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Crybaby’s Phantom Limb Pain
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2 February 2022 - 8:13 pm
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We took him to the vet yesterday. They said everything looked good. They gave us cat lax and antibiotics and hydration via IV. He is still not eating food, bone broth, or anything. He is peeing in the litter box but not pooping. Any suggestions?


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2 February 2022 - 8:55 pm
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Glad that nsaid everything looked okay.  Holly will have to chime in with suggestions an insight.

Curious why they have him on antibiotic.   And the need for IV fluids because  he was not drinking enough?

Crybaby  sure does like to give us challenges to solve.  Silly kitty!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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3 February 2022 - 6:29 am
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Sorry in advance for all the questions & my huge post! We need more info to give suggestions. How many days has Crybaby not eaten for? Eating nothing at all? That is dangerous for any cat!!! What explanation and or diagnosis did the vet give? What is the vet's plan to help get Crybaby eating? I have the same question on antibiotics; why was it prescribed? I understand fluids, no mention of an appetite stimulant? Did he run any tests? X-ray, bloodwork to make a diagnosis? Is the cat lax for hairballs or constipation? How does the vet expect you to give the cat lax if he is not eating anything?

As for the pooping outside of the box, is that why he gave cat lax? 

We ALWAYS rule out medical issues first. 

Did this just start happening, or has it happened before?

Is Crybaby straining to poop, vomiting when pooping, is the poop hard & dry balls outside of his box? (if so that is a constipated kitty) 

Where is he pooping? In the vicinity of the box? 

Litter boxes

How many litter boxes do you have in your multi-cat household? Do you have one litter box per cat plus one?

Type of litter has the type or brand been changed recently? 

Is the litter box covered? If so, take the lid off. 

Is the box big enough to comfortably turn around in for Crybaby? Easy access for him? Can he hop in and out easily with no issues? 

Is it kept clean? Imperative, it is kept clean. No one wants to hop in a dirty box. 

Is Crybaby being harassed by the other kitties at all? 

Box location: Is the litter box in a place where he would feel trapped when pooping? (ie, the cats can ambush him in the box) that is when cats feel the most vulnerable - it takes longer to poop. 

Is it in a high-traffic area in the home? 

I'm MOST concerned with not eating at this time, again that is dangerous for kitties! Of course, we want him pooping in proper places, but I'm less concerned with the poop and want the not eating addressed first.  Did you try warming his food,  different types, textures? wet food?

Happy to help troubleshoot regardless. It would be most helpful if you could help us see the bigger picture.

Hugs & scratches to Crybaby eat something buddy ok!

Holly & Purrkins 💝💝💝

On The Road

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3 February 2022 - 10:31 am
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THANK YOU Holly! I chatted with Crybaby's hooman over email and mentioned that you would have some great insight, and as always you do. These questions are so important to ask in a situation like this, and they aren't things that a dog parent like me thinks about. I can't thank you enough. Looking forward to hearing what Crybaby's hooman says so we can help him feel better.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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3 February 2022 - 10:44 am
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The vet did x rays, blood test, and wellness check. He has used the litter box to pee the day of the vet. He is constipated. The cat lax says it’s for both.


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3 February 2022 - 12:11 pm
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Constipation explains why he is pooping outside of the box. Can you get the cat lax in him?

The fluids should also help; it depends on how backed up he is. (x-rays would have shown)

We have not used cat lax for constipation, so we have zero experience to share. We use Miralax for constipation vet-approved.

Once his constipation is resolved, and it does not hurt to poop, he "should" go back to pooping in the box.

I still don't understand why they prescribed an antibiotic? And most importantly, what is the plan to get him eating again?

Holly & Purrkins💝💝💝

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3 February 2022 - 8:34 pm
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Just to clarify he’s constipated. He’s not pooping at all.

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3 February 2022 - 8:36 pm
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He started drinking water just now. Do you have any suggestions on food implementation?


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4 February 2022 - 6:20 am
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Not pooping for how many days,?! A week? 1,2,3,4 days?
Please HELP Me help you! I can't help with w/o answers. Did you get the cat lax in him?

Depending on your answers, you may be getting into an emergency. Crybaby NEEDS to EAT; he NEEDS to POOP.

If he has not eaten for days, a week?!?!? It would be best if you had the vet involved to help you. I know you went to the vet, but he found nothing at all? Labs came back good? No reason for anorexia?!

We do not know why Crybaby is not interested in his food; he could be nauseated, it could be his constipation; the list is endless. The vet could have prescribed anti-nausea meds for nausea. He could prescribe an appetite stimulant to help with anorexia. (again all pending on results of his visit and what was found) A refusal to eat anything is dangerous, and something is wrong.

So my suggestions for a kitty that is not eating or being fussy typically are to try different foods! Examples I would try Tiki Cat Velvet Mouse, Fussie cat wet food, Weruva Cats in the Kitchen; many use Fancy Feast, Friskies, Hills AD from your vet. Right now, it is all about food intake, not type, try anything! Warm the food, try different flavors and textures like pate, gravy, etc. Try tuna, Try baby food stage 2, try a high-calorie gel. Meal toppers on his food include Fortiflora, bonito flakes, liver powder etc. If you are not getting anywhere, you have to go back to the vet or a different vet!

Constipation - What did they x-ray? His belly, limbs? If he found he was constipated in the x-ray, depending on how bad they usually do an enema! Get the cat lax in him as directed by your vet!

As I said, we give Miralax for constipation. We give 1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp mixed in a bit of water two times a day. If he is mildly constipated, a laxative should get him going. It needs to get in him to help.

Without knowing more history having some more insight, this is the best advice and support I can give. I am not a vet.

Please let us know how things are going and what works or doesn't! Also, please hear me if you are not getting anywhere; phone the vet before this is an emergency. We will keep an eye out for your post.

Glad to see Crybaby is drinking!

Holly & Purrkins 💝💝💝
(Jerry, no thanks needed😘🫂 I'm trying)


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4 February 2022 - 6:49 am
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Yes, drinking is good!  Glad he got some fluids yesterday too.  And glad all the tests came back okay!!!

And may have missed it, but why the antibiotic  and what kind??

Noticed in the past you were giving  him hemp and salmon oil.  Maybe  for now take those pf the table and see if that helps his appetite.   Just throwing ideas out there FWIW

Great food suggestions from Holly👍

Sorry you're  having these hurdles.  As Holly said though,  a second opinion may be in order


Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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4 February 2022 - 7:50 am
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Thanks for asking about antibiotics again, Sally. I ditto the cbc/hemp pause if you have not already as you troubleshoot all this and get Crybaby eating/pooping again.

Few more add-ons - Many people have had success with Hartz delectables, stews, broths; Hartz has squeeze up treats. Tiki cat broths, Churu lickable puree treats, caru daily dish smoothies.


On The Road

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4 February 2022 - 12:15 pm
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Purrkins said
Thanks for asking about antibiotics again, Sally. I ditto the cbc/hemp pause if you have not already as you troubleshoot all this and get Crybaby eating/pooping again.


Ditto. Unless it's prescribed by a vet, the less unnecessary things you have in his diet right now, the better.

I'm glad he's drinking water! Did you see our Appetite Tips?

As Holly said there could be so many reasons why he doesn't want to eat, but it's a sign that things are off. It wouldn't be uncommon for the antibiotics to cause the lack of appetite. But at this point, based on how long his symptoms have been occurring, it would be best to call your vet to let them know what is happening. And I hate to say it but if they don't have a plan to help him, it's probably time for another opinion. If you'd like help finding a clinic you can take him to please let us know. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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4 February 2022 - 8:59 pm
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He went to the vet today. They gave him fluids multiple times today. He ate a little bit through the syringe via the vet. He used the bathroom today with help from the vet. The did x rays again. She thought that he passed most if not all of what was backed up. Nevertheless, she said if he is still not eating by Monday she is going to suggest we consider other options. There might be something else going on.


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4 February 2022 - 9:16 pm
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Hoping the fluids and bowel movement will help this sweet boy.  Getting "unblocked" has to make him feel better.

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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5 February 2022 - 7:08 am
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I'm glad you got Crybaby back in; he got some more fluids and poop cleaned out of him. Hopefully, she sent you home with a syringe & food to try the same at home!

I hope to hear he will eat for you, or you can syringe him some food this weekend! Paws crossed, Crybaby feels a little better today. I'm sure he is wiped out from the enema and being at the vet.

Consider other options as in??? Other tests, appetite stimulant, another laxative, possible motility drug to get his poop moving?

Let us know we have experience in the pooping department if so.

Did they inject antibiotic Convenia the other day?

Eat please buddy! We are sending pawsitive thoughts and tripawd power your way.
Thanks for the update!



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