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Pet Cancer Clinical Trials Facts, Questions and Answers

If your Tripawd is coping with cancer, watch this webinar to get pet cancer clinical trials facts. Sit back and learn what you need to know about how these studies can provide cutting-edge therapies to your dog or cat. Your teachers are the pawesome veterinary oncology team at Colorado State University’s Flint Animal Cancer Center.

pet cancer clinical trials facts
Learn all about how your Tripawd can benefit from pet cancer clinical trials.

In this one hour webinar, CSU veterinary oncologists Drs. Susan Lana, Jenna Burton, Doug Thamm, and Kristen Weishaar discuss important pet cancer clinical trials facts such as:

  • Why are clinical trials so important for pets and people?
  • Do clinical trials give pets cancer? (NO!)
  • How do oncologists choose what to study? Who makes the study happen?
  • What is the pet cancer clinical trials recruitment process like? How do pets get chosen to participate?
  • How safe are pet cancer clinical trials? 
  • What is the timeline for a pet cancer clinical trial? How long does it take to go from an idea to an actual therapy?
  • How much do pet cancer clinical trials cost pet parents?

Get the Pet Cancer Clinical Trials Facts

What About Pet Cancer Clinical Trials Placebos?

We are honored that our question about placebos in pet cancer clinical trials was selected for the viewer Q&A segment. Here’s what we wanted to know:

Some people believe that entering a dog or a cat in a clinical trial and putting them at risk of receiving a placebo is unethical. Can you tell us how scientists deal with this dilemma when designing a clinical trial?

In this excerpt, watch Drs. Burton and Weishaar explain why placebos don’t happen too often in clinical trials. You’ll also learn how vets look out for the health of trial patients who do get placebos during the study.

Viewers also submitted other pet cancer clinical trials questions such as:

  • What’s new with hemangiosarcoma treatment? 
  • Does clinical trial data get between institutions? 
  • Are there clinical trials for all types of pet cancers?

Clinical trials do so much to move pet cancer therapy forward. If your pet has the ability to be included in a pet cancer clinical trial study, we encourage you to participate. You both can be part of groundbreaking therapies that just might help all of us reach the ultimate goal: eradicating cancer in pets and people.

More About Pet Cancer Clinical Trials

How to Find Clinical Trials for Pets with Cancer and Other Health Conditions
Learn How Pet Cancer Clinical Trials Seek Cancer Clues and Cures




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