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What’s on the Menu Tonight, Ma?

Three Legged Jerry Dog Wants Dinner

My Mom and Dad have to admit, I’ve been a pretty good dawg when it comes to eating my meals. They pack so many supplements and green things into my food, that I eat healthier than they do! For the last 21 months, I’ve chowed down on my veggies every night, so I could get my big dose of raw meat afterward.

But this past week, that kibble/veggie/supplements mixture they feed me isn’t cutting it anymore. Something about the smells and the pills I guess, but I’ve gone on strike. I don’t want to eat that stuff. That of course, doesn’t apply to the raw meats my Mom gives me. That stuff I gobble right up!

Mom cried tonight after she couldn’t get me to eat. She’s tried just about everything, even smearing peanut butter all over my food. She’s worried because for two nights now I haven’t had my usual supplements. I feel so bad, I don’t want to upset her. But I just want to eat meat. Is that so wrong?

I know all you pawrents have some interesting recipes to get your Tripawds to eat all that healthy stuff, so if you wouldn’t mind sharing them with my Mom, maybe we can get back into a regular dinner routine again? Thanks for your ideas!

13 thoughts on “What’s on the Menu Tonight, Ma?”

  1. You guys are all so sweet, thank you for your concern.

    I ate again tonight, after Mom and Dad coaxed me into it. More ground beef, Evo kibble, and raw veggies. Mom only added Kelp back into my food, nothing else, and I didn’t mind a whole lot. Tomorrow, Mom will add one more thing back in and I’ll sure let her know if I’m gonna eat it.

    Mom is also hand-feeding me my K9 Immunity pills. I will take them, just because I love her so much, but it’s not my favorite thing in the world.

  2. I just hope you keep your appetite up, Jerry. My mom worries about you when you don’t eat. I don’t blame you for not liking the gross stuff, so it’s good that you’re getting lots of different ideas from different people. You are the one dog that I admire over any others!

    Love & slurps, Blazer

  3. Maybe it’s that gross algae stuff you bought in Durango that’s freakin’ you out!!! I thought it was gross when we ate dinner that night in the trailer when you were here at Williams Creek Lake. Just kidding bud!! Sounds like you’re doing better with the whole eating thing…. maybe you can ask to have some pumpkin &/or some cottage cheese if what’s happening is an sour tummy…. That’s what my mom does and sometimes I fake feeling yucky so I can get some of that stuff!! (Don’t tell her dude! That’s our secret club’s rule!) Hope to see you soon and Daphne says hi too!

  4. Well guys, you all have such great ideas, and my Mamma says “thank you” for being so supportive.

    I like the beef cubes idea! Cat food though? Scary! Ok, maybe I’d try it. Matzo balls? Ok, we need to get out of cow country to find some. Turkey neck soup sounds yummy. When we get back to the big city we’ll stock up on those nasty things.

    Last night, Mom and Dad gave me 1 lb. of ground beef, some Evo kibble and Synflex in my bowl. I thought they were trying to trick me, but after Dad gave me some pieces by hand, I gobbled it up. After that, they gave me my pills by mouth, which sucks, but I didn’t fight it, I was so full from all that yummy organic meat. See, I”m not against eating. Just eating foul tasting stuff.

    Tonight I think I’m getting chicken, kibble and a supplement back in my food. I’ll let you know if I spit it across the room or not!

    Your friend,

  5. Do you like a smidgeon of garlic flavour in your food?

    I assume your mom give you the powder off from the K9 Immunity capsules? I am thinking of using some organic garlic powder to mix with K9 Immunity powder.

    You can try searing the outer layer of beef cubes or steak, big enough so that the powder mix can be all surrounded by meat.

    Slice the steak or cubes in the middle, like how we people do with bagels, sprinkle the powder mix in between the layers.
    Voila! garlic flavoured steak sandwiches!

    See if that would help covering the scent of the medicinal mushrooms, maybe it is the smell you don’t like.

    Be good, Jerry. Don’t be so hard on your pawrents. Otherwise, your pawrents will have to force you into daily pilling session.

    (I entered my comments using a logged-in account, but twice it disappeared on me. So I am trying to post as a guest to see if it will go through this time.)

  6. Do you like a smidgeon of garlic flavour in your food?

    I assume your mom give you the powder off from the K9 Immunity capsules? I am thinking of using some organic garlic powder to mix with K9 Immunity powder.

    You can try searing the outer layer of beef cubes or steak, big enough so that the powder mix can be all surrounded by meat.

    Slice the steak or cubes in the middle, like how we people do with bagels, sprinkle the powder mix in between the layers.
    Voila! garlic flavoured steak sandwiches!

    See if that would help covering the scent of the medicinal mushrooms, maybe it is the smell you don’t like.

    Be good, Jerry. Don’t be so hard on your pawrents. Otherwise, your pawrents will have to force you into daily pilling session.

  7. Finny would eat only treats and canned food for a while. Basically anything he would take even though it caused, ahem, interesting smells from his behind I would give him.

    Eat your supplements, Jerry, like a good boy! I’m sure raw meat is heaven for doggies but it’s all about being balanced, baby.

  8. Ahhh, Jerry, as you know, I am the person who provides moral support. I don’t have any great ideas, honey, regarding what might get you to eat your supplements. You need a balanced diet, sweetheart, and raw meat is OK, but you really need the other stuff too. I know your pawrents are worried about you. Jessie is going to think of more ideas and maybe someone else on this site can help.

    All I can do is send my love to you and hope everything is OK.

    Love, Vicki, Blazer & Kimber

  9. Jessie Said…
    You don’t even like EVO can food?

    I love it! I just won’t eat anything these days with all my medication and supplements mixed in. My dad thinks it’s because I’m just finally refusing to take my meds. I wish I could talk and tell them, ‘cuz it may be something that’s upsetting my stomach.

  10. You don’t even like EVO can food?

    Do you like the smell cooked beef liver then? I know raw is better, but it doesn’t have the intense aroma as the cooked ones.

    Genie had found the smell of cooked beef liver help her appetite. If you like the smell, perhaps ask your mom to try grinding the cooked beef liver in to crumbs, and mix with your supplements.

    I’ll give it more thoughts of other varieties of tasty stuff and let you and your mom know.


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