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Tripawd Talk Radio Discusses Hospice Care this Sunday 5/8, 5:30 pm EST

Tune in to Tripawd Talk Radio this Sunday, May 8 at 5:30 Eastern to meet Dr. Sheila Kirt, DVM, of Home at Last Pet Hospice and Euthanasia in Tucson Arizona.

Home at Last is a mobile veterinary practice focusing on end of life care for companion animals. Although this is a difficult topic to think about, at some point, all of us will confront it. On Sunday, we’ll hear from Dr. Kirt to find out how we can ensure that our beloved animals’ last days are as comfortable and peaceful as pawsible.

Tripawd Talk Radio is a 30-minute Internet show that brings you the latest information about canine amputation, recovery tips and canine cancer care treatments.

Date: This Sunday 5/8/2011

Time: 5:30 PM (Eastern), 2:30 PM (Pacific)

Tune in here: Tripawd Talk Radio

Call in with Questions: (310) 388-9739

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(310) 388-9739

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DISCLAIMER: Information provided at Tripawd Talk Radio and is not a substitute for medical care by your personally selected, qualified veterinary professional. Always seek the advice of a licensed veterinarian prior to making any medical decisions or undergoing treatments or therapies, or if you have questions about your dog’s health. We advise against any medical decisions made without the direct involvement of your veterinary team. is a project of Agreda Communications, which is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any form of damages whatsoever resulting from the use (or misuse) of information contained in or implied by the information available at Tripawd Talk Radio or

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1 thought on “Tripawd Talk Radio Discusses Hospice Care this Sunday 5/8, 5:30 pm EST”

  1. Home at Last’s hospice service is very much like the human hospice services. They are a great comfort to the entire family. Our hospice here also has a pet loss support service.

    Good listening!


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