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Giant Breed Dog in the UK Bounces Back from Osteosarcoma

Some people wonder if big dogs have it ruff when they join the Tripawd club. Well, all you need to do is look at a stunningly gorgeous lady like 5-year old Darcy Deerhound, and you’ll see how much pure strength and resilience a statuesque gal like her has, and how easy it is for dogs of any size to bounce back from amputation and chemo.

darcy deerhound
Darcy Deerhound

Here is her story:


Hi Jerry! My name is Darcy and I’m a Deerhound from Manchester, in the UK. I had my front right leg amputated on 16th October (which was the very day they found I had what turned out to be osteo). I’d not had any limp of any other symptom AT ALL until thay day when I put my foot down and my leggie broke.

Anyway, my Mum and Dad did opt for Chemo for me and I had my second treatment on Thursday of last week. The reasons for my people deciding to go ahead with the chemo were that from advice they had taken from specialists and from doing a lot of reading whilst waiting for my biopsy results to come back, they felt that giving me chemo *may* help me stay here for a longer time. Also, the chemo is being done at my normal vets and its very close to home (about 10 mins) and I like everyone there and I’m a very easy patient. I just lay on a blanket on the floor and the vet people wear silly green suits and goggles and gloves (they look *so* stupid) and they do what they have to do and I just have a nap and wonder what Santa is going to bring me this year!

My first chemo was with a drug called Carboplatin and I had no side effects at all. My second chemo (last Thursday) was with a drug called Doxorubicin and although my Mummy is touching wood as I type this, so far, I have had no side effects at all. I do hope it continues that way!

I have had a diet change and am about to start taking something called Artemisininininininin (or something like that) and I am getting rather spoilt. A girl could get used to all this 🙂

I have a very big family. There are two humans (my Mum and Dad) and then there’s Duffy (he’s a Deerhound too and he’s 2.5 years old) and there are three greyhounds (ex racers) called Stanley (12), Wallace (9) and Sally (13.5). Then there’s the mixed breeds starting with Sprout (14), Mokka (13), Radar (12), Buddy (12) and Tetley (7). And finally, there’s Ella who is a Westie and she’s 18 months old.

This picture shows me with Duffy. Most people say that Duffy doesn’t have too many brain cells but he certainly used the ones he has on this particular day because I was tired and I leaned against him and he stood still until I was ready to carry on with the walk. (For some reason, my Mums eyes leak each time she thinks about this).

darcy deerhound

Boy, I’d sure love to visit Darcy over there in England, and hang out with that wonderfully huge pack. Congrats Darcy, for beating the odds and showing the world what a giant three legged dog can do!

12 thoughts on “Giant Breed Dog in the UK Bounces Back from Osteosarcoma”

  1. On Sunday, January 29, 2012, Darcy Deerhound earned her wings, 4 years after her diagnosis. She was almost 10 years old when her beautiful heart gave out.

    Thank you for setting such an incredible example for Tripawds everywhere Darcy, we love you.

    • When I saw Darcy’s pictures, she appeared to be a big beautiful fur covered heart. My prayers fly across the pond for Darcy’s family. I was touched by her story, of course one close to most all of us. She gives us hope that we all will have more time with our Tri babies.

    • y sweet FayeRaye was DX with OS in late May2011. She had Carboplatin and is presently on a combo of Metronomic chemo protocol and Artemisinin Protocol and Home made meals and a huge amount of Pre and Probiotics. She is 149 pound Newfie who had Cruciate surgery last year. I was told by 3 Orthopedic surgeons she was a poor candidate for front leg Amp. I was determined to find one who believed as I did. She is now hopping/running around with a smile on her face.

  2. We hope Darcy is well, our greyhound Jet had his leg amputated the same week as Darcy also with osteo he was home 2 days later. Jet today has had his 5 th chemo treatment he has coped well and still enjoys his walks and loves his food! Jet has been treated by Fivelands Vets in Moseley in Birmingham and we have been amazed at the treatment he has recieved we reccommend them to anyone needing cancer treatment for dogs.It is devastating to find your dog has cancer and we searched the internet but found little information to help,this site is really helpful and we will reccommend it to anyone else in the future.

    • Eve, thank you so much for the kind words. We are glad to hear that Jet is doing so well! Give him a big big hug and smooches from us, and keep us posted OK? Much love coming at you from across the Atlantic…

  3. Thank you for sharing, and God Bless you Darcy, Duffy and your family!

    My beloved 8 year old dog Great Pyrenees Chloe, has been diagnosed with the same cancer, and we are so totally devastated. All these mentions of amputation, chemo, radiation are making my head reel, and my heart pound faster and my eyes leak all the time too, like your Mums. What to do. We are hanging in there, and praying that we come up with the best possible solution to make her happy. Stories like these make us have some hope.

    Take care.

  4. God bless you for sharing your hope! My 11.5 year old great pyrenees, Ellie will begin chemo on Monday after having her amputation 2 weeks earlier.


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