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Cancer back in the digestive tract - 1.5 years post osteosarcoma amputation and chemo?
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31 August 2024 - 11:46 am
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Hello fellow parent warriors - 

My baby Butch had an osteosarcoma diagnosis in March 2023, with amputation and chemo following. He has had a great life for 1.5 years, but recently things have changed for the worst. He has been lethargic, losing weight rapidly (7 lbs in 6 weeks since last vet visit), panting, licking air and has had severe diarrhea. He is still eating and drinking lots of water, but other than that, he lays in my dark bedroom and looks miserable.

I took him to my regular vet since oncologist was not available. Chest xray showed nothing back in the lungs! Fecal sample showed nothing! Blood work looked good with exception of liver enzymes which were not in range (low or high, can't remember) Vet said the cancer could be back somewhere else in the digestive system causing diarrhea so she put him on metronidzole. This caused the opposite effect and now he is hardly pooping at all. It's almost as if there is something blocking his anus, because he bears down but can only get out a tiny piece of poo.  

Has anyone had this happen.  I'm not sure what forum to use, so posting here hoping someone has some insight or experience.

Thank you,

Mom Melissa

The Rainbow Bridge

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31 August 2024 - 1:48 pm
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Melissa! It's good to hear from you and Butch, although I'm sorry that you are dealing with this situation. 

It's so hard to say what is going on. Did your vet suggest any other diagnostics? An ultrasound maybe to look at the GI? Hopefully this is something super treatable but really the only way to find out is with more diagnostics.

How is he doing otherwise? Is he still looking and feeling miserable? Losing weight? If so, and if your vet doesn't have any ideas, it's time for a referral to an internal medicine specialist if possible. Meanwhile feed him whatever he wants, and add some pumpkin pulp into his food to get things moving along. That should help.

Don't forget to celebrate that he has clear x-rays, that is HUGE!!! And try not to think the worst until you know what you are dealing with OK? Please keep us posted.

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2 September 2024 - 12:33 pm
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Thank you Jerry - an ultrasound was suggested by my vet, but after spending another $1000 for a check up, chest xrays and anti-diarrhea medication and probiotics, I'm out of money. The ultrasound is $600 and that doesn't count the doctor's visit and any follow-up.  Although I would borrow the money for the ultrasound, the fact is that if they discover cancer in his digestive tract or anything else that is major, I won't do surgery at this point. I've already put him thru so much with the amputation and 6 months of chemo that he could barely handle with his low white cell count.  I'm at the point where I feel like I am just keeping him in hospice. I know that probably sounds like I'm giving up, but where do you draw the line?  

The Rainbow Bridge

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3 September 2024 - 9:41 am
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I totally get it Melissa. Diagnostics are only as good as what you are able to do with the information, so your decision makes financial and emotional sense. You are absolutely not giving up, you are putting Butch's quality of life first. That's where you draw the line and there is nothing wrong with that at all.

When Butch is no longer comfortable, when the medical care you can provide is not helping, that is when we are confronted with the inevitable decision to end suffering. It is an awful day and not something we look forward to ever, but it is how we respect their life and legacy, we owe that to them for all they do for us. 

As long as he is enjoying his life at this stage, you are giving him what he needs. It does sound like he is uncomfortable from whatever is bothering him. Your vet can help you to keep him comfortable with pain medication to see if that perks him up. Maybe just being on three legs for this time is wearing on his body and he's sore and feeling it. What's his activity been like lately? 

For now, if he is otherwise Butch, embrace that! He's still the same loveable dog! I'm guessing he's probably just overly constipated from the meds so let your vet know how to cut back, and then add pumpkin and fiber to his food to see if that helps. We will keep our fingers and paws crossed that it does. Keep us posted OK?

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