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Tripawd Tuesday: Zeke Celebrates 1 Year on 3!

Welcome to your weekly dose of inspawration! It’s time for this week’s Tripawd Tuesday spotlight! On Friday, Zeke is celebrating his one year ampuversary as a Tripawd hero. Let’s celebrate!

Zeke the Tripawd German Shepherd amputee recovery story
within 1 month he … got that precious spark back in his eyes”

This handsome pup is from Dayton, Ohio, USA. Zeke’s dad Michael wrote this following Tripawd Tuesday story in honor of the big day. Join us in a 3-paws up to this pawesome pup!

Tripawd Zeke Gets His Spark Back!

Zeke is celebrating one year on three legs after a bone cancer diagnosis. Wheee!

January 13th marks the one year ampuversary of our dog’s leg. When we first received the news that our 7 year old German Shepherd Zeke would need to have their leg amputated, we were heartbroken. We couldn’t imagine our Zeke not being able to run and play like he used to. He was so full of energy and always on the go. We were afraid by removing his leg, he’d become sad and depressed not being able to move around as he did before,

But as the saying goes, time heals all wounds. And over the past year, We have seen Zeke adapt and thrive in ways that we never could have imagined.

Initially, the adjustment period was tough for both of us. Zeke had to learn how to walk and balance on three legs, and we had to learn how to support him in his recovery. But within 1 month he quickly regained his strength and mobility, and got that precious spark back in his eyes.

Tripawd Zeke after amputation surgery
Full of energy, runs, jumps & plays”

Now, one year later, Zeke is just as active and playful as ever. Full of energy, runs, jumps & plays as if he still has all 4 legs. We are constantly amazed by his determination and resilience.

Tripawd German Shepherd Zeke during amputation recovery
“animals are incredibly adaptable.”

To anyone out there who may be facing a similar situation with their furry friend, don’t lose hope. Amputation can be a difficult and emotional decision, but it is often the best course of action for improving the quality of life for our beloved pets. And as we have learned firsthand, animals are incredibly adaptable and can still lead happy and fulfilling lives after amputation.

Tripawd Zeke recovers after amputation surgery
“Don’t lose hope!”

Tripawd Tuesday Q&A: Zeke’s Story

How old is your Tripawd?


When and Why did your Tripawd lose a leg?

Jan 13, 2022. Cancer

How did your Tripawd adapt to life on three?

He did Amazing!

What are your Tripawd’s favorite things to do?

Playing with his favorite red toy, or laying at the top of the stairs looking out the window.

What did you think would happen after surgery? Did your worst fears happen? How did you cope?

Our biggest fear was that he’s lose his spunk & energy. He recovered amazingly and back to his full happy, full of energy self in about 1 month.

What is the biggest lesson you learned from your Tripawd?

I think the hardest part of the entire situation was not knowing initially if we were making the right decision.

He had shown no symptoms other than a large cancer mass on his shoulder. We feared having an amputation might cause him to slow down, become sad & depressed.

Once removed and about 1 month of recovery he bounced back to his loving, playful & totally full of energy. He has that spark back in his eyes.

What is your best advice to someone who is about to go through amputation with their pet, or someone who is thinking of adopting a Tripawd?

To anyone out there who may be facing a similar situation with their furry friend, don’t lose hope.

Amputation can be a difficult and emotional decision, but it is often the best course of action for improving the quality of life for our beloved pets.

And as we have learned firsthand, animals are incredibly adaptable and can still lead happy and fulfilling lives after amputation.

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