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Tripawds Campaign Week 8: Going Up!

Wow, did you see the Chip In Meter jump this week? We are now at over 60 pawcent of our goal!  That big increase in our Fundraising Campaign is because of the incredible generosity of our Tripawds community.

And remember, even if you can’t help with the campaign, please vote for Tripawds in the .com contest and tell Ellen Degeneres we need her help to meet our goal!

Thank you everyone who has given to the campaign. Here’s a rundown of the generous gifts that have arrived in the last two weeks:

Spirit Zeus

This week, Spirit Zeus‘ Mom Heather honored the 11 months that have gone by since he earned his wings, with a very generous gift to the campaign. Zeus is a big hero to us, and his Mom Heather has always been such a huge supporter. We can’t thank her enough for all that she’s done to help us here.


Tripawd Gayle was so hoppy to see her Mom Charon when she came home from visiting our Wyatt Ray, that she Chipped In a very generous gift to the cause!  Charon is also responsible for knitting the beautiful socks that contributors received in June and July. Thank you Charon!

Tripawd Gerry

Bri and Gerry (aka: gerrysmom) also qualified for a video for their contribution on behalf of all the Tripawds at their recent Tripawds Party in Wisconsin.

Bri’s generousity earns her a custom video from SmartyPants Productions, and enters her in our drawing for the autographed copy of Guardians of Being by Patrick McDonnell.

The Poodle Sisters, Spirit Cherry and Angel Allie

Cherry and Allie’s pawrents gave an incredibly generous gift to the campaign again. We are so touched. The Poodle Sister’s folks are taking Tasha’s Challenge, by making four monthly contributions.

Hopalong Harley

Harley earned his wings but his spirit will always shine on us. His Mom, Gwen, helped out too! Thank you Gwen, what a sweet thing to do here.

Tripawd Rescue Dog Lena and Myrna

Myrna is a Canadian friend who posted in our Rescue Forums about Lena, a beautiful Tripawd rescue in need of a good home. Myrna is uncertain if she will adopt her but in the meantime gave us a generous gift to help let everyone know that Lena is looking for furever pawrents.

Daisy’s Mom

Darlinda’s gift enabled her to recieve this beautiful tribute video in honor of Daisy’s too short but courageous battle with cancer. Comet made the movie, and she’ll make you one too for giving $50 or more if you can help us keep these blogs and forums online another year.


Tasha and Cemil Meeting the Challenge

Tasha and Cemil gave another round of gifts to the campaign, as part of their commitment to Tasha’s Challenge, which means they are making monthly contributions for four months. Don’t you want to be in on the fun too?


Despite the hard time Abby is having right now, her Mom Jody was kind enough to Chip In to the campaign. We are so touched that she gave during such a rough time.


Ryan is a friend of Tripawds and although we don’t know much about him, we do know that the generosity of people who aren’t very active here is just beyond measure. Wow.

We are so thankful to everypawdy who has helped with our 2010 Campaign! If you haven’t yet, remember that even a couple of bones will go far just by chipping in here.

Thank you everyone!

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