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Time for a Short Tripawds Summer Break!

Tripawds Spokesdog Nellie B. Dawg is on a Tripawds summer break and leading us on a journey from Alaska to the West Coast. But she (and we) won’t leave you hanging! If you’re new to this community, here are some essential links to check out to ease your worried mind.

Tripawds Spokesdog Nellie's leaving Alaska!
Nellie’s leaving Alaska!

First, don’t panic! We’ve got you covered during our Tripawds Summer Break.

Check out the Tripawds Start Here Page for a tour of our resources to help you on your three-legged journey.

And the Tripawds What to Expect Articles shine a spotlight on all phases of recovery for dogs and cats.

The Tripawds Required Reading List has an archive of our best articles about life on three.

Want to Tripawd-Proof your home and get ready for recovery? The Tripawds Recovery Shopping List has helpful things you can do to be prepared.

Concerned about your Tripawd’s pain levels? Check out all of Tripawds Pain Management articles.

And last but not least, the Tripawds e-books contain all of the most helpful information in one place so you don’t have to search for in our website.

make Tripawd's recovery hard or easy
download our books for all the best info in one place.

Want to talk? Call the toll-free Tripawds Helpline: 844-TRIPAWD

Tripawds Helpline

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. The Tripawds community is here for you!

The Tripawds Discussion Forums and Chat are open 24/7.

Post in the applicable Tripawds Discussion Forum topic and the community will chime in with helpful suggestions. Your first post will need to be approved but after that you can post away.

Also, don’t forget the Tripawds Chat is always open to registered members. Stick around there, you never know who will show up!

We will check back whenever we have internet service. Meanwhile, we will be traveling with Nellie, making the most of our journey through Alaska, and following the mantra taught to us by Tripawds Founder Jerry G. Dawg . . . Be More Dog!

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