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In for Surgery

Pre-Op JerryWow, just when I thought I’d get to stay home and chow down on Turkey Day leftovers with Jim, I had to get in the truck for another 6 hour drive to see my doc at UC Davis. That’s two trips in less than a week!

From what I’m understanding, Rene and Jim talked with the doc yesterday, and decided that I needed an operation right away to remove this terrible pain in my shoulder. My pain will be gone, but I will have one less leg to stand on. Oh well, I guess that’s why nature gave us 4, just in case one goes bad!

We got into town at 1 am this morning. At the hospital today, I got to hang out and play with some other cool dogs and vet students, before all the serious stuff happens.

Today, the students will get me ready for my big operation tomorrow. I have to spend the night, but Jim and Rene’s friend Theresa who works with the docs, said she’ll give me lots of kisses all day.

Then, at 10 am tomorrow, I’ll get some good drugs and take a nap, while the docs do a “CT Scan” on me, so they can find out where they need to remove the bones that are making me hurt.

During the scan, if my body is in good shape (except for where the cancer is), I’ll wake up later on with some bald spots, big stitches, and one less leg. But the doc told me that I’ll be up and walking in no time, and might even get to go home on Turkey Day after all! That doc is so nice, he’s going to come in on his day off to check on me, and hopefully let me go home.

UC Davis DogsBefore I said goodbye to Jim and Rene today, a nice lady in the waiting room came up to us, and showed a picture of her old shepherd. She told us that her baby dog got cancer too, and had 3 legs, but she did just great! Her dog lived two more years, and had a wonderful life, got to go to the beach and the park and everything! That made us all feel so good!

So here I am, saying bye by for now. See how I hold my front left paw funny? No, that’s not because I’m a limp wristed gay dog! It’s because that’s where it hurts. I can’t wait to feel better.

5 thoughts on “In for Surgery”

  1. Gosh, I’m glad I read this. You guys went into the “unknown” when he first had his diagnosis and surgery and who could have ever imagined how well he did and all the videos he was featured in. This really is such a memorable occasion and I’m glad you gave us the link to find this blog. We love you, Spirit Jerry! You live on in our hearts and always will. Love, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom

  2. Happy two year ampuversary to you dear spirit Jerry and happy six weeks in heaven! Tell Abbey hi for me and have a fun run together, ok? We miss you both~ love, di


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