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Team Tripawds Rocks the Morris K9 Cancer Walk

Thank you Tripawds Nation! Together with your help we more than doubled the Team Tripawds fundraising goal at the Los Gatos K9 Cancer Walk for Morris Animal Foundation!

On Sunday April 13, about 1100 humans and dogs showed up in support of the groundbreaking work that Morris is doing to discover causes, treatments and cures for animal cancer. Over $115,000 was raised for this very important effort.

Team Tripawds alone raised $1,050, more than double our original goal! Thank you to everyone who chipped in for the effort.

A big hearty thanks goes out to The Oaktown Pack leaders Martha and Ralph, who coordinated this fundraising effort as well as creating and staffing our first ever Tripawds display at a Morris event!

In addition, join us in applawse for longtime Tripawds member Karen Riley, who stopped by with Oberon the Pug to help staff the booth and spread the word that Tripawds Rule!

Oaktown Pack member Codie Rae writes in her blog:

Ralph and Karen were busy the whole time talking to people and handing out our custom made Paw Patch Pastries treats and Austin, Tani, and Obie demonstrated their K9 fitness on the Fit Paws balance disc. Ralph said that he talked to a couple of vets who said was an amazing resource and that they always send people facing amputation here! He also said almost everyone he talked to said “Oh, I had a tripawd once …  or … I know somebody who has a tripawd.”

Let’s give an extra shout-out to Carla, owner of Paw Patch Pastries, who generously donated not just a slew of dog treats but also a canopy to help us with this sharp looking display! Let’s all show our thanks by purchasing her deeeelicious dog and cat treats!

And another big “WOOF!” and thank you goes out to FitPAWS, whose pawesome Giant Balance Disc was gifted to the Tripawds Nation for this and all future Tripawds Nation events.

Oaktown Pack member Austin Ray thinks that going to events like this is a great way to show the world what a Tripawd can do. Don’t you agree?

Thank you everyone! Together with Morris, we WILL find a way to end animal cancer.

1 thought on “Team Tripawds Rocks the Morris K9 Cancer Walk”

  1. Nice job Tripawds Nation! This is so PAWsome that you guys did this….wish we could have been there too. We will plan better next time! Such a great organization to support.

    In fact, Team TriPod is now official Golden Volunteers for the Morris Animal Foundation!


    Denna & TriPod
    “living life to the fullest…one hop at a time”


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