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30 July 2020 - 10:39 am
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Well  Hazel, what ,the heck is going on swee girl?  Geez!

Soooo glad you are seeing  some improvement!  Such a good sign!!  But yes, the Vet needs to know what's going on!

Yay for eating  her whimzee and dri some water!!  So glad to read that!

Let is know wjat the Vet  says.  And keep calling  if the vet doesn't  call back!  

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Liverpool, UK
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2 May 2020
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1 August 2020 - 5:43 am
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Took Hazel to the vets yesterday.

The vet was really happy with how much the swelling and bruising had calmed down on her side and the lump on her side had reduced in size. After giving Hazel a once over she found quite a few enlarged lymph nodes accross her body and her stomach is quite bloated. Hazel was prescribed more omeprazole to help with her nausea and a diuretic to help with the fluid build up causing her to have a bloated stomach. However the vet put down the symptoms Hazel was having the other day to essentially the MCT attacking her and that we need to just write it down as a bad day and keep track of it. We're also measuring her tummy to see if she's getting any relief from the bloating or if it's getting any worse. I guess we just start more formally preparing for the end of Hazels life now.

After the vets we stopped at Hazels favourite beach! 


The car park is about a 10 minute walk from the beach itself so we used the wagon to get Hazel down to the shore so she could have fun and didn't have to use her energy up just getting to the shore.

We had such a wonderful visit to the beach, time really just flew by! We stayed there for 2 hours just enjoying the sand and sea. Hazel loved all the smells and the attention she got from being a pampered pooch in her wagon. We even met a fellow 10 year old tripawd called Daisy! This spontaneous trip will really be one of my favourite memories of Hazel. She just turned into the sweetest puppy again. 

We're trying our best to make every day as wonderful as possible for Hazel. She really deserves it.

nyoom sp_hearticon2

Liverpool, UK
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2 May 2020
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1 August 2020 - 5:48 am
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I thought you would want to see the princess in her wagon! 


Liverpool, UK
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1 August 2020 - 5:49 am
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I will treasure this photo of us forever sp_hearticon2


Liverpool, UK
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2 May 2020
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1 August 2020 - 7:21 am
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Here's Hazel and her other mother, they really do have a special connection. sp_hearticon2



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1 August 2020 - 10:45 am
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OOOOOMMMMMDDDDDD!!!  THESE PICTURES..LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THESE PICTURES!!!!    Yes, definitely sacred treasures!  The one of her sitting in the sand (yes, with the little heart drawn so sweetly) and then her so Happy and pretty in her wagon.......lots of wam6 fuzzies going on in my heart!!!.❤❤

And then the two,of you on the beach with a beautiful  light dancing arou d you from the Heavens and spreading  it's sparkle down into the sea.....beautiful.

I'm so glad Hazel is perking  up.  I bet she's tired today after all the  Vet stuff and having  a HAPPY HAZEL DAY.  That's a good tired though😎   It has to be a bit reassuring  that Hazel was just having a bad day and knowing she  can snap oit of it.  This part of the journey may have some good days and less good days.   And right now the good days are still great quality Happy Hazel days!

PLEASE continue  to shate pictures of her.  We love her dearly and can never get enough Happy Hazel!!!

Extra hugs, love and light

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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1 August 2020 - 3:40 pm
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Oh oh OH! Seeing Hazel out there in the sand and surf just makes me smile BIG smiley4She is so very fortunate to have people who look out for her health and happiness, to make sure that every day counts. What a lovely day at the beach and we are honored to be a part of it.

May I share Hazel's wagon photo in the Tripawds Gallery? It's too precious to keep on IG! 😉 

As for preparing for the day she gets her wings...I know it's hard to prepare for pet loss. But at the same time, it's wise. When that day comes, you won't hurt any less but you will have a plan that helps you keep calm for her sake, so that she knows her favorite people will be OK when she gets her wings. I hope that day is a lonnnnnnng way off though. I'm having so much fun seeing her adventures. What a special girl.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Liverpool, UK
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1 August 2020 - 5:59 pm
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I'm so glad you enjoy the photos! sp_hearticon2

Yes I'd love it if you included Hazel in the tripawds gallery! Feel free to use any of our Instagram posts smiley4

We had such a fun time and Hazel was just totally blissed out hopping along on the sand. She really does love the beach sp_hearticon2

Have a bonus beach video! 


We're making every day a happy Hazel day and trying our best to capture every moment!

nyoom sp_hearticon2

Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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1 August 2020 - 7:34 pm
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Spectacular photos!  She is such a beautiful girl.

When Maggie was diagnosed with her second cancer and I decided not to do any aggressive treatment I defined what her minimum life quality would be.  She had a variety of health challenges at this point so I had to be careful about defining quality for her.  For example, she had renal failure so she was reluctant to eat- so I couldn't use her apatite as a gauge.  Based on the cancer, a oral melanoma on her upper jaw, I knew that the tumor would eventually break into her upper jaw and become painful.  Maggie did not to well on pain meds, she got very agitated, and since her kidneys were bad and her liver was suspect (due to mast cell cancer) there were not a lot of options there anyway.  I knew one signal that we were at the end would be when she needed pain meds for the cancer.

I wrote down my decision making process, both for end of life decisions as well as my decision not to do any more aggressive treatments.  I found out from the vet what the process would be when I felt the time had come.

Then I tried to put that out of my mind and I focused on making every day Maggie's very best day. 

Here's hoping there are lots and lots and lots of beach days in Hazel's future!

Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo


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1 August 2020 - 10:08 pm
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Hazel clearly loves standing  in the waves as they ge tly go in a d out arou d her.    Just like a little kid she was enthralled with all the sensations  of the water and the sand flowing arou d her.

And then when she decided  to lay down....OMD!!  Priceless!!   Definitely  another Hapoh Hazel moment t!! 😀She was the only one having a joyous time.  Listening  to her two favorite hoomans  laughing and giggling  at seeing Hazel have such a good time was also priceless!!😎

Yes, seeing Hazel totally blissed♥️. lit up our world!  A perfect description!

MORE!!!!  What else is on Happy Hazel's daily bucket list?  Perhaps some ice cream and certainly  more Starbucks topped off with a Ribeye steak perhaps?Do you love near the Beach?  Perhaps more beach trips and a nice snooze in the sand,

Smooch that beautiful  mug for us.😘

Extra hugs 

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Liverpool, UK
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2 May 2020
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3 August 2020 - 5:43 pm
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We've made the decision. Hazel will be going to the rainbow bridge this week. 

She hasn't been fully herself since friday and each perioid of laboured breathing, toileting inside, refusing food and not responding to her name is getting longer. She still has moments where she's happy Hazel but I know that's her putting on a brave face for me. I don't want things to progress to the point they were before the amputation, it just wouldn't be fair to her. She doesn't lay down to be comfortable, she flops down because shes exhausted. I know it's time because once I said it out loud I felt sad not because I was worried about it being too soon but because I had the realisation that it was the right choice. 

Luckily her vets practice is about 10 minutes away from her favourite beach. We even drive past a starbucks to get there so we can definitely make sure she has at least one more puppaccino and a play in the sand and sea. sp_hearticon2

Thanks to Tripawds I was able to make the decision to go through with the amputation for Hazel. This gained us 2 glorious pain free months, it's time we took the last of her pain away. 

Cuddle your loved ones close and give them a kiss from me and Hazel. 

nyoom sp_hearticon2

On The Road

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3 August 2020 - 10:36 pm
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Awwwwww I'm really so sorry to hear this. It's so darn hard to make that decision but it definitely sounds like your gut instinct is closely aligned with Hazel's wishes. If only they could live forever. 

Know that we are keeping you in our hearts and sending much, much love for a week filled with eternal love, and bucket list memories to last a lifetime. Please reach out and let us know how things are going, but spend time with Hazel above everything else. She's such a special girl, and clearly sent to look out for you. And in so many ways, she will still have that job in eternal fashion after she transitions over. 


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Liverpool, UK
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2 May 2020
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5 August 2020 - 12:28 pm
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Hazel grew her wings at 11:15 this morning.
We had a wonderful last walk at the beach, she was given all the love and treats.
Thank you Hazel for 3 years of love and companionship sp_hearticon2 you really were the goodest girl.
Heaven just welcomed its stinkiest angelsp_hearticon2

Member Since:
29 March 2020
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6 August 2020 - 10:52 am
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My heart goes out to you Nyoom and Hazel!!  I read all of your posts and saw all of the beautiful pictures of Hazel (and you!), and I see that she is clearly loved beyond words.  Nyoom, you show your love for Hazel in every word you write.  Treasure her forever....she is still with you.  Hazel will help you make the decision on who she thinks will be your best therapy dog...she'll guide you.  I, too, wish our babies would live forever.  I hold hope that I will see all of my dogs that have earned their wings someday!  I am sorry for the pain you're probably feeling.  I guess it's the price we pay for giving our hearts to our fur babies.  I hold you in my prayers sp_hearticon2

On The Road

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6 August 2020 - 1:14 pm
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We saw this news and our hearts sank. Our deepest condolences to you and the pack, we are so very, very sorry her time came.

Even though we knew it was coming, thanks to your preparedness, it's hard knowing that another member of the Tripawds family has gone to heaven. We grieve with three community losses today (Lila, Grover and now Hazel). Each one of these dogs so special, so one of a kind, they can never be replaced or forgotten. Hazel as the eldest, reigned over all. Sweet Queen Tripawd girldog!

Your sweet Hazel had quite a life because of all you did for her. That sweet grey muzzle of hers, and lovely attitude about everything, it's the kind of senior Tripawd dog story that proves amputation isn't the end of the road. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey together, and share her story with the world so that others will feel less alone and hopeful when their senior dog is facing the same situation.

Please know we are keeping a candle lit for your girl, and holding her memory close in our hearts. I suspect that she, Lila and Grover are at the Bridge with one heck of a welcoming party. Tripawd Angels live on forever. 

Run free Hazel, we shall meet in another time and place someday and smooch your pretty face with kisses. 


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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