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Rocky Update - Leukeran and Mitoxantrone Advice?
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26 January 2017
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31 August 2017 - 8:44 pm
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Quick Rocky update. I moved his appointment with the oncologist up a week since I was pretty sure his tumors were growing again, and I also felt a new one on his left side.

Unfortunately, I was right. All three of the tumors on his right side have grown and he does indeed have a new, smallish one on his left side. So the Palladia seemed to work for about a month and then the stupid cancer found an answer for it these last couple of weeks. So we're done with the Palladia. 

The good news is the cancer, so far, has stayed away from his lungs/vital organs. They're in his skin and muscles. And, so far, they're not causing him any pain/problems. 

So after the Carboplatin and now the Palladia have stopped working, we're on to Plan C. He got an injection of Mitoxantrone at the office today, and his oncologist sent us home with Chlorambucil (Leukeran). The plan, for now, is for him to get the Mitoxantrone every three weeks and I'll give him the Leukeran daily. I don't know much about either of these. Does anybody here have any experience with either one of them?

The oncologist said the Mitoxantrone is similar to Doxorubicin, but not quite as potent. But it also doesn't affect the heart like the Doxo can, and since Rocky has had heartworm, the Doxorubicin is out for him. 

It feels like we're in desperation mode now, just trying anything before the clock runs out. But Rocky still seems happy, so we'll keep fighting. 

David and Rocky (and Baxter now too!)

Rocky had his right front leg amputated on Valentine's Day 2017 after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma.

He joined the September Saints on September 3, 2017.

He is the toughest, bravest, sweetest and best friend I'll ever know. 


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22 February 2013
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31 August 2017 - 10:40 pm
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Yes, as long as Rocky s happy, he still has a lot of fight in him!!   And you and he have both been doing a good job of battling this piece of crap disease at every turn!!

I'll leave it up to Rene and others tomfind the links, but there have been many posts regarding Leukeran.  If I remember right a wonderful dog here named JACKSON (profite name fetchon jackson I think) was on Leukeran.  He had taken metronomics for quite awhile and eveloped bad uti as a result, so switched to Leukeran.   It's pretty safe and not many side effects, if any.

Jackson was with us for over two uears kicking butt!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

PS.....You did it AGAIN!!!!   You forgot the pics of Mr Cutie Pie Rocky!!!!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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1 September 2017 - 10:25 am
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He's the Rocky Balboa of Canine Cancer! I know nobody wants that title but wow, he's just holding his own, strong and steady thanks to your great care. I'm glad the tumors aren't painful. Rocky's still got lots more to do around here obviously. We're so happy about that.

So yes as Sally mentioned there are othersr who have used Leukeran (aka Chlorambucil) but the Mitoxantrone is a new one to me. Here are some links for you:

Cyclophosphamide vs. Chlorambucil in Metronomic Chemotherapy

More About Chlorambucil, Cyclophosphamide for Metronomic Chemotherapy

Tripawd Tuesday: Play On, Action Jackson!

Metronomic Chemotherapy FAQs for Tripawds

Mitoxantrone (Novantrone®)

(this is about using it for humans but relevant I think)

Clinical evaluation of mitoxantrone and piroxicam in a canine model of human invasive urinary bladder carcinoma.

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