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Join Ted and His Dog Cancer Ride Across America

Dog Cancer Ride Across America

My friend, Ted Schneck, author of “Curing Canine Cancer,” has announced that he’s going to pedal his way across the U.S. to raise money for people who can’t afford to pay for their dog’s cancer treatments:

This summer I’ll be riding my bicycle across America – Pacific to Atlantic – 4,281 miles over 82 days – to promote dog cancer awareness and raise money that will be donated to 3 wonderful charities that help dog owners pay for dog cancer care they couldn’t otherwise afford. I’ll be leaving on May 25th from the Oregon Coast (right toe in the Pacific) – and won’t stop until I dip my left toe in the Atlantic on August 14th, 2008.

This Dog Cancer Ride Across America supports 3 wonderful dog cancer charities – “Canine Cancer Awareness”, “The Magic Bullet Fund” and the newly formed “Marty Miracle Fund” – which was formed to honor my own dog Marty, and help other dogs get the same miracle of life he got through the natural remedies we used to care for his cancer. All tax-deductible donations to the Dog Cancer Ride Across America will be managed by “Giving Globally” 501(c)(3) (an Oregon based 501(c)(3) non-profit) to ensure that these donations get to the dogs who need it most.

What a fantastic thing you are doing, Ted! Thank you for taking on this amazing and adventurous endeavor.

To learn how you can help support this important project, please visit his website, Dog Cancer

5 thoughts on “Join Ted and His Dog Cancer Ride Across America”

  1. Candy, just today we received this email from Ted:

    Please stop what you’re doing for a moment to act on this letter RIGHT NOW!

    It will only take 30 seconds…
    $1 Dollar…
    and the price of a stamp to complete…

    As my 4,281 mile Bicycle Ride Across America for Dog Cancer Charities nears the end, I’ve been thinking a lot about the Ride and the things we’ve been able to achieve. It gets lonely out there – riding 6 to 8 hours a day – hoping you’re doing something worthwhile…something that makes a difference.

    My “job” this summer has been simple. It may LOOK like I’m riding my bicycle across country to raise money for dog cancer charities. But my “job” this summer has really been to connect with YOU. To make YOU care about the charities, the owners, and the dogs we’re riding to help. To work with YOU to save dogs’ lives.

    How have I done? You tell me. Because honestly, when you’re all alone, riding down the road, there’s no way to know.

    We all love and care about our own dogs for sure. But do we care enough about other dogs to open our wallets and take out one single dollar bill to help.

    There’s an old 1970s tune that keeps playing through my mind as I ride, alone, down country roads. “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” by Tony Orlando and Dawn

    “Tie a yellow ribbon ’round the old oak tree
    It’s been three long years
    Do you still want me?
    If I don’t see a yellow ribbon ’round the old oak tree
    I’ll stay on the bus
    Forget about us
    Put the blame on me…
    If I don’t see a yellow ribbon ’round the old oak tree”

    There are times on the bike when I feel like the man in the song. Searching for a sign that what we’re doing is worthwhile. Searching for a sign that people really care.

    So now, as the ride comes to a close. I’m asking you to give me a sign – to show you really care.

    No. Not a yellow ribbon. While I’d LOVE to have hundreds of people “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” to the trees in Virginia Beach for my arrival next week, unless you live in Virginia Beach that’s obviously not realistic.

    So I came up with another idea.

    Ask you to donate A DOLLAR.
    One… Single… Dollar…
    Instead of “Tie a yellow ribbon ’round the old oak tree”… won’t you please, right now, mail a single dollar bill to our parent charity “Giving Globally”

    It’s quick, it’s easy. Everyone can afford a single dollar. And it would mean so much to me (and to the dogs we’ve been riding – over 102 days and 4,281 miles – to support)


    (1) Take a $1 Dollar Bill out of your wallet RIGHT NOW!
    (it can be a larger bill – but all we’re asking for is $1 Dollar)

    (Optional: Write your name on the $1 Dollar Bill – so we’ll
    know who it’s from and be able to add your name to the website)

    (2) Put the $1 Dollar Bill in an envelope

    (3) and Mail it to:

    Giving Globally – Dog Cancer Ride
    6443 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy., Suite 370
    Portland, Oregon 97221

    (Remember the stamp, please)

    That’s it – 30 Second

    (Option 2 – If it’s easier, click on this link to make your
    $1 Dollar Donation on your credit card through PayPal)

    It’s a small thing, but it would mean so much to me…

    And then, with your help – and with the help of thousands of other supporters and dog lovers across the country and around the world… Maybe, just maybe, like the man in the song… I’ll be able to sing…

    “Now the whole darn bus is cheering…
    And I can’t believe I’m seeing…”

    TEN THOUSAND $1 dollar bills mailed in for
    Dog Cancer Charities…

    Thank you, as always, for your support thoughout the ride – and for sending me (and the dogs) this $1 Dollar symbol of love through the mail.


    Ted Schneck
    In Charlotte, North Carolina less than 1 week away from the Atlantic Ocean and the end of The Dog Cancer Ride Across America.

    P.S. Please, take a moment to mail your $1 Dollar Bill RIGHT NOW. It only takes 30 seconds and it’s the only way to make sure we receive your $1 token of love and support for me, and for the dogs. And then, after you’ve mailed in your $1 Dollar donation, please help us get to Ten Thousand $1 Dollar Donations by sharing this message with any friends who’d like to show their love and support
    as well.

  2. Where is Ted now. The ride (even with the delay for breakdown) should have been completed yesterday… website updates, no map updates, nothin’….
    Everything okay? What is going on? Anyone know?

  3. I met with Ted on the 2nd day of his ride. He is an amazing person with great energy. Both of my dogs cuddled right up to him, which they don’t normally do with people they first meet. Thanks to Ted for taking this grand compassionate adventure. And thanks to Zeke is still here thanks to you both.


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