was $800 before we lost him. Needless to say, Im strapped financially. Any ideas I can try before paying for a vet bill? It breaks our heart to see her cry then go hide again. We are still getting to know her and we are confident she prefers to hang with us instead of her corner hiding. Is it normal for her too feel this pain?

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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22 September 2022 - 10:26 am
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Hi and welcome! Thank you for adopting Snoop, she is so lucky to have you!

What kind of pain control was she given after surgery, and how long was she on it? Have you addressed this issue with the rescue and their vet who did the surgery? It does sound like she is showing pain signals , and likely related to the amputation. I would ask the rescue if you can have a follow up with the vet who did the surgery, at no cost since she was under their care when it happened. But do talk to the vet, this sounds like pain. 

Also, do you have other cats in the house? If she wasn't showing the crying and twitching and hissing I might guess that it's behavioral, but it does sound more pain related.

Your future posts won't need to wait for approval so post away!


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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27 September 2022 - 7:56 pm
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Thank you for showing this sweet kitty what love and care can look like.  Alth a ro6 start, she cer6njit the Kitty Lottery with you♥️

Yeah, ditto what Jerry said about maybe vetter pain man.  She just had MAJOR surger all while trying to adapt to three and a new home.  

Keep is posted, okay?  Look forward to getting to know this sweet ttipawd kitty better.😎


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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