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Tahoe wrote: So very hard to write....
I’ve been putting it off, and putting it off, then off some more.  Writing this post that is. And knowing I never ever wanted to write this post.  But there, in the dark recesses of my mind lives the lingering thoughts that keep telling me it needs t (More)
bartsmom wrote: Remembering My Own Honorary Wounded Warrior
Hoppy Friday Everyone!! While we are still grieving our loss of Bart, being asked to write an article for the Hungarian Vizsla Society Newsletter offered some personal therapy for me. I miss my boy every day. Although the tears I shed daily come l (More)
Tripawds Foundation wrote: Thank You Jerry!
After years of paying for hosting and management costs out of their own pockets to keep Tripawds online, Jerry's pack has funded the Tripawds Foundation coffers with a considerable personal contribution. Jerry G. Dawg 10/1998 — 10/2008 They do (More)
hikakagirl wrote: Like a boss
I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted.  But so much has happened, as predicted.  And more.  But that's not what this post is about.  I got my renewal notice for supporting the Tripawds blog and realized that day after tomorrow is Diet (More)
c1nicolei wrote: Carboplatin next to last treatment.
Sarge is resting after his chemo today, so I will enter his report for him.  He had a complete work up today including chest x-ray, aspiration of a growth on his chest and a complete blood count that ALL revealed he is doing fabulous!!!!  His blood w (More)
rica55 wrote: A Letter to my Cat is HERE!
It really is true!  Jill is in a real life book! I didn't really believe it until I saw it with my very own eyes.  In July 2013, I got a phone call that the wonderful people putting together the book A Letter to my Cat read the letter I submitted (More)
Charley's Mom wrote: Happy 4 YEAR Ampuversary Charley!!!
HAPPY 4 YEAR AMPUVERSARY CHARLEY!!!   YIPPEE!!!  YAY!!!  WOO HOO!!!  HIP "HOP" HOORAY!!!   Today is Charley’s 4 Year Ampuversary!  I can't believe that it has been almost a year (11/8/13) since his metastatic OS tumor was removed.  I am so (More)
Unknown wrote: a year ago...
A year ago today, a most dreadful diagnosis, osteosarcoma. She has beat the odds! I have been so blessed. She inspires me, amazes me and fills my heart with love. Bailey (More)
Angela wrote: A big milestone
I feel like it has been forever since we did a Cody update! ...well it actually has been.. 4 months is a long time!   Let me start by saying this post may get a little emotional as we celebrate two huge milestones.   Today is Co (More)
sophiamom wrote: Chapter One
At the dog park today someone suggested I make a blog about my dog and all of our adventures.. So I guess I should start from the beginning.. I was living in Tallahassee with a boyfriend when I decided we needed a dog in our "little family" I (More)
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