Over the years, members have told us how useful Tripawds.com is for them. Some have generously given to this community, and many more ask what they can do to help out.
To answer this question, we created the “How to Support the Tripawds Community” page. This is where we describe how members can help support our efforts to keep Tripawds online. For example:
- Shopping in our Featured Blogs
- Subscribe as a Tripawds Blogs Supporter
- Naming Your Price for a “Tripawds Rule!” Bandanna
- Starting an Automatic Gift Subscription from $5 on Up
From sharing what you know about canine amputation to throwing a bone in the Tripawds Tip Jar, all of these contributions will help the community thrive (like the recent site upgrade to improve performance).
Never in a million years would we have thought that one little blog about my bone cancer journey would create such a supportive community, both online and offline.
Today, it’s a 24/7 labor of love for my pawrents, who don’t get paid to bring you the information, resources and infrastructure you know as Tripawds.com.
They get a lot of personal satisfaction out of doing what they do, but unfortunately that doesn’t cover the costs of keeping us going.
Whatever and however you can chip in is greatly appreciated and may be able to help us avoid future fundraising campaigns.
If you’re already here, you’re well aware that once you go down the Tripawd path, nothing is ever the same. Thank you for being here to hold the hands and paws of old, new and future members. Together, we’ll make sure that nobody has to hop this road alone.
“Together, we’ll make sure that nobody has to hop this road alone.”
That for SURE is what happened when I joined Tripawds.com ! Thank YOU all for the support and friendship! I am a blog supporter and full well intend on being one even after Maggie has passed…
Tracy & Maggie the “AgileCowDog”
Tracy & Maggie, your support, participation and friendship means so much to us, we can’t thank you enough!