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Bailey! Well I need thoughts on CHEMO.
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5 February 2014
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25 February 2014 - 10:06 am
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Bailey is doing much better, eating, drinking, wanting to walk after she does her business every time so I make sure I bundle up.  I'm ok with this it is sure a blessing to have her getting spunky again!


OK, so it's appointment time with the oncologist and I am really not sure what to expect.  Bailey is 7 and in very good health.  She is a front right leg tri-paw and lungs and blood work were clear a week ago... I know things can change.  In my heart I want to try chemo, I feel like I have no clue what to expect or if she can handle it? 


Can anyone give me some help.  I know al the information is on here.  I read and read.. I get scared go away and come back and read more... I'm sure many of you have been here.


Thanks for everything.

Tracy and Bailey



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25 February 2014 - 11:08 am
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YAAAAAY BAILEY!! And you only get spukier and spunker!!

Yeah Tracy, understand your emotions all to well!

I'll share with you my thought process and hopefully that can help......and this is just my own individual own opinions, okay?

My Hapoy Hannah just celebrated her ONE YEAR AMPUVERSARY and moving forward (knock on wood). We did four rounds of Carboplatin....I honestly have NO idea if this had made a difference or not! Chemo is pretty much a crap shoot when it comes to "longevity". Some dogs appear to get extended time WITH it...some only get a "short" time....-some get extended time WITHOUT it...some do not.

Factors for proceeding included the fact that I could always stop if I was uncomfortable with side effects. She sailed through each treatment perfectly. Even IF a dog or cat has side effects, they really are minimal in almost all cases. Perhaps a little nausea, or a little loss of appetite for a day or so...put they give you pills for that just in case. Some dogs experience tiredness for a day or so.

Happy Hannah has no problem with going to the vet and enjoys car rides.

For me, and again, each individual is different I felt like I would second guess myself if I didn't do it.

There are NO right or wrong decisions on this journey! Every decision you make is out of love and believing what is best for yor dog or cat.

It sounds as though you already have a "feeling" which way you want to go but fear the unknown...and we all struggle with that. There are just no guarantees either way. Sometimes though, that "feeling" is the "right" answer and you just go with it.

Continue to reach out to us. We all understand all to well! I say this with all my heart......whchever decision you make for Bailey will be the perfect one! It's still...and always will be ...about enjoying the QUALITY time together of living in the now, in the moment, in the present.

You are not alone! Now go do so ething that makes Bailey's tail wag and KNOW thst all is well! And then grab a handful of chocolate and eat it all!!

Love and hugs!

Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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25 February 2014 - 11:20 am
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I know others will chime in with their experiences. What I can add is this; if you don't like how it affects Bailey or your life, you can always stop. You have to be able to live with whatever decision you make about this so by doing your homework you're off to a good start. Unfortunately you just can't predict how a dog will react. There are statistics but your dog is a one-of-a-kind.

Here are some places to check out where folks have shared their experiences:


And here's a list of questions to ask (which will also appear in tomorrow's News blog )



Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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25 February 2014 - 1:12 pm
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Thanks Jerry and Sally!


We have an appointment on Thursday at 3:30 to see what the options are.  We had a rough go as you know her surgery was on the 7th of Feb., we brought her home on the 10th a little later than normal they said because she would eat or pee (we told them that she didn't like tile floors!!!) finally they put rugs down for her.  We were back and forth to critical care for dehydration, UTI and the foaming and sneezing.  On the 16th they did chest xrays and they are clear and there has been no changed to the ones on the 7th.  She had her staples removed on the 20th and now as we go forth we are headed to consultation with chemo. on February 27th.  I hope too much time didn't lapse.  I know Jen and a few others say you should have started immediately or a few days after.  I guess my main question is do you get to bring them home after the treatment? Do they put them out?  I know I need to read... but I feel guilty being on the computer, I do not have a tablet... so I'm stuck at a desk... I really appreciate everything that and all he support and it really has helped me keep my head up.  I need a Great Dane coat and they are not easy to find!  🙂   St. Louis weather is crazy just like everywhere else.


HUGS and thanks again.

Tracy and Bailey


New York, NY
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25 February 2014 - 2:31 pm
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Hi Tracy & Bailey!


I know chemo can sound very very scary and overwhelming.  I for one did not want to put Jill through it at first.  Jill's oncologist told me we can always start it and stop it if I didn't like how she reacted, had bad side effects, etc.

Jill didn't have her first chemo until about 4 weeks after her amputation if that eases your mind at all. 

As for our experience (I know she is a cat and Bailey is a dog, but I still thought it would be helpful to share :)), Jill did tremendously well on the IV chemo.  She had no visible side effects.  Her white blood cells did drop too low twice and we had to postpone chemo, but you would never have known if they hadn't done the blood work.

As for what's typical (do they put them out, can she come home right away)....I think that differs for every pet.  MOST pets from my understanding do not need to be sedated unless they are extremely high strung and move around a lot.  Some vets do like to keep them for a while afterward, but most will let them go home pretty soon after.  I unfortunately had to leave Jilly there all day because I work, and she was purrfectly content to get belly rubs from the oncology staff all day.  When you go, ask them if they will give you a tour of where they will do the chemo, most places will do that.


Let us know what other questions you may have!  I know it seems like so much is unknown!



Erica & Jill

Jill is a 9-year-old tuxedo kitty. She was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in June 2012 on her toe in her right hind leg. Her leg was amputated on 12/12/12 and she completed four rounds of chemo (2 of Carbo, 2 of Doxy) in April 2013. "Like" Jill's facebook page: https://www.fac.....tty?ref=hl Proud member of the WINTER WARRIORS!!!! Her blog can be read at xoxo


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25 February 2014 - 6:33 pm
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Yeah, ditto Erica.

I also did a "tour"

My days off are Mon. and Tues. (that's my "week-end), so Zi was fortu ate that I could bring Hapy Hannah in and wait for her. Honest to goodness, I don't think the whole thing took more than twenty minutes..

So eone stays with them the whole time, rubbng tummies, giving ear scratches, etc. They're just laying on a blanket on the floor and the IV goes in the rear inside of the leg (in Happy Hannah's case). She wold come bouncing out i to the waiting room feeling great. If at all possible...and just a suggestion...if you can get Bailey's appt. set up so you can stay there whie it's and out quickly...that seems to really eliminate any stress.

I never swa one ounce of hesitation when I would take Hapy Hannah in everythree weeks...tail wagging everytime a tech came to get her, just hapy as could be. Yes, the first couple of treatments you do have to go in once inbetween to have blood work done, but your regular vet can do that.

I completely understandour hesitation because of all of Bailey's "extra" challenges.

Because Happy Hannah had a slow recovery and a little rough (not nearly as rojgh as what sweet Bailey went through), it was about three and a hlf weeks before I started her chemo. So many different schoolsof thought on time to start...just depends on which onco. you speak with. Again, a crap shoot.

So no, you haven't waited "too long" at all. . You need Bailey recovered and it looks like that is finally happening now..A couple of questions for you..

How is his stool now? Normal color? Eating better? Drinking better? Aler, good attitude coming back? Engaged?

Hang in there! You are doing great!! Hang onto us, okay?

Oh, as far as the Great Dane coat...check out the tripawds gear link, I think you'll find something there.

Alrighty, sending you lots and lots of hugs and a whole bunch of serenity...AND a true "knowing" that you have the right decision within you ow!

Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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25 February 2014 - 7:05 pm
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We didn't start chemo with Tazzie until 3 weeks post-op because she needed more time to heal and she was getting over a liver infection.  She had 5 doses of carboplatin and did really well.  She would be a little tired for a few days after chemo and also would pick at her food for a few days but overall I would do it again.  She lived 14 months before the cancer returned in her spine and she was happy right up to the end.


Orange County, CA
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25 February 2014 - 7:15 pm
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Hi there.  My boy Max did 6 rounds of carboplatin.  On the first 4 treatments, he got a bit lethargic about 24 hours afterward; that would only last for 24 hours.  On treatments 5 & 6, he had a bit of diarrhea (chemo has a cumulative effect), but nothing too serious.  He handled everything like a champ.  

Like others have already said, you can try chemo, and if you don't like what you see with Bailey, you can always stop.

If you do go forward, here are a couple things that I would suggest, or do different if I had it to do over again.  I never stayed with Max while he had the infusion; I just waited out in the lobby.  It never even occurred to me to ask to be with him.  If I could, I would go back in time and be with him.  He was fine, but I know he would've been happier if his Mom had been with him.  So, if you do chemo, I would definitely request to be with Bailey during the infusions.  

Also, they do a blood test before giving the chemo.  There was usually a 2-3 hour wait between the blood test and the chemo infusion.  I left Max at the vet for that time period on the very first chemo, not knowing any better.  But I never made Max stay there again after that.  I would bring him in first thing in the morning, they'd take his blood, then we'd go home.  They'd call me a few hours later and I'd bring him back in for the treatment.  

Max was never in distress while he was there, but my boy also never really like going to the vet that much.  So, if Bailey is similar, I would just request to be with her at all times.  They should honor your request, it's not like you're asking for something impossible.

But the most important thing for you to do right now is talk to your doctors and see what the protocol will be.  Assess from that point, and see what you want to do.  Good luck to you!  Keep us updated on your girl!!

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26 February 2014 - 8:24 am
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Thanks everyone.  Bailey's back to normal as far as eating and drinking.  She's a little restless at night but that's ok I think she's just trying o get comfy.  Her stool and urine are all back to normal and she is totally off all meds.  Eating grain free but not on any supplements.  I'm learning from a lot of you that you do supplements and that is all new to me and hopefully the oncologist will give me guidance maybe, maybe not?  Thanks again and I will keep everyone updated.  Go Tripawds!


Many HUGS!

Tracy and Bailey


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26 February 2014 - 8:48 am
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Oh good! Looking good in all areas!

There's a greatinformative blog Charley's mom jist posted at tje topof the page..."Charley 3+ year jas a boatload of information.

For me, I've tried to chunk it down to a simple amount for this feeble mind to deal with.....

I give her .......K9 Immunity Plus.......Apocaps .......Salmon Fish Oil.......Vitamin etimes bone meal calcium powder (by KAL)......joint supplement "treats" (Zukes)

I do a lot of home cooked chicken and grren beans/broccoli, sometimes steak, somtimes hamburger or turkey...all organic and free range.
My dry food s I use some.....The Honest Kitchen (Zeal or Embark).....EVO.....Merrick.....Orijen (six fish)......Castor and Pollux Organic

For me, I found muself spending so much time researching and not acting, I just finally had to narrow the suplemets down to what I think is best for her.
There are so many great links on will see so ewhat of a pattern with supplements and vitamins that are mentioned the most.....they'r pretty much the ones I narrowed it down to.

REALLY glad to hear Bailey is back to having a "normal" recovery! Keep it up sweet Bailey! We're cheering for you! Let us kow how the appt. goes.

Applause to all and lots of hugs too!!

Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Fort Wayne, IN
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26 February 2014 - 9:02 am
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Hi Tracey & Bailey!  Just chiming in with our experience.  Libby is almost at her 13 month ampuversary (yay!) and we did not do IV chemo.  She started on metronomic therapy 2 weeks after surgery.  From what I've read, it seems most chemo starts about at the 2 week mark, I hadn't heard it should be "immediately" after surgery.  I think you're good there.

Our main reason for not doing IV chemo was because Libby hates going to the vet, even more so since her surgery.  I didn't want her to go through the shaking and whining and spend any time in that frame of mind.  We do take her back every 3 months for xrays (mets were found this month :( ) and blood work and that's enough anxiety.

Like others have said, I think it's a crap shoot.  You do what you feel is right for you and Bailey and your situation.  I like the idea that IV chemo can be stopped even after the first round if you don't like the effects.

As far as supplements...Libby is on quite a few.  She is on Glycoflex III (has been for a few years) for joint support, a probiotic, power mushrooms (MUSH), an "herbal tea" (BSST is the name), milk thistle, liquid fish oil, organic cranberry tablets for bladder support and I recently started her on Resvantage.  I will sometimes make her dog food but now I mostly supplement her grain free food with veggies, fruit and protein (chicken, eggs or beef).

I'm glad Bailey is doing so much better.  Good luck tomorrow and I look forward to your updates. :)

Amy & Libby

Liberty (Libby) was diagnosed with OSA on 1-22-13.  Right front amputation on 1-31-13. No IV Chemo. Metronomic Therapy started 2-19-13 along with supplements and some home cooking. Lungs clear until 1-06-14.  She's still her happy, hoppy, bossy self.  Living the dog life to the fullest and a proud Winter Warrior. :) RIP my Libby 4-21-03 to 3-19-14

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