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Let’s Kick Dog Cancer’s Butt!

Thank you everyone for all of your kind, loving and supportive words this past week. My Mom and Dad are so much happier these days thanks to you. They are also very optimistic, and are looking into ways to help me kick this tumor thing’s butt (do tumors have butts?). Just so you know; they have a plan.


A few nights ago, the three of us decided a few things. First, we decided that under no circumstances would I undergo any kind of surgery again. Eeew! Who wants that?! Second, we want to look at options for keeping me as healthy as can be.

As soon as we decided all this, we left my Grandma and Grandpa’s place in Los Angeles, and arrived in Santa Fe, New Mexico yesterday (we’ll be living nearby for the next couple of months). Tomorrow, we are going to meet Dr. Kelly at the Vet Cancer Care Clinic, to learn all about oral chemotherapy and maybe some other kind of easygoing treatment plan that we can do on the road.

Another vet visit isn’t my idea of fun; I’d rather be swimming! But if a few pokes and prods tomorrow means that I’ll get lots more play time later on, well then I guess I’ll go along with it!

Recommended Reading:

My Metronomic Therapy

Canine Osteosarcoma: Lung Metastasis Treatments

Metronomic therapy for canine osteosarcoma metastasis Jerry’s experience

Jerry Update: Metronomic Protocol is Working!

The Impawtance of Apoptosis and Canine Cancer

K-9 Immunity Plus Canine Cancer Supplement Makes Immune Support Easy, Affordable

4 thoughts on “Let’s Kick Dog Cancer’s Butt!”

  1. Coincidence indeed … The people there are simply great! Very objective, friendly, and extremely helpful. And, I got on board with their K-9 Immunity trials. More info about that to come soon!

  2. What an amazing coincidence! I have been reading on this site for the past few weeks, ever since my doggie was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her front left leg. She had the bad leg removed two weeks ago, and tomorrow we too will be visiting the Cancer Care Clinic in Santa Fe to talk with Dr. Mullen about chemo and other options. We’re leaning away from chemo, but I understand they are doing a clinical trial of K-9 Immunity which sounds interesting.

    We are wishing you and Jerry all the best, and also want to say thank you, because this site has been a wonderful resource for us during these chaotic days!


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