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Update on Razbeg
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On The Road

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24 September 2009
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16 October 2020 - 12:30 pm
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Dang cancer! Grr! I'm sorry for that news, it's a gut-punch. Razbeg, however, doesn't know what the x-rays said. As you mentioned, he's thriving and loving life to the fullest so for now, that's the vision to keep in you mind whenever you start to feel down about the mets. Change the channel in your mind. It's the best medicine for Razbeg and Myrsky too. You can do it!

Your oncologist sounds terrific, how awesome that she is helping you investigate your options. I'm with you guys on the lobectomy procedure, we just haven't seen very good long-term outcomes (3+ months of survival) from that procedure over the years. We passed on it too for our Jerry.

I know this might be a long-shot, but check out our long discussion topic about metronomics and lung metastasis options. And here's a blog article that is a summary of the most recent developments for Treating Lung Metastasis in Dogs. See if there's any treatment options in those posts that you'd like to bring up with your oncologist. Maybe there's a clinical trial that your vet will want to participate in to see if it can help Razbeg? 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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16 October 2020 - 10:14 pm
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Thank you once again for your encouraging words and sage advices. I was somewhat upset when I wrote last but realise now that I must keep my cool for Razbeg's sake.

Yes, holistic approach is one option, and I will look into those links about lung mets & metronomics , although sadly many of the options available there in the States aren't available here.

The vet already called me back and said that Palladia is available here, but with the dosage Razbeg needs it would cost about 750 euros, which is roughly 880 dollars, a month. I said I need time to think about it, because at the moment I didn't want to give up any possible option, but I simply cannot afford that continuously, especially with no guarantee that it would help, so that rules Palladia out.

It occured to me only later that while Razbeg was having problems with cystitis in spring he was out of any medication for his lung mets for about two and a half months. It's a long time and I was nervous about it then, and maybe those mets really did grow mostly during that time. Then it could be that Leukeran is not that ineffective after all.

So, I will keep on going through our options, but most importantly, I'll focus on keeping Razbeg happy!

Razbeg the rescue borzoi (born in 11.06.2009) became a tripawd in 20.09.2018.

He and his adopted "brother" Myrsky have their own facebook page:Razbeg & Myrsky


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16 October 2020 - 10:34 pm
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That's a good point about him being off Leukeran. So maybe going back on it is something to reconsider, especially if he has had no side effects from it.

We all know you are staying upbeat and positive for Razbeg. Yes, your love is that strong. It's also okay to come here and express Your frustration or concerns anytime they pop up. We all certainly understand those emotions. Usually though, worst-case scenarios do not happen so it's good to vent a little bit here so we can pull you back from the edge. That way you can continuously Focus on making each day gloriously happy for you and Razbeg. 

We need a favor from you though. We sure would like to have some more pictures and or video of this handsome boy!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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17 October 2020 - 8:23 am
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I am really sorry that you are going on this rollercoaster of a ride. I am no help in the supplement / medication department, but I just wanted to tell you that along with everybody else, we are here to cheer you on also. 

You have given your pups such great lives, and I still cannot believe 2 years have passed since Razbeg's surgery. Even though it is hard, we all have to be mindful of some of these costs as we all have families and others to take care of too. 

Sending you hugs, and please give the pups ear scratches too!

Jackie and Hucksp_hearticon2


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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18 October 2020 - 1:04 am
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Thank you again, it warms my heart to know this community is so supportive sp_hearticon2 Not everyone out there understand these griefs, so it's wonderful that place like this exists.

Here's a recent pic of Razbeg, I'll try add more later.


Razbeg the rescue borzoi (born in 11.06.2009) became a tripawd in 20.09.2018.

He and his adopted "brother" Myrsky have their own facebook page:Razbeg & Myrsky

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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18 October 2020 - 2:52 pm
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What a beautiful boy! He just makes us smile from ear to ear!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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18 October 2020 - 3:58 pm
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Absolutely  beautiful!!! Razbeg is stunningly  handsome.  He exudes gentleness❤

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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3 February 2021 - 3:16 pm
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I've been meaning to write here, but time flies so fast...

So the last time I wrote we had just had lung x-rays done and heard that those stupid mets had grown. I got the radiology report only later and learned that while the other met hasn't really grown at all, the other is now ca. 3,5x3,2 cm (I guess it's about 1,38x1,26 inches), which already sounds quite big to me...but...that was more than 3 months ago and Razbeg is still doing fine, and that is what matters! He still doesn't have any symptoms of those mets and he's happy and active. He has lost some muscles, but I guess that's something that comes with age. We do exercises daily to keep him in good condition, though. We will have check up later this month and they will take x-rays again to see where we are at the moment.

I'd like to share this video even if it is of poor quality (very difficult to film a dog who's on leash and moving fast, heh), because Razbeg has been so happy that we have snow this year (last winter we didn't have any). He just loves to hop in the snow and I think he could go on forever without taking any break 🙂

Razbeg the rescue borzoi (born in 11.06.2009) became a tripawd in 20.09.2018.

He and his adopted "brother" Myrsky have their own facebook page:Razbeg & Myrsky

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 February 2021 - 7:53 pm
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That boy was made for snow! Is he part Husky? Look at him GO!

Thanks for checking in, time does go way too fast. Ugh. I'm sorry the mets are being stupid but you are clearly keeping your attitude pawsitive and it shows on your joyful boy and in your words. Live each day as it comes, and make the most of those great days you have together. They are such a gift!

Let us know how the next visit goes OK? Keep on hoppin along!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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3 February 2021 - 8:31 pm
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Not sure if uou saw tuis or not from Stacy (Griffin) .  She sent this email to Griffin's Vet team prior to his next set of xrays, etc.  When a dog is doing as well as Griffin is, and as well as Razveg is. that's what needs to be discussed  and focused on moreso than. what xrays show..

" m figuring that you’ll want Griffin to have x-rays done tomorrow to see if his metastatic disease has continued to progress, and I’m fine with that.  Based on previous results, I’m not expecting good news from his radiographs and if that is the case, I’m assuming we will discontinue chlorambucil.  However, I would greatly appreciate it if our conversation tomorrow focused only partially on the x-ray results and more on the quality of life that Griffin has.  I have felt really defeated after his recent appointments when it seemed that the conversation was focused almost exclusively on the negative aspects of his radiographs.  For weeks afterwards I find myself focused on Griffin dying and looking for signs that I must be missing that show he is in decline.  I’m not naïve and I know that metastatic disease carries a poor prognosis.  But it has been 7 months since he was first diagnosed with lung mets and aside from the x-rays, I see no evidence that his quality of life has been negatively impacted.  His bloodwork and physical exams are routinely good, he is eating/sleeping/exercising well, and with the exception of his GERD related cough, I have not observed any signs that he is living any differently than before the lung mets were discovered.  Overall, I think he is doing phenomenally well for an 11-year old tripawd. "

And from the looks of that video, Razbeg is doing GREAT!!   He could easily be a Sledd Dog the way he's pulling ypu!  He has a strong fluid gait.  Lovely to watch!.

Cheering for you Razbeg!!!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!


Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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4 February 2021 - 8:36 am
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So nice of you to share Stacy's topic! Here's a direct link to the conversation. What I especially loved about it is when she wrote:

 I would greatly appreciate it if our conversation tomorrow focused only partially on the x-ray results and more on the quality of life that Griffin has. 

That makes so much sense! It's something one doesn't usually think of in the heat of the moment during a vet visit. I'm so glad Stacy shared it.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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4 February 2021 - 7:08 pm
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Yes, thank you for sharing Griffin's mom's email, it's great indeed! Maybe because the job of veterinarians is to solve medical problems of our pets, they sometimes tend to concentrate too much on those problems and forget to discuss the positive points. But our feelings affect our pets, so keeping it positive has a beneficial effect on their health & general wellbeing.

Razbeg the rescue borzoi (born in 11.06.2009) became a tripawd in 20.09.2018.

He and his adopted "brother" Myrsky have their own facebook page:Razbeg & Myrsky

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14 February 2021 - 11:27 am
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This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write, but Razbeg has gone to the Rainbow Bridge today.

I’m in shock and can’t really comprehend it yet, because it happened so suddenly.

He was fine in the morning. I took him and my other dog out and he was very cheery. But when we were almost back at home, he changed completely. He wanted to lie down and whined quietly. I got him home by supporting him from his harness and once inside, he instantly collapsed to the floor. I checked his gums and they were almost white. We rushed to the emercency room and they took him right in, because his pulse was weak and his heartbeat was irregular. It turned out that he had fluid around the heart and this hampered its ability to pump blood. Considering his medical history, it was most likely that this was caused by tumor. The emercency vet told me that the options were either to perform euthanasia or to drain the fluid and try to find out the exact reason for it. My brains just refused to understand what was happening, I couldn’t understand anything else than the fact that he had been fine just a while ago, that he was a fighter who had already survived many times against all odds, so I asked them to try to drain the fluid. I had to wait for a long time, but when they called, they said that the prognosis was not good. The fluid around his heart was mostly blood. There was a very slim chance that it could have been anything else than tumor-related. I could have left him to ICU and they could have made more tests next day, but it would not have been fair to him. Treating his condition would have required vast operations and the prognosis would still not have been good. He was over 11 years, almost 12, a tripawd, and cancer patient -it just would not have been fair, so I had to let him go.

I was able to spend some time with him alone. He was weak and I knew this was the right decision. I gently petted him while he passed away.

I have cried and cried, but I still don’t really get it. He was doing so fine, without any symptoms! I’m prone to pessimism, but I really thought he would be here with me longer. I thought when I’d see the first symptoms, that would be the alarm bell. On the other hand, through my sorrow I’m able to understand that this was a good way to go. He didn’t have to suffer long or languish away. I didn’t have to watch his health slowly deteriorating and try to decide when would be the right time to let him go. He was happy and full of life today before it all started and I can always remember him that way.

I want to thank this community for all the support and advices we got along the way. It has been an immense help sp_hearticon2I have told my family what has happened, but I have not been able to share it publicly. I wanted to share the whole story here, however, because everyone here knows how it feels to live in a fear of losing a loved one to cancer and how it feels when that happens. I haven’t been commenting often on other tripawd’s threads, because I sometimes feel insecure expressing myself in English, but I have cried every time a tripawd has crossed the Bridge. Now it was Razbeg’s turn. Tonight I’ll lit a candle to Razbeg and all the other tripawds who have passed away.

 Razbeg today at our walk

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Razbeg the rescue borzoi (born in 11.06.2009) became a tripawd in 20.09.2018.

He and his adopted "brother" Myrsky have their own facebook page:Razbeg & Myrsky

New York, NY
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24 March 2020
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14 February 2021 - 1:34 pm
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I am so very sorry for your loss.  Razbeg's story inspired me and gave me hope when Griffin's lung mets were diagnosed because I saw how well Razbeg was living his life with a similar diagnosis.  I learned about different chemo drugs from your experience.  I will always remember how joyful Razbeg was in the videos you shared.  I remember giggling when I thought of how difficult I found it to be keeping up with Griffin's faster tripawd pace knowing I'd have a lot more difficulty if his long legs were even longer like Razbeg's.  You don't need me to tell you that you did everything possible for Razbeg - you know that already.  And in the end, your love for each other won.  I am sending you love and light.  Razbeg lived an amazing life.  May his memory be a blessing. sp_hearticon2

Griffin lived an amazing life for 11 years! Diagnosed with osteosarcoma on March 17, 2020, Griffin's right forelimb was amputated on April 2, 2020. Ten days later he was running and playing fetch! Lung metastasis discovered in July 2020 did not slow down Griffin and he lived joyfully for the next 7 months, passing peacefully at home on February 11, 2021.

On The Road

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14 February 2021 - 4:12 pm
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Oh no! I'm so heartbroken to read this, and very, very sorry. What a horrible, unexpected shock. Hard to even make sense of how things like this happen, I don't think it's possible! I cannot even imagine what you must be going through right now, you have my deepest condolences and hope you can feel the love being sent to you and Myrsky from all of us.

He was taken so suddenly! It's incredibly strong of you to wrap your head around the fact that he didn't suffer or have a long, heartbreaking decline. That is so true, but doesn't make the heartache any easier, of course. It will take you and Myrsky time to adjust and find a new normal. Be good to yourselves and know that you can lean on us anytime.

Razbeg has been a shining light of hope in this community. His graceful, elegant presence and joy for everything in his path always made us smile. That boy didn't let cancer get him down one bit! We will always treasure being part of your life together. When and if you are ready we would enjoy hearing more about your adventures.

Every night, that beautiful swishy tail of his will be spreading stardust around the universe. Angel Razbeg will always be lighting the way for all of us.

P.S. I never suspected that English is not your first language, it's perfect. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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