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Tripawd Tuesday: Young Luna’s Amputation Story

Not all Tripawds join us because of cancer. In the last Tripawd Tuesday of 2020, young Luna’s amputation story shows that not even a terrible accident can steal a happy dog’s sparkle for life!

Luna the Tripawd Malamute
Luna is an unstoppable Tripawd!

Luna’s mom Krystah wrote us recently to share how her big, beautiful Malamute lost a leg as a one year old dog.

Tripawd Tuesday: Luna Loses a Leg But Not Her Sparkle

This is Luna my Tripawd Alaskan Malamute. Luna was hit by a car a week before her first birthday. It was a quiet Sunday morning at the beginning of August 2018.

She was let out into the backyard by a visitor in the house. When I noticed she was outside I went to grab her leash. In that time I heard “LUNAAAA!” The little girl across the street had spotted her. Luna went running to her.

Tripawd Tuesday Malamute Luna
Luna was determined to visit this friend of hers!

At that moment I saw the car coming, she was already in full speed, determined to visit this friend of hers across the street. Nobody could have stopped her. I watched from the door with her leash in hand, praying she would make it across.

As she crossed over the fence, passed my parked car in front of the house, the car hit her back end and sent her flying across the road. The emergency after hours number for the vet was called and they were there within minutes. They took her to the vet which thankfully was just down the street.

The Amputation Decision

We lived in a small town in BC and the vet referred us to go to VCA Canada western veterinary specialist and emergency in Calgary because she was not in good condition. They set her up with an IV and gave us instructions on how to fill it and sent us on our way.

Tripawd Tuesday Malamute Luna
Within a week she was hopping around on her own!

She stayed in the hospital for two days before they determined how we would be able to proceed with her. There was the option of surgery or amputation. We decided amputation so she wouldn’t have any possible further complications with the leg in the future.

Luna came home with us on the fifth day (day after amputation) they sent us home with a sling to help support her. Within a week she was hopping around on her own. (Which made me extremely nervous). After three weeks I had to jog next to her with the sling to keep it on her. (We ended up keeping it tied to her so we didn’t have to keep grabbing it every time she got up)

We put rugs down in the house so she wouldn’t slip on the floor. This was her biggest struggle. We slept in the backyard with her as it was summertime and she wanted to be outside where it was cool and coming in and out of the house constantly was too much work for her.

Thank You to Luna’s Friends

Tripawd Tuesday Malamute Luna
I am eternally grateful to be able to still have my girl with me today.

The total vet stay was five days and $10,000. We had numerous fundraisers set up for us and I am eternally grateful to be able to still have my girl with me today.

We stayed in a hotel to be able to stay close to Luna for her duration of our stay. Michelle Gibson, owner of Healing Hollow actually payed for our accommodation. Which alone was an immense help.

Luna had a go fund me, and some local businesses that helped with the fundraising for her including- Healing Hollow, The Paw Shop, Kimberley Kritters. As well as BARC’s rescue made a large donation to Luna.

Thank you all so much for helping us and thank you for allowing me to share this story.

Follow Luna’s Instagram  @the_tripawd_malamute

We Want YOUR Tripawd Tuesday Story!

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Whether you are a bonafide registered Tripawds member, or part of our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram communities, we want to tell the world about your three-legged cat or dog.

Send Your Tripawd Tuesday Story in 3 easy steps:

  1. In a short paragraph or two (or longer if you’d like!), describe your three-legged hero’s story. Share a photo, video or both.
  2. Got a Tripawds Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog that you started? Be sure to include that link too! Of course let us know any social media handles that feature your Tripawd.
  3. Then send your story to us via email, Facebook Messenger, or direct message us on Twitter or Instagram @TripawdsCommunity.

We want publish a new Tripawd story each week. It’s time for yours to get featured!

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