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Triumphant Tripawd Tales: Maggie

Looking for hope after your dog’s cancer diagnosis? Then look no further, because here’s the story of Maggie the Agile Cow Dog, a soft tissue sarcoma survivor who didn’t let amputation stop her from doing what she loves best, competing in Rally, Obedience and now Wag It! games in her home state of Maine.

Here is Maggie’s story about life as a Tripawd, as told by her Mom Tracy. Maggie is one of the  many dogs here whose pawrent opted for holistic care instead chemotherapy treatments, and she continues to beat the odds.


What type of cancer does Maggie have?
Soft tissue sarcoma to left rear knee (never found out exactly what type but several ruled out – even after several special stains)

When was she diagnosed?
October 12, 2009

How old was she then?
9 1/2 years old

What kind of treatment does Maggie receive to help fight cancer?
Three homeopathic daily remedies rotating each day, twice per day by Dr. Charles Loops in North Carolina:

  • Sempervivum Tectorum LM4
  • Lapis Albus LM4
  • Carc-P 200C+

Each time I run out, Dr. Loops refills them only in a higher potency. She also gets for supplements:

  • Transfer Factors
  • Mushrooms
  • Omega 3 Oil
  • Maritime Pine Bark herbal tincture
  • Apocaps

Does she experience any side effects from the therapy?

What does Maggie eat?
Honest Kitchen premixes with additional meat of Primal frozen grinds or locally grown ground beef. The premixes I feed her are the lowest carb diets of Preference , Thrive and Embark.

What does Maggie think about life on three legs and living with cancer?

It was a rough road at first for Maggie with a low grade fever and off her food for 2 weeks after amputation. But after that finally broke and she started eating, life has been improving since!

It has also been a long road to gaining her stamina back but with the help of doing PT work on her and not overdoing our walks, she has returned to the “old Maggie” only now on 3 legs…3 healthy legs.

Our walks are far shorter but I think she’s OK with that. I think she’s very happy to still be here and we have had a great summer/fall…far better than last summer/fall when trying to figure out what was wrong with her and dealing with MUCH pain.

Name 3 Things that contributed to her longevity

If you mean since being a Tripawd, I guess I would say

  • CONTINUING on how I have always taken care of Maggie all her life.
  • Good real/raw foods, VERY minimal vaccines and topical chemicals or internal chemicals.
  • She also has been very lean and fit her entire life.

Do you  have any advice for new members facing a cancer diagnosis?

“After the initial shock and emotions of getting the diagnosis, get to work figuring out your plan of attack for YOUR dog. Always think of QUALITY versus QUANTITY. Think of the DOG. Don’t think of the human part of the equation.”

Bravo Maggie!

If you would like to submit your Triumphant Tripawd’s story, contact us today for details. We can’t wait to read your tails!

9 thoughts on “Triumphant Tripawd Tales: Maggie”

  1. I would be happy to connect with anyone interested in Wag It Games. We have plans to take this program national and would love to work with more people who are looking to do things with their Heart Dogs that have physical limitations.

  2. Oh Sumac – thank you, thank you! And you know what I’m doing right now after reading your post 😉

    I thank YOU for the opportunity for playing at your training center! For letting Maggie inspire you to invent the “Heart Dog Program” in your new Wag It Games! My husband said to me after we returned from the trials, “and we thought there would be nothing for Maggie to compete in anymore”….well, look at her now! She had a BLAST and that is the most important thing to me for her – it’s not the competing part but the chance to be able to be a ‘normal dog’ and participate in fun things 🙂

    She has also inspired me in my priorities in life… Things that used to be ‘oh so important’ aren’t so important anymore 😉


  3. Tracy and Maggy are amazing. I do think something is missing from the info on them and it should be added. Tracy has not only taken great care of Maggy phyisically in two important other ways. She places a big priority on keeping Maggy happy and the stress in her life as low as possible. We know this is of great importance for humans and I beleive it plays a big part in the health of our dogs. One other outstanding thing they have done is turn the loss of a leg into inspiring others. Tracy and Maggy have come to semianrs and competed at my training center and have inspired everyone in attendance. They have reminded us to be more mindful of the precious relationship we have with our dogs, reminded us to be creative in our training and that shifting activites with our dogs does not lesson the value of what we are doing. Bravo and a big thank you to Tracy and Maggy. You have done so much more than you know.

    • Well said, Sumac, thank you! Tracy and Maggie do a lot for us here too, they are inspiring others all over the world.

      We would love to hear more about the Wag It! Heart Dog games, I know there’s lots of Tripawds here who would also be interested in participating.

  4. Wowee!! I hope Maggie can help others in their journey’s as a Tripawd with this information! I found out today that the vet that amputated Maggie gave out one of the Tripawds business cards I gave her last month when we visited her, to a client and the client found it VERY helpful…so maybe we’ll have another member from Maine if he/she chooses amputation…

    Good luck, Indi’s Mom, tomorrow with Dr. Loops consult! He is a very kind and compassionate man. You will love him! I am at peace with how I am treating Maggie – may you find peace too.

    Tracy & Maggie

    • Thanks, Tracy. You hit the nail on the head: it is all about being at peace with what I decide is best for Indi and me. I have not been at peace these past couple months. So much has changed in our lives. But I feel like we are on a great path. Spirit Xena’s pawrents are sending us her stroller/ bike trailer, which is SO awesome, and I have another phone appointment with Dr Loops on Monday to talk more about Indi and get her homeopathic regime going. I’m optimistic 🙂 Thanks for being a member of this Tripawds community that means so much to me. Indi’s Mom, Raina.

      • Awe Raina, you make me feel so good with your kind words 🙂 I am glad Maggie & I are of some help to you! I am very happy you are pursuing homeopathic/natural treatments and using Dr. Loops. And let me know how the bike stroller fits Indi! I’d be curious to know!

        Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  5. Yeah Maggie!!! Such a nice article about you!

    This is a great example of everyone working together for a common goal; to help Maggie live a quality life. .

    Congrats to you Tracy and Mags!!!

  6. I have a phone consultation with Dr Loops, tomorrow. I’m so excited to see Maggie living well with natural medecine. It gives me hope that Indi will be a record breaker, too. I love what Tracy said about finding what works for my dog.


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