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Tripawd Tuesday: Tuxedo’s Tough Tripawd Cat Recovery

Amputation recovery for cats and dogs is usually predictable. But sometimes things happen. Tuxedo’s tough Tripawd cat recovery was one of those times. If your pet is experiencing more ups and downs than is typical, we hope that his Tripawd Tuesday story gives you hope for better days ahead.

Tuxedo’s Tough Tripawd Recovery

Three legged cat Tuxedo
Tuxedo survived a dog attack.

Tuxedo joined us in July 2017. His momma Dawna, aka @mommatux, describes his story in detail here and explains how her nine year-old cat almost died when he was attacked by a dog.

Tuxedo was bleeding badly from numerous wounds and one of his hind legs was almost severed. I have never heard such rage & pain filled sounds in my life like those coming from Tuxedo as I rushed him to the emergency vet clinic. In a twisted way, I also took comfort from the sounds, because they meant my little fighter was still alive & had not given up.

Miraculously, Tuxedo survived, but with one less leg. Everyone expected his recovery to go better once he was home home, but that didn’t happen.

Tuxedo had a difficult Tripawd cat recovery
Tuxedo had a difficult Tripawd cat recovery

He refused to eat & drink. He would even spit his meds out as soon as I would leave the room. I lost count of how many times I ended up washing his chin as all his meds were in liquid form. I literally bought every brand of cat food I could find. Nope, he was not interested. Tuna, chicken broth? Nahh. Just in case it helps others, I finally found one brand of cat treats that he would eat, Delectables

Aside from the typical recovery challenges, Tuxedo seemed to be making good progress. But ten days after amputation surgery, wound complications put him back in the hospital.

…his incision opened up. Back to the emergency vet & more surgery. He had developed a severe infection in the wound. Ok, this time when he came home, he had a tight plastic cone, and bandages sewed in place. And he had to go back every three days to be knocked out and get them changed.

Things Did Get Better for this Trikitty!

Tuxedo’s difficult Tripawd cat recovery was miserable for him and everyone in the home. His best feline buddy was suddenly the target of Tuxedo’s rage. This kitty was anxious, angry and out to prove he was still the king of the pride. And just when things seemed like they couldn’t get any worse, they actually got better!

Tuxedo had a difficult Tripawd cat recovery
Eventually, he became his old self again.

After three weeks, all bandages & the cone were removed. No more continual vet trips. The open wound has closed. Yes, it has resulted in a nasty looking scar, but my house is no longer a war zone. No more cone and the two cats are now best buddies. With them even sleeping together again.

Today, @mommatux reports that she has suggestions for others to get through a tough Tripawd cat recovery. She found ways around her limited budget to help him be more comfortable, and is happy to share them with others who want to Private Message her @mommatux.

I have to find/make my own substitutes (such as using an old pizza box for low side litterpan & towel stuffed poufs for kitty stairs/ramps). I suspect some of my creations might be of use to others too. So if someone gets stuck needing something, let me know. I am very creative.

And now, life is good again.

Tuxedo had a difficult Tripawd cat recovery
Life is good for this new three-legged cat!

In addition to being my watch dog, Tuxedo is also my constant companion. . . So I now am being treated to almost more hours of uninterrupted Tuxedo love than I can tolerate. I must find him a new hobby besides crawling all over me and kneading my head!

How to Send Your Tripawd Tuesday Story

Each Tuesday, Tripawd amputee pets from around the world can enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your story in a few words and you’re in!

Whether you are a bonafide registered Tripawds member, or part of our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram communities, we want to tell the world about your three-legged cat or dog.

Send Your Tripawd Tuesday Pets Story in three easy steps:

  1. In a short paragraph or two (or longer if you’d like!), describe your three-legged hero’s story.
  2. Share a photo, video or both.
  3. Got a Tripawds Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog that you started? Be sure to include that link too! Of course let us know any social media handles that feature your Tripawd.
  4. Then send your story to us via email, Facebook Messenger, or direct message us on Twitter or Instagram.

We publish a new Tripawd story each week. It’s time for yours to get featured!

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