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Imminent amputation due to soft tissue sarcoma
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4 August 2024 - 8:30 am
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I am so sorry to hear about this UTI complication.  As you know from Roger’s story I am no stranger to other complications after the amputation.  I am so sorry you are having to go through this.   I can only hope for the best for you and Gioukas.  I can’t imagine how scary that was to see blood in his urine.  He really seems like he has the fighting spirit so I hope whatever this is you two get through it fine.   I am so sorry about this additional stress right when you think you can let your guard down.  I really know how you feel, but I really have no advice other than just stay strong like you are.  I hope to hear a good update shortly.  Sending you my best wishes and thinking about you two.  


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4 August 2024 - 2:56 pm
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It's helpful that you write as much detail as you can, we learn from each other, plus knowledge can be shared about the situation you are dealing with.

I'm going to hold off right now other than to ask you if he has urinated yet? Well, actually two questions. You were seeing blood clots in the urine and or just blood clots, not just blood tinged urine?

Okay........repliy when you can

((((((((( Hugs))))))))

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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4 August 2024 - 10:30 pm
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Hi Benny !

thank you for your understanding…
On Saturday he urinated as always. It was clear. After a min he got in the litter box again and urinated blood  and more thick blood like a clot.



I use the word urinated because I think it comes from there and not from his bottom… then he went another 2 times and I saw blood. In Sunday afternoon he went only once for pee and then after a min he goes back in and there is a little blood no clot like. Today 6:20 am Monday he urinated and no blood. So I am waiting for the next time around afternoon..

amy I knew you would understand! Thank you for your kind words… it s a major drawback for me and for him…anyway I have to stay strong as you did 🙂 I hope I won’t let him down 

Gioukas the first born -*Ntoris the wise*- Kimi the cat

The Rainbow Bridge

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4 August 2024 - 11:19 pm
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Ohh I hope that this is a sign that things are clearing up. I'm sorry for the bad timing! When were you planning on going away? 

You are not letting him down, far from it! You are doing such above and beyond care for him, be proud of that!

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12 August 2024 - 2:18 am
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Hello again! 

I had some health issues of my own so I was no able to post but I am alright now!!

I was with Gioukas until Friday and till then he had no blood or any other urinary problems so I left him to the care of my mom. I mean he had blood only 2 days and then nothing. Mom reports back to me three times a day and I watch him through the camera. He is running and jumping on his new fav place like nothing happened! His new spot is a small coffee table and I am having so much fun seeing my mom lifting the table with Gioukas on it to take him to the kitchen or the other bedroom in order to watch him!! His eating habits are normal again, he eats his urinary supplement 2 times a day as the vet suggested his incision is healing smoothly.. he had zero oedema guys or any other problems apart the drainage hole so we were very lucky about that!!  So maybe the blood was an isolated incident of fic!!

Now I am off to a Greek island to rest and go back home anytime if something happens, God forbid!! Hope you have too some days you can rest, you do so much for us, supporting every single person and pet ..THANK YOU once again for everything!! I ll get back to you after vacation I hope! But I ll keep reading posts and help as much as I can with my input 🙂

Gioukas the first born -*Ntoris the wise*- Kimi the cat

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12 August 2024 - 10:15 am
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Reading this made me so happy!   I am so happy Gioukas is enjoying his life again.  

Have a wonderful vacation and I just wish the best for you and Gioukas. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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12 August 2024 - 9:27 pm
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WOOHOO!!!! Gioukas is amazing! Thanks for letting us know. You are so lucky your mom is there to fill you in with all the details.

I'm so happy that he's doing well enough that you got to take your well-earned break. A Greek island sounds like paradise! Go have fun for all of us!!

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26 August 2024 - 9:11 am
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Hello again!


Hope everyone is well !!! I am glad to be back !! Today was the first day back in work! I saw Gioukas during the weekend and I am right now with him as well! He is doing fine he even runs!! I scheduled an appointment with the vet (Tomorrow evening) to do a follow up on his incision etc and ask him about the urinary issue. Because I saw a little spot o blood again on Sunday. In general he had no spots but even this one makes me wonder because I don’t know if it’s normal. Anyway thanks again for helping me through this!! I will try to do the same for other members !! 

Gioukas the first born -*Ntoris the wise*- Kimi the cat


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26 August 2024 - 10:10 am
sp_Permalink sp_Print sp_QuotePost good to hear from you.  Hope you have been able to get some much needed  rest to recharge your batteries. 

Glad. Gioukas. is  doing  well!  YAY!!  Your Vet can do a check up as far as the blood in the urine when you go in tomorrow.  Let is know how it goes, okay.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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26 August 2024 - 10:53 am
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Anma welcome back! I hope you had a fantastic time on the island.

Super happy that Gioukas is doing so well overall. He is so SPUNKY!

I think it's smart of you to check in with your vet, just in case. Let us know how it goes.

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