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Does your cat show signs of chronic pain?
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26 April 2018 - 7:52 am
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This does apply to signs of pain in cats, in general, it will explain the difference between cats and dogs and even more reason we cat owners need to be on top of pain medication after an amp. It is also good for us all to know signs of arthritis in cats. After all, our kitties are on three and more prone. A new website called Please take 4:32 minutes to watch. 

Does your cat show signs of chronic pain?

Pain Free Cats

Holly & Purrkinsheart

On The Road

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26 April 2018 - 10:39 am
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WOW. Thank you Holly. There are so many fascinating and surprising facts in here, like about how only 7 percent of cats are treated by their vet for arthritis, or how cystitis is often caused by an inability to squat in the litterbox, because of aching joints. I had no idea.

This will definitely go into the Tripawds News blog . I would also like to see if we can get Dr. Lascelles on Tripawd Talk Radio . We missed his talk at the Western Vet Conference, I was so bummed. 

Thanks again.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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26 April 2018 - 6:36 pm
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Yes, a fantastic informative video all kitty owners need to see.
I love how he describes the difference in the pack and solitary animals and how they HIDE pain and why.

What to watch for suffering in silence and hopefully that will change.

Would LOVE to hear Dr. Lascelles on Tripawd Talk Radio ! 🤞🏻
Excellent on the news blog! Thank you!

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27 April 2018 - 8:29 am
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Holly you are a true wealth of information!!! Even though my kitty’s aren’t Tripawds (thank their stars!), I do have a kitty in chronic pain as you know. Spike is a young 19yrs old. This video is invaluable! We all, say that our dogs hide their pain so well, I hadn’t thought about the fact that cats could hide it better!! But It does make sense!

Education is the key here, for everyone... knowledge is power! I too thought that Spike was ‘just getting old’ but he has actually been showing major signs of pain for some time and I wasn’t empowered with the information to know that there is something that can be done for Spikey, to help him feel better in his old age!

Over the last month or so, we have been treating Spike’s pain and what a turnaround!!! He has gained weight, he walks with less stiffness, he doesn’t speed bunny hop down the stairs anymore, he actually goes down them a little slower, he sleeps in the living room with us again, he goes outside to suntan, he yells at us less, he hasn’t wet his bed lately, his eyes are beautifully bright again and most importantly, he is taking our loving instead of moving away from us! All of these things were mentioned in this video Holly and I think if more of us could recognize these signs of pain, our kitty’s could live longer healthier and happier lives!

i am looking forward to spending much more quality time with my old fella and I can thank him for my education into pain management , but we need to thank you Holly, for this super insightful video, as it confirms all of the things that I have been seeing in my boy! I can honestly say now that my boy is in less pain!

4:32 minutes super well spent!!! Lets educate ourselves and our vets!

Much Ruvin from a grateful Spikey, Stew Butt and his other young Kittens


On July 10/17 I became a Super Tripawd! You can find out more about my Pawrents Allensong but first Check out my 🎗 journey Super Stu Remember...“live in the moment!“  


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27 April 2018 - 9:50 am
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Holly, just look at how you INSTANTLY  helped Petra by taking the time to post this!   And now countless others will jave this invaluable  information!!  So powerful!!!

PURRKINS new EXACTLY what he was doing  when he brought you here for your "higher calling"!   And we are sooooo gratedul💗💗💗

And Petra, hearing how well Spike is doing lights up my world!!! 😁  He is quite an amazing  fella with some extraordinary tuned in hoomans😎

Lots of love

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too 

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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27 April 2018 - 10:50 am
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Super Stu! said
Holly you are a true wealth of information!!! Even though my kitty’s aren’t Tripawds (thank their stars!), I do have a kitty in chronic pain as you know. Spike is a young 19yrs old. This video is invaluable! We all, say that our dogs hide their pain so well, I hadn’t thought about the fact that cats could hide it better!! But It does make sense!

Education is the key here, for everyone... knowledge is power! I too thought that Spike was ‘just getting old’ but he has actually been showing major signs of pain for some time and I wasn’t empowered with the information to know that there is something that can be done for Spikey, to help him feel better in his old age!

Over the last month or so, we have been treating Spike’s pain and what a turnaround!!! He has gained weight, he walks with less stiffness, he doesn’t speed bunny hop down the stairs anymore, he actually goes down them a little slower, he sleeps in the living room with us again, he goes outside to suntan, he yells at us less, he hasn’t wet his bed lately, his eyes are beautifully bright again and most importantly, he is taking our loving instead of moving away from us! All of these things were mentioned in this video Holly and I think if more of us could recognize these signs of pain, our kitty’s could live longer healthier and happier lives!

i am looking forward to spending much more quality time with my old fella and I can thank him for my education into pain management , but we need to thank you Holly, for this super insightful video, as it confirms all of the things that I have been seeing in my boy! I can honestly say now that my boy is in less pain!

4:32 minutes super well spent!!! Lets educate ourselves and our vets!

Much Ruvin from a grateful Spikey, Stew Butt and his other young Kittens


It is the best 4:32 minutes a kitty owner can take isn't?
Yes, Education is power! We are so glad to see kitties are getting the attention they so rightly deserve! More videos and knowledge like this I believe and hope we will have fewer kitties suffering in silence. We have far too many kitties suffering! Let's hope this changes for all cats no matter how many legs they have. They all deserve the right to live pain-free lives!

It confirmed things I suspected, I did suspect cats hide their pain more than then dogs, I know they are solitary animals but we kitty owners tend to want them to be pack animals. He confirmed all my thoughts on pain in cats in general! Sadly!

This video brings me back to pain relief, and cats are coming home after an amputation with 3 days of pain meds? Makes zero sense! Cats are suffering & like Purrkins if they show you the pain we can only imagine how horrific it is. Makes me sick!

Who would even consider a 2-year-old could suffer from arthritis? I sure did not know that!

CBD is Spikeys miracle oil and so happy he has made such a turnaround and getting pain relief! We look forward to learning thru the years from Spitfire Spikey! Keep it up buddy he can be the poster kitty for CBD & the benefits for pain relief for arthritis! We did not have the CBD options for Garfield he was on prednisolone for his pain, and it made a huge difference in his life. A cat that becomes cranky or does not use the box suddenly ANY changes in cats need to be investigated. Cats are masters at disguising pain! Our traditional Vet has said the same thing. If we watch for any changes and address them, we will see kitties living longer quality lives.

We have learned many things thru the years, good and bad and we continue to learn daily! AND a BIG YAAAAAAYclap for pain-free cats! 👏🏻


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27 April 2018 - 10:53 am
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benny55 said
Holly, just look at how you INSTANTLY  helped Petra by taking the time to post this!   And now countless others will jave this invaluable  information!!  So powerful!!!

PURRKINS new EXACTLY what he was doing  when he brought you here for your "higher calling"!   And we are sooooo gratedul💗💗💗

And Petra, hearing how well Spike is doing lights up my world!!! 😁  He is quite an amazing  fella with some extraordinary tuned in hoomans😎

Lots of love

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too   

That is our hope, and Sally my Mom says that all the timewinker
Purrkins and higher powers were involved in this journey we are honored to be on it with him!

Seriously we are just hoping to make everyone aware of the pain in cats! Sadly we see too many suffer, and we hope to see things change for kitties.

Sure beats me protesting for cats! I would and will if need be. 😉
Love to all!


P.S. You are getting used to the baby tavlet!👏🏻 💞

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23 February 2018
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27 April 2018 - 10:10 pm
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Thank you so much for sharing this Holly, I learned so much! 😀 

Fostering trikitties to honor Tripod's legacy

Tiffany & Tetrapod & RR Jake & Fosters


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28 April 2018 - 7:48 am
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Happy to share! Glad you watched the video and learned from it. Knowledge is power, and we all need be detectives with kitties! Masters at disguising any pain. 

I learned some things as well, and it confirmed what I was already thinking on some aspects. Great video a must-see for all kitty owners and/or fostering;) 

Give Tetrapod, JJ, & the new fosters a chin scratch from us and spirit kisses to Tripod.


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7 July 2017
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29 April 2018 - 4:40 pm
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Hi guys

i just wanted to post an update on how Spikey is doing so far on his CBD therapy that we are trying for him. 

It is in Stewie’s forum... 

Stewie is having a few off daze...

I do hope this is also the right place to post? And Please note that we are in our very own trial stages with Spikes therapy and although we are keeping our vet informed of the updates, she is not allowed to advise me at this time. Plus any complications that we have with Spike May or may not be due to the CBD oil, or it could be the effects if his renal failure or his old age?

Cheers to all

Petra, Stewie and his sleepy Kittens


On July 10/17 I became a Super Tripawd! You can find out more about my Pawrents Allensong but first Check out my 🎗 journey Super Stu Remember...“live in the moment!“  

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