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Harry the Cat - Just Diagnosed (Hi)
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4 November 2016
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12 November 2016 - 9:18 am
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I'm still so new to the forum and the support from everyone is so AMAZING.

I want to know all your stories, in the hope I can contribute something to this wonderful community, too.

The first days one is just so overwhelmed by the events to ask and receive answers only. Thankfully I now calmed down enough to find time and inner peace to take a look at the journeys of those who all welcomed me so cordially!

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2 October 2016
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12 November 2016 - 12:50 pm
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Yeah, It must have been a treck to get through this whole topic, for sure! I appreciate the interest. I have a blog that's a bit more concise:

But I guess that's a bit late, now 😛

I started it before I realized that tripawds has free blog options, so it's not hosted by this site >.< 

You don't have to worry about "paying back" or anything like that. I think everyone here knows how emotional, and confusing, this entire thing can be and just wants to provide the support they needed, and likely got from this wonderful place, to others who are facing this. It feels good to be able to comfort in return. And also to help each other celebrate the positives!

It's wonderful that you're already at the wanting to support others stage. I am only just getting there, a month in. Lol. For what felt like ages it was ALL about Harry for me...not just on this website :P. I have some slight anxiety issues >_> I still can't go around the loss related areas just yet. . . although I expect I will need them some day. You have a generous soul! And you DO contribute, by sharing your story. Since I've been coming here it seems (fortunately and unfortunately) that there have been a significant number of cats and their people joining up. The positive side of that is that it means lots of resources for new tripawd cat-people in the future. That alone is helpful. But your reading of others' journeys is also appreciated!

I found that reading the blogs of other cats who had moved past healing and were getting on with their happy kitty lives, was very comforting when I was worried - to see how well they had adjusted. Plus, pictures of adorable cats are always soothing.

On The Road

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12 November 2016 - 1:14 pm
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inkpot said's not hosted by this site >.< 

No offense taken... winker
Though all Tripawds Blogs do have the option for importing posts from other platforms! way-cool

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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12 November 2016 - 1:42 pm
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Oooh, I didn't know that! I'll look at getting one set up then 🙂 I was too lazy to c/p the whole thing. 

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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12 November 2016 - 3:10 pm
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Any questions? Just ask in the Technical Support forum! Check out the "Tools" video from the help Videos tab in your blog dashboard for tips to migrate blog posts from other platforms.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
2 October 2016
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2 January 2017 - 2:09 pm
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Hi Everyone

It's been a while and I just wanted to say happy holidays from Harry and Me 🙂 We're still doing great, three months on. Harry's almost got all his fur back and is living life pretty much as before. It still shocks me how far we've come since October, when I think about it. The weight loss plan is not going great............he's actually gained a few ounces in the past few weeks thanks to holiday treats, I think (haven't we all) and that's noticeably slowing him down, so we're back in no treatsville for a while. Some things he's mastered:

Cleaning the right side of his face against furniture or using his hind leg. 

Sitting up on his hind legs to use his one foreleg 

Not jumping up on things he can't get down from

I still worry like crazy any time I notice the smallest difference, and have moments of fear about his death, but it makes me appreciate the positives and probably pay him more mindful attention than I would have otherwise. 

Some recent pics <3 :

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2 January 2017 - 3:01 pm
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Merry Christmas , Happy Holidays  and Happy New you ,to you guys too!

Good to hear from you!

Glad to see Harry looking so handsome !

He is using his core muscles go Harry😍 

It's the best to see them get back to doing all the normal cat things in a new way! 

The weight loss is so hard in cats , just keep trying and get back on track. We are still working on Purrkins and his brothers weight and its no fun for any of us! Cats and weight loss is a Long painstaking process .ugh Dogs were so much easier. 

Keep enjoying and spoiling Harry give him a chin scratch from us!


Holly & Purrkinsheart

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2 January 2017 - 3:18 pm
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I'm so happy to hear Harry is doing well. He likes the same feather wand that Mona likes to play with. Only thing is that Mona likes to play on her side. She's a bit lazy I think except will chase a laser light but takes many breaks when doing so.

As for Harry's weight... Cats need to lose weight slowly. I weigh out my cat's kibble every day and put a bit aside to use for "snacks" during the day. They are happy with those at a different time of day and I suppose they feel like a treat. Sometimes when my male is trying to convince me he needs a snack I brush him or play with him instead and that satisfies him. I think sometimes I misread him that he actually wants attention and not food.

Congratulations Harry for being a Master Tripawd!!

Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona

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2 January 2017 - 7:01 pm
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Thanks, guys! 🙂 

Harry likes lying on his side to play as well. Usually he'll start out up and pouncy and then get lazy and flop on his back or side and wait for me to bring the play to him. 

Also, thanks for the tip about spreading out his usual food instead of doing actual treats. Harry is on a prescribed amount of food, but we've even cut that back a bit because it stopped doing the trick. He's mostly on wet food, because he prefers it and is spoiled...but also because he had some teeth removed last year. But he does have a quarter cup of kibble each day, which I could save a bit from for treats in future. 


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2 January 2017 - 7:42 pm
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WONDERFUL UPDATE ON HANDSOME HARRY!!! His poctures are zdoravle! And his lrogress is SPECTACULAR!!

HARRY, continue to demand being spoiled with treats! You deserve it!!

Thanks for the great update!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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2 January 2017 - 8:12 pm
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Oh sweet Sally, always siding with the pets while the mamas are trying to help their kitty keep the weight down. laughing Or siding with dogs when mamas want to trim their bloomers. (Did you notice that Mona voted?) This is why everyone wants to be your pet exclamation

Back to Harry. I even have my cats convinced that if I throw their kibble down on the floor then it's special. And a kibble or 2 on my bed? Extra delicious. Eli even likes eating one kibble at a time from my fingers. All of these kibbles are part of their daily allowance but they don't know that. I think they really love the attention the most.

Mona lost .5 kg in a year without even trying. I'm sure Harry will lose more than that. There's no problem with him eating wet food. If you are concerned about the brand you can compare the different kinds for calorie, fat and fibre to find what will work for him.


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2 January 2017 - 8:38 pm
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KERRE !! LOL!! Yes, I saw Mona's vote! Just more proof she's a very smart kitty...who has some doggy dna somewhere in her kitty jeans! 🙂

A d I loooove your technique of making feeding Eli and Mona their food, a very speciw and exciting adventure!!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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2 April 2013
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2 January 2017 - 8:53 pm
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Harry!  It looks like he's doing wonderfully! clapAny exercise is good, and it took time to heal first, right?  lol  He looks great!!


Donna, Glenn & Murphy 

Murphy had his right front leg amputated due to histiocytic sarcoma at 7 years old. He survived 4 years, 2 months & 1 week, only to be taken by hemangiosarcoma at 11 1/2 years 6/12/17  
Read about Murphy's Life on Three Legs


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5 January 2017 - 8:51 pm
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😀 Thanks for the love and support, everyone. You're all so positive and wonderful. Harry is on Hill's prescription something or other. Not the diet diet one, because he wont eat it, but the digestive/weight management one. I think it's pretty high quality...based on the million dollars a month it costs me. But he's worth it, my little tub. 

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5 January 2017 - 9:43 pm
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I think my cats Eli and Mona were on that one at one time. Mona decided to eat very little of it and Eli ate his and the rest of hers. Needless to say Mona lost wet too rapidly and Eli gained weight. The vet said it was unsafe for her to lose weight so quickly so she went back on her original food, gained a bit and has been quite stable since. Eli continues to ensure her bowl is nice and clean.

I kind of miss Mona's little buddha belly although I know it's best for her. I've noticed she is a little lighter on her feet.

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