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Tripawd Tuesday: Lovely Lulu Flies on Three Legs!

Being a Tripawd parent is easy: promptly and successfully dealing with physical challenges that may come up later in life is when the real test begins. Today for Tripawd Tuesday meet Lulu, queen of Ilona Berk’s pack. Ilona has passed the Tripawd parent test with flying colors, ever since her Lulu entered her life three years ago.

Tripawd Tuesday Lulu

We recently learned about Lulu’s rescue, recovery and rehab therapy journey and want to give a standing ovation to Ilona and the rest of her pack for taking such great care of Lulu when she needs it most. Here’s her Tripawd Tuesday story Ilona sent to us. Enjoy!

“We’ve had Lulu Belinda (Azalea Rosebud) in physical therapy since she came to us a couple months before her 5th birthday (she’s 8, now). She has one of “those” stories – a designer dog (Peagle) out of a MO puppy mill, sold at a puppy store on Long Island to a young couple for $1000.

Hit by a car when she was 3. Vet tried to save her leg for a year, but the nerves were stretched too badly. Since she needed an amputation, said couple no longer wanted her. She came to a facility near us, Pets With Disabilities (PWD: amazing place!), where she had her amputation and rehab.

The third time was a charm for Lulu.

Tripawd Tuesday LuLu

She is a delight, so a new family wanted her right away. However, they were @$*#!, too. Fortunately PWD reserves the right to reclaim their “kids” from any unacceptable situation, and they did. She hid for two weeks (totally unlike her), and PWD thought of us. We said, “let’s give it a try,” and she has been our treasure from Day One!

Her elder brother (passed 10 Aug 2015 at age 16) had been going to PT for a few years because he had degenerative myelopathy, so we thought it would be good for her, because of the spinal and shoulder issues that can occur with a front amputee Tripawd.

Now this Tripawd can go anywhere she dreams of.

Tripawd Tuesday

She pulled the muscles in her remaining shoulder last Wednesday. This latest thing with her shoulder was one of those things – doing what she does every day, and just stepped wrong. So far, so good, after a week she can bear full weight on it, and we let her bop around the house. But we stroller her to her peeing and pooping spots and for visiting her neighborhood friends.

We are getting this harness as another tool, because it might be helpful when she is allowed to walk more outside – and as she ages, too. So keep your fingers crossed that her PT and laser therapy and her harness and vet and parental care will get her fully healed!”

Lulu is soaring to new heights!

Tripawd Tuesday Lulu

Learn more about the benefits of rehab therapy for Tripawds

Share Your Tripawd Tuesday Tale

Each Tuesday, Tripawds from around the world can enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your Tripawd’s story and you’re entered to win! On every Tuesday of the week, tell us about your three-legged hero here in the Tripawds Discussion Forums or on the Tripawds Facebook page. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. In a few short sentences, describe your three-legged hero’s story.
  2. Include a photo or video.
  3. Include a link to your Tripawds Facebook page, Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog (if applicable)

All entries must be received by Saturday at 11:59 pm. One Tripawd story will be selected at random to be featured the following Tuesday.

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